
The Healer Prince : HOTD SI

Author: Drkest
Ongoing · 1.3M Views
  • 65 Chs
  • 3.6
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  • NO.200+

Born at the height of Targaryen power without any power to his name, Aenys Targaryen was the Third son of Baelon Targaryen, brother to Viserys and Daemon. A student reborn with only vague memories of the tragedy that lay ahead, will he be able to change fate, or will the retaliation by the gods leave the world in an even more horrid state.

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Chapter 1Chapter 1- RETURN FROM EXILE


Viserys Targaryen sat in the council room. His mood was elated and jubilant from the latest news from the master. He could feel it. This would be the time. His dream would finally come true. The gods had tested him enough. This time they would bless him with a son. Aemma, the love of his life, was once more with a child.

This was her fifth pregnancy within the last decade. He loved his daughter Rhaeneyra, yet the question regarding succession had plagued him and the realm. As much as he loved Daemon, he was not blind to his faults. Remembering Daemon made Viserys remember a name he had long forgotten. Daemon was not the only brother he had. His thoughts were interrupted by the voice of his Master of Laws.

Lord Lyonel Strong was a big man. Many would consider him a brute because of his stature, yet that would not be further from the truth. The man had spent his early days at the citadel and had even forged a chain, yet had left it for he felt his heart could not settle on being a master.

"Your Grace, I have a suggestion to make." The man said hesitatingly. The members of the council were all still present. Viserys motioned for the man to continue.

"Your grace with The Queen pregnant once more. And with all the previous misfortunes, perhaps we should make a bit extra effort in this instance," Viserys stared at the man. Any other time he would have admonished the man uttering such ominous words but a part of him was more concerned for his dear Aemma.

The previous losses had been hard for her. They had left her devastated and debilitated.

"What are you suggesting, Lord Strong?" he questioned the man. Lord Lyonel Strong did not speak up immediately. The man took his time and after some time he stared straight at Viserys and said in a very serious tone.

"Perhaps we shall end the exile of Prince Aenys."

The council chambers were silent after those words. Viserys noted the slight tensing of the shoulders of his Hand. Aenys Targaryen was the exiled Prince. The third-born son to Baelon and Alyssa Targaryen. Brother to Viserys and Daemon Targaryen. He was the perfect blend of the two brothers. Many had expected him to never see past his first nameday. Yet he had beaten the odds. The babe had grown into a healthy boy. Viserys often missed the witty remarks of his brother. Many a time he had considered penning a letter and ending the exile yet for whatever reason he would never go through with it.

Aenys Targaryen, the brilliant prince, had been able to tell of their father's disease. He had begged their grandfather to let him treat their father. He had raged and begged to be given a chance. A chance so he could save their father. Yet The Old King had called him naïve and dismissed the notion. And then as per their his brother's words. Their father had died of a burst belly, writhing and shouting in pain on his bed.

Aenys had barged into the Old King's chambers and had raged at him. The Old King had listened calmly at first yet without the calming presence of his wife the King had gotten enraged and in his rage had exiled the young prince.

"I have heard about the Prince from some maesters at the citadel and they concur that they have not seen a more brilliant and innovative healer than him. Perhaps, you should call him back this time," Lord Strong finished.

Viserys thought about those words. He stared at his Hand. Otto Hightower hesitated for a moment before he spoke up.

"The Prince, was exiled by The Old King for his disrespect and unfounded allegations. Yet the real reason for not reversing that exile was how he claimed a dragon. The King had forbidden him from taking any dragon. Yet he defied those orders and claimed a dragon."

But Otto's words were cut off by Lord Strong once more.

"King Jaehaerys forbade him from claiming any of the Tame Dragons, yet the Prince did not claim any of the tame dragons. He claimed a wild dragon. So technically he did not go against the Old King's orders," Lord Strong finished with a smile. The reasoning made even Viserys smile a little, and he looked towards Runciter, who, after thinking for a while, nodded his head.

"The Prince has made quite a name for himself. I have heard that the Sealord of Bravos gave him ten times his wife's weight in gold for saving her and their child. Similar sums have been gifted to him by various other Magisters and Princes. I have heard that he plans to build a sort of citadel, but just focused on healing in Bravos," His Master of Ships, Lord Corlys, spoke up. The man was quite aware of the ongoing of the other Kingdoms due to the mercantile nature of his endeavors.

"While Prince Aenys may have been wrong in what he did. Five years of exile are more than enough punishment. The young prince had just lost his father. He was angry and distraught. Perhaps we should extend forgiveness and let the bygones be bygones." The aged Lord Beesbury spoke up.

Viserys thought about their words. Fate had presented him with a chance. Perhaps he should take it. After thinking for a moment, he turned towards his Hand.

"Write a letter and send it to my brother, they are right enough time has passed. It is time that he returns to his family."

Otto nodded his head at his command.

"As you command your grace," the man said gracefully. And Viserys got up from his chair and began to walk out of the chambers. He passed through the throne room with various servants bowing to him as he moved past the hallway and through the corridor.

He reached the Queen's chambers. Two of the Kingsguard were guarding the door. Viserys opened the door and entered the chambers. And as soon he had entered the room, his eyes landed on the form of his wife. Her hair was tied in an elaborate braid. The small amount of light coming through the window hit her face at just the right angle.

She turned to look at him, and all his worried left him as he saw the smile stretch across her face.

"Viserys! Is the council meeting finished?" she asked him lightly. Viserys made his way toward her. He sat beside her and took her hand in his own and kissed it.

"Yes, the meeting is over," he replied to her earlier question. He placed his hand over her belly. It was still flat.

"I can not wait for the birth of our son," he said truthfully. Aemma laughed slightly at his words

"How can you be sure that this will be a son," she asked.

"I can feel it. It will be a boy this time," he said with conviction.

"Well, the Maesters just came in, and according to them, everything is fine," she informed him in a serious tone. However, her tone became quite somber with her next words.

"But they said the same thing every time," And Viserys could notice the anxiety and fear behind those words. He tightened his grip on her hand.

"I have something to tell you regarding that. Lord Strong made a suggestion in the council meeting about my brother," he began.

"A suggestion about Daemon," Aemma asked for clarification. Viserys shook her head at her words.

"No, he made a petition to end Aenys' exile, and after some deliberation, I decided in favor of it. Aenys is going to come back," he finished. Aemma and Aenys had been somewhat close. Both of them had an appreciation of ancient tomes.

He saw her smile slightly at the news. Perhaps he should have done it years ago.

"It will be good to have him back. I don't think Rhaenyra even remembers him. She was quite young when he left," she added.

Viserys nodded at her words. Yes, it would be difficult for Rhaeneyra to remember him. Yet Aenys had not forgotten about her. Even in exile, a special package had arrived on the docks carrying a gift for his daughter.

"Have you told Daemon?" Aemma suddenly asked and Viserys shook his head.

"No. Not yet. He was not present for the meeting,"

"You should. He will be happy to hear the news," she said yet Viserys shook his head at that.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that." Because if there was one thing Viserys knew about his brother was that nothing was certain when it came to Daemon Targaryen.



Many people thought that their whispers could not be heard. That the words uttered in hushed tones did not reach his ears. They thought him oblivious to their japes and insults. Yet they were wrong. So very wrong. Daemon Targaryen was not as oblivious to the rumors surrounding him as people thought. He was more than aware of the plots and schemes that were hatched in the Red Keep.

Perhaps more aware than his brother. His brother though not blind to these plots, paid them no heed. Paid no heed to the vultures that had surrounded him. Daemon made his way through the castle gates, the servants bowed to him as he passed by them. A couple of maids giggled when he smiled at them.

He walked through the corridor and just as he was about to head towards the council chambers, he saw the form of one of the greatest thorns in his side. Otto Hightower, Hand of the King. The second son who rose higher than he had any right to. The man who occupied the office that Daemon deserved. The same man who had convinced Viserys to strip him of his title as the Master of Laws. An absolute cunt of a man.

The man stood conversing with his daughter, Alicent Hightower. The girl was comely enough with her brown locks and angled face. The girl was a constant companion to his niece, and Daemon thought about her age and found himself thinking about her match. The girl. No, the Lady spotted him from the corner of her eye and curtsied.

"My prince," she said with a light bow, and Daemon saw her father spot him as well. Daemon had a smirk on his face as he looked at Otto's daughter for some time, he could see Otto squirm a bit.

"My Lady," Daemon bowed as well, not paying any respect to her father, who was still slightly tense.

"It is good that you are here Prince Daemon. But I am afraid you are quite late, the small council meeting has already ended," Otto spoke up from the side. Daemon had not missed the lack of a greeting.

"Well, I was quite busy with my duties as The Commander of the city watch. I am sure there was nothing significant to discuss in the meeting," Daemon said, finally looking at the King's Hand. Otto Hightower stood there imperiously; the badge of the Hand of the King pinned to his doublet. His rightful position, Daemon thought.

"On the contrary, my prince, a topic of significance was brought up." The man spoke up with a slight smirk. Daemon did not miss the slightly haughty tone.

"And what was it, has the King finally decided to listen to the Master of Ships and start a campaign in the Stepstones," Daemon spoke nonchalantly. By this time, lady Alicent had escaped to the hallway.

"No, the Kind wished to maintain a healthy relationship with the Triarchy, the matter discussed was more of a personal nature," Otto spoke with a smirk and his words made Daemon narrow his eyes slightly. There were only a few personal matters to discuss at a council meeting.

"As per the council's recommendation, the King has decided to end the exile of his brother. The crown is inviting Prince Aemon back to his birthplace," and the words made Daemon gnash his teeth slightly.

The news had been a welcome one. Daemon had asked Viserys to do the same yet his brother had not taken his words seriously. 'Council's recommendation'. And everyone knew who did the Council represent. His brother had rubbished his words yet he had listened to the words of the council, words from his Hand.

Daemon could feel his temper flare, yet he did not let it show as he spoke up.

"Then this good news. It seems that my brother has finally decided to listen to my words. I believe that the crown has knowledge about my brother's whereabouts."

At this, Otto shook his head, "I am afraid that the crown lacks that knowledge. The King has tasked Lord Corlys to use his connections to deliver the letter to his brother."

"Well, you should tell Lord Corlys to not waste his time. I will talk to my brother about this. I am quite aware of how to reach my brother and would be able to do so much more efficiently," Daemon felt a little bit of joy in seeing Otto hesitate for a moment. The aged man spoke up after a moment.

"Perhaps you would like to share the information with the council," the man spoke up. Dameon just shook his head at that.

"I don't think so. I will take it up with my brother directly."

And with that, Daemon began to walk off. He made his way through the Hall and through the small corridor at the side. His fists clenched as he thought about the smugness in Otto's voice.

'How much more will you spite me, Viserys,' he thought as he made his way towards the King's chambers. He reached the door and saw the two Kingsguard guarding it. He did not give them a chance to react as he pushed the doors open.

He entered his brother's official chamber. His brother was seated on a chair. The marble from the model in front of him glistened with the light. Viserys turned at the sudden interruption.

"I believe I asked, not to be dist…" yet his words stopped as Viserys' eyes spotted him.

"Daemon, what brings you here in such a hurry?" Viserys asked with a frown. The truth was that

Daemon wanted to shout at his brother. Shout and rage at how he had rubbished his words yet had listened to the same words from his council. Rage at how he had still not offered him, the position he so rightfully deserved. Yet somehow, he was able to stop himself. Because a part of Daemon knew that the words would have no effect on his brother. So, he swallowed as he began to speak up.

"I have heard an interesting news," he began and he saw the words register as Viserys began nodding his head.

"Ahh, so you have heard. Yes, I believe that the news is accurate I have decided to pardon our brother. I am going to invite Aenys back to his home." Viserys said with a smile.

"And what brought this change of heart? Because I have been asking you to do the same for years now," Daemon spoke, a little heat leaking into his words.

"Well, Lord Strong made a compelling case, and you had been saying the same thing for years. Moreso, I believe that more than enough time has passed for us to put it all behind us," Viserys spoke up.

Daemon had not missed the hint. Lord Strong had made the petition, not that cunt. Otto had been messing with him. He gritted his teeth as he thought about that insufferable cunt.

"And do you have any idea on how to reach him?" Daemon asked.

"I have entrusted Corlys with the arrangement. I believe he will be able to find him quite quickly," his brother replied.

"Leave it to me. I can reach him faster," Daemon spoke up. And Viserys turned to face him once more. His brother stared at him for some time before he began speaking up once more.

"Another reason for calling him back was because of Aemma's condition. So, if you are just trying to…"

"NO!" Daemon cut his brother off before he could speak any further. Daemon shook his head as he began to speak up once more.

"The last I heard about Aenys was that he was in Qarth. And if you try to contact him, it would be long after the due time. But he once wrote to me that if there was ever an emergency, then I should convey a message to a certain place in Braavos, and he would get back to me with due haste."

And it was true. He was not aware how, yet daemon had a suspicion regarding the means of it yet he did not speak any further. He saw Viserys frowning, and his brother spoke up after some time.

"And why did he not write to me about something like this," his brother said, frown still marring his forehead. Daemon just shrugged at this.

"You will just have to ask him. So, should I deliver the message?"

Viserys thought about it for a moment or so before he spoke up while nodding his head.

"Yes, you should do so. I will tell the Corlys about it tomorrow." Daemon nodded at his brother and walked out of the room.

Inside the chambers, several questions were running through Viserys' mind. One of them being.

"What was Aenys doing in Qarth?"


Aenys was exiled by Jaehaerys. Yet what was the true reason for his exile? More so, why hadn't Viserys called him back earlier? What changes will he bring to the most tumultuous time of The Targaryen dynasty? And what was Aenys doing in Qarth?

So many questions! So many questions!

As always, you can read a couple of chapters ahead and support me on P@tre 0n.

P@tre 0n. com / Drkest

Your support helps me out a lot, so if possible, have a look. :)

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SmutDxddy · Book&Literature
172 Chs
Table of Contents
Volume 1