

Back at Hogwarts, I realised that I was too bored to go back to the things I'd been doing. And after looking at the pile of proposals and flow charts that hadn't even been processed yet, I decided to give up for a year or two, since there was enough to go around. That's enough for a long time. And the other Shards will give me a lot of interesting information on various technologies.

For example, a cold fusion energy reactor and an engine to fly into space on it. And that would be a breakthrough, gentlemen and ladies, and a global one at that. But in the meantime... we have to wait for the technology and my finances to come along, because the funds we have now are still insufficient. And most of the productions that are already up and running, for the most part, only consume resources and generate little profit. But that's just for now...

Sitting at the table I began to read the reports and drink coffee that Elf made for me. And at the same time, with one eye to watch the one little, clawed-toothed, winged baby, who was now chewing lead like gum, while frowning so playfully...

Shaking his head, he returned to his reports.

The University, as the Gremlins report, is fully completed and ready to receive students, which, incidentally, has not been seen. Despite the fact that the university is new and not yet known. But! The collographs of our teachers have already made their presence felt, bringing enormous attention to the fact that they can really teach a lot.

The squib school is also progressing. My clone, who in his adult form is Naruto, not only manages to handle things as Rector, but has already written down several tutorials on Chakra, its activation and use, as well as making a bunch of scrolls with techniques. Of course, almost all are E and D ranks, but for now that's plenty enough, because for starters the squibs need to be shown that they can become alternative wizards rather than ballast in the magical world. It has also been revealed that some of the squibs are incapable of awakening chakra. And Archibald, the young Archimage, had done research with those squibs and issued the conclusion that the Wizards of England were complete degenerates and retards. Those squibs had a Gift, and what a Gift! The main reason for this was that the magicians and wizards were scientists who trained their energy management with the approach of analysis, formulas, and calculations, and also trained their magic core to increase the efficiency of the energy channeling and its conductivity. And those squibs, according to Archibald's conclusion, are Warlocks. Warlocks, are not Evil, as is commonly believed in society. Warlocks are the same wizards and sorcerers, except their approach to the magical arts does not suit Warlocks at all. After all, those have no magical core or channels within them, per se, in principle. Surprising? But it is. A magician and a Sorcerer are both capable of magic, but on entirely different principles. A mage uses core and energy channels, formulas and patterns, while sorcerers... those are more magical. They work magic by manifesting their energy body. Like werewolves, they only turn around, inside themselves, becoming a semi-energetic form of life. This second form is how they directly interact with the world around them, creating magic. Initially a magician is not different from a human, but as they reach a certain age, their second hypostasis becomes active. In this case, their magic is so strong that it would make any wizard's hair and beard stand on end.

A wizard is the one who makes the magic. A Sorcerer is a guide. It's hard to explain. But I told you as best I could.

And so, I was given a request to hire another teacher. At the very least. A sorcerer. And an experienced one at that. And I was even offered a candidate. To which I agreed. Now they're adding basement and hall space to the main body of the University to train Warlocks. Also, separate dormitories are being created for them. Since mages won't understand why some squib is studying with them. And you can't get it into that mage's head that when a warlock reveals himself, he can drive a mage into the ground, into the very core of the planet, without having to strain himself. Unless, of course, it's a master and above.

He finished his paperwork, grabbed the slumbering dragon in his arms, and moved to his room, where he collapsed into bed, nearly crushing the baby.

And if anyone sees the dragon, you ask? Let them. Newborn dragons can turn into statues. My little dragon, on the other hand, is capable of becoming like a toy and hiding his energy completely. So - I will be an eccentric baby with a dragon-shaped toy.


The next morning, crawling out of my room with a stuffed dragon under my arm, I caused a real furor and an explosion of indignation. But I didn't really care.

Walking through the bathroom door that had appeared, I showered, brushed my teeth and looked at my face and exhaled longingly.

- Boy, you're a pain in the ass, aren't you? I mean, in Nirne, I've been fighting a god for half a millennium. Then you escaped. Showed up in the new world, got involved in that war, though yes, I was left with no choice as I ended up in the main character's carcass... then sacrificed myself so that my family could survive. And she survived. And you managed to survive, even though you had to be without memory and a ghost for a while, but you still came back. To realise that you were just a shard of the essence of the Core.

I think a lot of shards, when they find out they're just a shard, go crazy for a while. And no wonder they became Dark Lords and the like. However, all of us, when we came to that world, saw the Core. Envied it, and then began to feel its happiness. Got his memories of his son, his wife... and humbled ourselves by going between worlds. Some stayed there, asleep forever and content with the memory of the base and other shards. And some... seek adventure on their backsides. And they do, and what they find... and I'm one of the last.

He was in my room after finishing his morning toilet, so I went into the living room and got dressed, still in the same blue dragon pajamas, with a stuffed dragon under my arm. My reputation would have to change decently to survive.

I dressed in my apprentice clothes and headed off to breakfast, where I found two sophomores talking about the Forbidden Corridor. They were so full of mystery and treasure that if I'd really been a kid, I'd have been creeped out. And that paper at Hagrid's... thought-provoking.

Especially the conversation between Granger and the redhead, who everyone had already put down as a couple, but they denied it. Heh. And so the pair were discussing as if the Potions Professor is a Death Eater and wants to steal what's hidden there from the forbidden corridor.

Shaking his head, he finished his pumpkin porridge and drank his tea and toast before heading to the transfiguration class.

The class was going on as usual. This class was no longer about turning a match into a needle, but about transforming a wooden ball into a ball.

To be honest, I have no idea who might need it, so I just turned one into the other in the blink of an eye, got my faculty points from McGonagall, and was now just sitting in my trousers, looking at Hermione puffing in my direction. She was outraged that I'd beaten her to the conversion.

When the lesson was over, we headed off to the next one, where we were greeted by the outstretched hem of Snape's black cloak. He looked at us as if we were an unavoidable evil, handed out the recipe and ingredients, and instructed us to make a potion for acne.

Here, as usual, I stood out and brewed a completely different potion than Snape demanded of me. I brewed a general skin cleanser. And when the professor snapped at me about it being the wrong potion, I just shrugged and said that it was a general skin cleansing potion and could remove not only acne, but many other skin conditions, including burns. The professor didn't believe me and somehow managed to test the composition and was deeply shocked at the effect. After all, what I had told him about the potion was an undeniable fact.

You should have seen the look on his face when he gave us the points... he was probably not used to doing it. And I was expected to work out. The master could not understand how I could brew the potion with the existing ingredients.

Before I gave him the recipe, I would have to make a contract based on the fact that he would have to pay me fifty percent of the profits if he tried to sell it or if he tried to license it to me. Or I will sue him.

All through class, and especially at lunch, everyone looked at me like I was crazy because I carried my toy everywhere. But what got to everyone was that I put it down on the floor under the table and fed it by throwing something yummy under the table.

And there were even more whispers that the food I gave him disappeared to an unknown destination. But it was blamed on the house elves.

I was not, to my own surprise, called to the principal's office. I guess the fact that I was lugging around a toy didn't raise any questions with the headmaster. And the toy's complete immunity to magic was either overlooked or ignored. Which I don't really believe...

And in the evening, when I returned after supper, I was faintly surprised that it was my ladder that stood in the passage to the forbidden corridor. And was in no hurry to leave. I was about to order the lock to move it into position when I heard two boys and a girl talking in the corridor. And they were seriously discussing how to get around Cerberus.

And I recognised the voices. With my hearing and chakra amplification, it was no problem. Granger, Ron Weasley and Neville. And if this bunch were to go into the corridors and to the mirror, it was clearly not going to end well...

Sighing, he stepped down the slightly dusty stone floor of the forbidden corridor. Gotta get this company out of there.

I was a little short of time, however, as when I was halfway to the right door, I heard a musical instrument and the trio jumping down the hatch.

As I flew into the room I stared at the sleeping dog and the hatch on the floor.

- Well, what the hell am I supposed to do? - I mumbled thoughtfully into the void, imagining what Quirrell would do to them at the end of the journey. Namely the part of Tom Riddle's spirit in him. After all, it was that part of Volodya's essence that I had yet to give back to the new and incarnate Riddle. Ambush...

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