
Chapter 10

Chapter 10


"I don't get it. Why does he have to return to Bravos?" she frowned as she was by her mother's side. And now, after several weeks, she could finally walk without support. Her mother placed down the letter she had been reading and looked toward her.

"Your uncle has many obligations back in Bravos that he needs to pay attention to. You don't have to worry about me, he believes that the danger has passed, and I am on the road to making a full recovery," her mother assured her.

But Rhaenyra could sense that this wasn't the whole truth. Rhaenyra may be young but she was neither dumb nor deaf. She wasn't blind to the tensions in the council meetings, nor was she deaf to the whispers in the halls of the Red Keep.

"But that isn't all, is it?" she prodded further, and her mother grimaced slightly at her answer. She then looked toward her and gave her a slight nod.

"Indeed. The truth is that while he hasn't said anything, your father's actions in naming you heir were a great slight against Aenys, and after this, there was nigh a chance that he would ever remain here," her mother said with a sigh making her frown more.

And Rhaeyra recoiled slightly as she understood the implication behind those words, slightly hurt that her mother felt like this about her becoming the heir.

"Are you saying that Father made a mistake in naming me heir? Are you saying that I am not ready for it!" she asked, chewing her lips, and her mother's head snapped towards her, a complicated expression on her face.

"Ohh! My sweet child, I did not mean it like that. I know in my heart that you would make a fine heir and an even finer Queen in the future. But that doesn't negate that the way your father did this was wrong!"

And Rhaenyra's heart relaxed as her mother squeezed her hand. Rhaenyra was not blind to the implications of her being given the title of the heir. Already, the court was clamoring over Daemon's exile and how he had taken refuge on Dragonstone, a ceremonial seat for the heir, yet there had been no little protest about it from her father.

"But he bent the knee that day. If he was angry about me becoming heir, why did he bend the knee?" she questioned her mother as she got up and snuggled into her side, wrapping her arms around her.

"And that is a testament to how much he has grown over the years, for I can assure you that if it had been Aenys from the years past, he wouldn't ever have knelt like that. Plus, he has no issue with you becoming the heir. The slight was how your father removed him while he lay unconscious in bed," and Rhaenyra nodded, understanding the situation a bit more.

This also explained why his behavior with her had not changed much at all. She liked spending time with him. Uncle Aenys was a well of knowledge and had no qualms over humoring her questions and curiosities. And he was also the one who did not look at her like a piece of lamb in the castle. With her ascension to the position of heir, she had noticed how the gazes of people had shifted.

"Then what will happen now? Is he not going to come back?" she questioned, and her mother shook her head.

"No! Perhaps recognizing his mistake, your father has also promised Aenys support in building his college here. So, he will probably return in some time, mayhaps a month or so."

And it all clicked. All the tension in the meetings between her father, the Lord hand, and the Grand Maester. They had seemed overly agitated in the Council meetings over the last few days.

"Is that why Father has been so adamant about supporting this? Even in the council meetings, he has refused to listen to the concerns of Lord Otto and Grand Maester," she questioned, and her mother nodded.

"Though I also believe that the proposal itself has much promise, this is your father's way of trying to make it up to his brother."

It had been only been a little time since she had been named heir, yet things already seemed so overwhelming. Was she truly ready for the crown? And as if reading her mind, her hand sifted through her hair as she reassured her.

"You don't have to worry so much, my dear. Everything will be fine." And Rhaenyra is still worrying about it all. She then glanced at the letters lying on her mother's side, and she was a bit curious about who had written to her.

"Who are these from?" she asked, pointing towards the letter. Her mother glanced towards them and finally replied to her.

"Ohh! It's from Vale, from my cousin Jeyne Arryn. She plans to visit the Red Keep with Lady Rhea to inquire about my health," and her memories caught onto the second name. Her head snapped towards her mother.

"Isn't th…." And before she could finish, her mother nodded and answered before she could finish her question.

"Indeed, lady Rhea Royce is Daemon's lawful wife!"



"I must say, you have changed a lot," commented his cousin from across the table, and Aenys just raised a brow as he put down the glass of Arbor Gold. Rhaenys Targaryen had aged like fine wine. The Queen, who never was, sat by her husband's side as the three of them partook in a humble feast before he was to depart for bravos.

"That is a very vague statement, Rhaenys," he teased, and she scoffed as Corlys just smiled at the side before he intervened.

"Indeed he has. However, I must ask, is it true that the Sea Lord summoned you?" Aenys frowned at the question. It had been only a few days since he had received a letter from Bravos, yet half the castle somehow knew about it. Though, he nodded, for there was some truth to the statement.

"Not summoned, per se. But I visit the Sea Lord once a year for a general health examination of him and his family. He had just inquired about the timings of my visit since he had plans for leaving Bravos some time later," and the Master of the Ships nodded. Though Rhaenys spoke up from the side, pushing away the plate.

"Doesn't he have healers of his own?" and he nodded.

"He does. Actually, it's one of the healers I trained myself, but he still believes me to be the best after I helped his wife give birth to twins years ago and hence asks that I visit him."

Corlys seemed to have finished with his food, wiped his face, and spoke up.

"So, you have already trained a batch of healers for your institution?" and Aenys nodded.

"Yes, though it's a small number. Most people previously belonged to the Purple Hand guild in Bravos. However, there are plans to merge the guild with my college in the future," and Corlys frowned at this. The power exercised by these guilds was massive.

"How?" he questioned, and Aenys just shrugged.

"There are some ideas being proposed, but we haven't decided on anything concrete yet. It's one of the topics I plan to discuss with the Sea Lord when I visit him."

Truthfully, he had been against this, but the Sea Lord and the guild seemed adamant regarding this. Mayhaps with one of the colleges being built in King's Landing, he could oppose such a move and keep his college separate from the guild.

"Has anyone from Westeros asked for your expertise yet?" Rhaenys questioned him, and he just shook his head.

"Not yet, though it's understandable. While still worse than me, the Maesters are still quite skillful in their own right, and they seem to be satisfied by them," and he just shrugged. And it really did not matter, for they would ask for them soon enough. Whether it be for political reasons or genuine trust in his skills, they will soon have to request him for his healers.

"Well, they will as soon as they learn of your reputation. I will give it a few moons before you are clamored with requests. I had hoped you could send one of your healers to High Tide as you have for the Sea Lord. Of course, we would be willing to foot any associated costs?" questioned Rhaenys, and Aenys narrowed his eyes as he looked at her and Corlys, examining them from head to toe.

"Are you fine?" he questioned softly, and Rhaenys just smiled as she nodded.

"I am, but I have heard rumors about your skill, and I think it would be good to have someone of such skill in High Tide in case of any emergency."

"Moreover, Drift Mark is a coastal city, and we want to be careful in case a plague reaches our shores as it did in the days of Old King," Corlys added from the side. Aenys nodded as his mind ran through a list of possible candidates.

The Velaryons were one of the most influential houses right now in Westeros, and their adoption would only encourage other houses to do the same. Rhaenys was his cousin, so he had no reason to deny such a request. So, he nodded.

"I will see to it that one of them reaches your shores," he told them.

"I wonder, have you heard of the crab feeder," suddenly Corlys questioned him, and Aenys nodded, already knowing where such a question was headed.

"I was hoping you could probe his backers in the Triarchy. The man has taken over the Stepstones, causing havoc for my ships. A sentiment I believe that the Sea Lord would also share," Corlys requested, making him sigh.

"While I think you overestimate my influence, I will look into it," and the man.

"That's all I can ask for."

"So, how's Aunt Maegella? It has been years since I last saw her" Suddenly, Rhaenys questioned him.

And the question was the main reason for his immediate return to Bravos. The servants had written about how she had fallen ill, making him quite nervous, for he was quite aware of her declining health.

"Though she seemed fine the last time I visited her, the servants wrote that she had fallen ill a week ago. I can just pray that it is nothing serious," and he saw Rhaenys recoil a bit at that.

"May the Gods have mercy on her," prayed Rhaenys, and he nodded, his mind still racing as he thought of possible ailments that could be affecting her.



Maegella Targaryen had lived a rather fulfilling life. She was the last one amongst her siblings still alive, thanks to Aenys. The little boy had grown up to become an amazing man, and she could feel proud of having played her little part in his growth.

Yet she was not blind to her own deteriorating health. She could feel her body giving up, little by little, as death's shadow caught up to her. Yet she knew that time was near.

"Cough! Cough!" she coughed, and immediately one of the servants moved and was immediately by her side. Though, she stopped him as she raised her hand.

"It's okay," she said, hiding the blood-stained cloth in her sleeve. She saw the servant hesitate a moment before she spoke up.

"My lady, should we call for the Healer House? The lord was quite adamant that he be summoned in case of his absence" Maegella just shook her head.

"There is no need. He must already be busy with college. It's just a little cough and fever. I will be fine," she reassured the young girl. And she could see the girl hesitate a bit before she nodded.

House was one of Aenys's first apprentices, and Aenys had called him the most skilled healer after him, a title which meant a lot coming from him.

Maegella had been saddened on hearing about the death of little Baelon, though Aenys had been successful in saving the life of Daella's child. Thinking about this, she was reminded of his last letter and looked toward the servant, Anya; she remembered her name, an orphan little girl whose life Aenys had saved much like much of the manse's servants.

"Did you send a reply to Aenys's letter?" she saw her nod nervously, and Maegella's eyes narrowed as she saw her chew her lips, and looked away. And she could guess why.

"You told him about my health, didn't you?" she questioned. She saw the girl turn pale, and she nodded and rushed to explain herself.

"My lady, the prince was very clear when he left for Kings Landing. He would have been wroth with me if I had not written to him. I cannot lie to him," the servant explained, and Maegella continued to stare at her and watched her squirm under her gaze.

"And what about my anger? Don't you fear me? After all, I explicitly told you not to tell Aenys about this," she questioned sharply. After a moment or so, the servant looked up and spoke up in a strong voice.

"I owe everything to you and the young lord. Even if it were to cost me my life, it would be a small cost if it were to save your life," she answered resolutely. And Maegella could only shake her head, for what was she to say against something like this?

"Prince?" she spoke up, and the servant spluttered for a moment.

"What, my lady?" Anya asked her.

"Prince Aen…" and she saw a huge shadow pass over her window before she could continue. Shoe heard commotion break out as very distinct shouts of 'dragon' and 'healer' reached her room, followed by a familiar ground-shaking roar of a familiar dragon.


Aenys was back.

Maegella sighed, mentally preparing herself to face the wrath of her nephew.


Night sweats. Weight loss. And bloody cough. And the waning life of one of my favorite Targaryens.

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