

Jumping down the hatch, I found myself on the floor of the corridor with the remains of a plant that was struggling to regenerate.

I shook my head at this barbarism and continued on my way, soon encountering a room with the distinct scent of Troll. Except he wasn't there himself. What had these monsters done to the beast? But a closer inspection showed that the beast had not been here for some time. So it's most likely the room of the local idi... heroes, met exactly the same way as me.

Next was a room with a bunch of flying keys and missing heroes there. Fast they were, however...

I didn't look for the right key, but simply walked through the door, applying immateriality. I did find the first deb... hero. The redhead was lying next to the chess pieces smashed into rubble. Wounded. I summoned my elf and sent him with the body to Pomfrey the witch. She would certainly take care of him. I moved on and just now noticed a strange thing. Why can't I catch up with them? I'm walking pretty fast, and my reaction time, as a shinobi and beyond, is very good. So why am I late if they just walked in? Something's not right here...

The passageway appeared to be open and I walked on, where I found Hermione and Longbottom. Except right now, Neville walked through the flames, leaving Granger behind him. And I did notice the thinnest and strangest weave that enveloped me for a moment in the doorway. Threads of time. They held me back and stopped my time. Albeit briefly, it was enough for the children to travel far enough. But why did this magic only work on me? A flash of pure mana with a touch of Entropy, shattered the threads before they sent me briefly unconscious again.

Before she could even turn around, I sent her into a dream world with a couple of strokes to the neck. And again to Pomfrey and the elf.

Then walked over to the flames and dotted the floor where it was burning, creating a passageway into the room with the protagonists. True, in a bit of a revision. Somehow, instead of an all-British hero, there was Neville and Quirrell, who, with all the worries, had somehow been forgotten about...

Neville was lying unconscious on the floor, and the stink of decay and garlic was doing something to the mirror.

I shrugged, applied the shunshin, and literally knocked Quirrell into the mirror, applying the Call of Souls Cairn in the same instant.

I was thrown away from the mage, but he was unable to build on his success as Draco's huge, slimy paw burst out of the smoothness of the huge mirror and grabbed the receptacle of Voland and, unresponsive to his resistance, dragged him into his realm. The realm of dead souls. I was the one who asked the guardian for the special maintenance of the corpse and the two souls who had settled in it. Soon the Guardian of Cairn will return a shard of Voldemort to me, but it will be a much longer time in Cairn than in this reality.

The mirror, which, in fact, should have crumbled into shards from such barbarism, was still intact. Except for the fact that there were circles of grey mist rolling across the mirror. Then, two pebbles flew out of the mirror. A bright red one the size of a walnut and a black one the size of a pea.

Picking up the parcel from Cairn, I turned around to leave the room and was met with a serious look from Dumbledore, who was glaring at me after removing his disillusionment spell.

- Harry..." pointing his wand, he tried to say something, but I suddenly realized that the game was over. Though I should have finished it earlier, instead of hoping for something. Still, I'm still too good a person at heart. It was time to change that. And so I instantly moved to the side in a flash of flame, dodging the red paralysis ray and sending fireballs with both hands towards the old mage, which shattered on the defences he had put up, but this allowed me to get behind him and strike just one blow. Not a strong one, you could even say that I just touched him with my finger... which was shrouded in a blob of primordial darkness.

- Time to end this ridiculous game, Dumbledore," I said to his back, which stiffened at my touch. Yeah, no mage can match the speed of a shinobi in principle. They can speed themselves up, and even apparate, but... even spells are unlikely to give them the speed to surpass elite chakra assassins at that. And now Dumby was standing with his back to me, paralyzed and unable to move an eye, while the circle of the intricate pentagram flared a lilac colour beneath him.

- If you dream so much of world peace, the Common Good and the like, then come to know the very light that you have so strived for with your speeches. Beneath you now unfolds a displacement circle attuned to you. And it will take you to a place where this light and order are so abundant that there is no room for dreams, luck, freedom or will. Farewell, bright wizard Dumbledore, meet the World you have dreamed of so much.

Just before the spell was cast, I snatched his elder stick from the old goat's hand and turned around and walked towards the exit. And at the very exit I heard a clap of space closing behind my back...


Dumbledore, paralyzed, found himself in a strange street. Perfect paving stones underfoot, perfect houses on the sides, everything around him perfectly the same. And grey faces of people walking past. With poker-faced eyes. Perfectly built, perfectly moving, perfectly talking dolls. So it seemed to him at first glance, and at second glance, too. He, feeling Harry Potter's curse letting go of him, at the same time could not recover from the shock of how easily he had been defeated by the boy he had thought to be a pawn. And he turned out to be a Player. And an incredibly strong and fast wizard.

But before the boy could even begin to move, an angel appeared in front of him, in a flash of light. Exactly as he had been described in the Bible, which Dumbledore, despite being a wizard, had read.

A tall blond man with the perfect body of a track and field athlete, dressed in a strange toga and gold breastplate. With hair as white as the primordial snow and golden eyes. Behind his back were two folded snow-white wings, and in his hand he clutched the hilt of a straight, as if cast from shining silver. But no sooner had the old schemer uttered a word than the angel's sword flashed, and a decapitated body fell to the floor of the street, on which the winged man looked squeamishly.

- The wretched unimportant ones! - He grinned into the air, his face twisted in disdain. - How dare you enter the Seal of Order!

A second swing and a portal opened before the angel, into which he kicked the old man's decapitated body and then the head. With a flick of his hand he destroyed the traces of blood on the perfect paving of the street and then stepped after the remains to punish the one who had dared to disturb the eternal peace of their world, but no sooner had he taken a full step into the portal than he was literally thrown back, the same body of the old man, dragged down the street for five meters and only then could he stop, looking with outright hatred into the portal.

- Yare-yare! Angels of Order were not invited here! - The ArchiDevil waving from the portal, dressed in a classic suit and waving a cane in his hand, answered him. - Bye-bye!

In the next instant the portal slammed shut, destroyed by a blast of Chaos from the other side, causing a powerful flash of distortion from the city of Order to finally and irrevocably erase the coordinates of the world from which such a nasty looking old man had emerged.

But the angel remembered the demon, and also captured the soul of the old mage he had beheaded. And now he has something to report to the seraphim and the source. Such a breach must be punished...

End of retreat

Next chapter