

Alex woke up a few hour later in the cabin. As he stood he felt lighter, and stronger. Was this the difference between those with and without magic? Magic. He could feel it coursing through his body, bubbling up, begging to be released.

[Congratulation on not being totally useless in this world host!] the system said in an overly cheerful tone.

[As a reward for unlocking mana, you get to choose a tome of basic spells for 1 of the following categories.]

[Fire Magic,

Water Magic,

Earth Magic,

Wind Magic,

Light Magic,

Dark Magic,

Necromancy Magic,

Blood Magic,

Soul Magic,

Enchanting Magic,

Utility Magic.]

[Choose wisely, the system will only give you this once. After this all Magic must be learned naturally from the world.]

Alex was stunned at how many types of Magic there are. Clearly the Church of Life decided books can only mention certain types of Magic. He is tempted to choose Dark, Necromancy, Blood, or Soul Magic. However all of those are Void Magics, meaning they affect affect the Mind, Body and Soul of the used on. He can not risk being known as a practitioner of void magics right now. All of them seemed interesting however Utility seemed like what he wanted, a way to spy on his dealers. Screw it.

{Utility Magic}

[Confirmed. Utility Magic Tome added to inventory. Think 'Use' while holding it in your hands.]


[REWARD: 50 Store Credits, Ever Burning Cauldron, 250 Potion Vials.]

Alex was happy as well as annoyed. The quest reward meant he would have to start making the potions himself soon. He needed to find an alchemist soon. For now though, Magic. Opening his inventory and holding the tome he tried to open it, however it would not budge.


Suddenly the tome burst into light particles and flew up to his face before entering his nose. Alex sat there for a minute not knowing what the hell just happened, before suddenly basic information on utility magic started filling his head.

Utility Magics

1.) Spy Magic

2.) Cloaking Magic

3.) Cleaning Magic

4.) Warding Magic

5.) Tracking Magic

Interesting, the last one involved tracking others through their magic as well as how to remove his magic to prevent others from tracking him. Warding allowed him to add magical defenses to an area. Cleaning is just that, Magic to clean items. Cloaking involved not only cloaking his body in magic but also ways to cloak his magic from others. However spy Magic is what he wanted currently. The ability to spy on others through magic. He only had a few spells for each branch of Utility Magic.

Spy Spells

1.) Magic Eye - Send out a magical eye to observe others. Current max distance: 1.5 Kilometers

2.) Magical Ear - Casting this on an item allows the user to listen to those nearby. Current max duration: 6 hours. Effectiveness decreases with age.

3.) Magic Orb - send out an orb with both sight and sound. Max distance: 500 Meters. Max duration: 1.5 hours.

All of these are extremely useful, and as he increased his proficiency in spy Magic he would be able to do more for longer. Taking a breath he cast magical eye. Suddenly his vision changed and now he could see…himself, sitting on his bed. Now time to test what exactly he could do as the eye. First he tried flying through the walls, he passed through them without issue. Next he flew into the forest quickly finding a deer, he flew through it. The deer stopped and looked around trying to find whatever spooked it. Hm so living things feel something if touched by it. Next he tried flying as high as possible, only to find that the height of course was a part of his max distance. Now time for a few more tests.


Several hours later saw Alex making the 72 mana and 8 health potions for the day. Increasing his total to, 196 mana and 16 health. He had played around with his eye for an hour or so before getting some sleep the night before. It turned out to be extremely useful but not undetectable. Luckily his cabin was only about 700 meters from the town meaning he could use his eye from the cabin and look into the town. After getting some more gold he would need to buy a location in Everwinter, a headquarters, where he could drop of products for his dealers. He couldn't keep meeting them in person after he had a few.

Quickly walking into the bookstore to see Nyana standing nearby with here cloaks hood up and Ailas behind the counts looking uncomfortable. Walking to Ailas he pulled out a mana potions setting it on the counter.

"Your payment for letting us use your backroom these last couple days." Alex told the man who smiled before showing them to the same storage room as yesterday before leaving and closing the door.

"So you are still willing to work under me?" Alex asked turning to look at Nyana.

"Yes, if what you said is true then this is the best opportunity for someone like me."

"Take off your cloak. I have one far more useful for you job." Alex said while also opening his inventory to look at the other Cloak of Shadows that had his reaper emblem on it.

{System how much would it cost to change the color of this emblem} Alex asked.

[Now you're learning. Since the Emblem is already on the cloak,only 1 credit. In the future when paying to change an item, be specific.]

{Use one credit and change the emblem of the cloak in my inventory to a dark green.} Alex said. He only wanted his to be red. Shows the difference of rank.


Alex pulled out the cloak and handed it to Nyana who was looking at him oddly. He nearly checked to make sure he had his own cloak on.

"Wear this whenever you are working. It casts shadows on your face preventing others from identifying you. And alters your voice. Now I will give you 10 mana potions. Your job is to sell them. Each sells for 5 gold. You get to keep 50 silver per potion sold. Do not sell to town officials or guards or official members of the church. We don't need that attention. Do not use the potions. They may grant great benefits, however they are highly addictive. Only a fool become reliant on their own product." Alex said before pulling out a Buyer Coin. "Lastly these are Buyer coins. They prove that the person has bought from us in the past. I will give you a few of these to give your customers. If you give one to a customer, tell them to only approach those with cloaks that have our emblem on it if they wish to buy more. The mana potions double regeneration for 6 hours. Do you understand?"

"That's a lot but yeah I understand." She said. Nyana wanted to ask him about his magic that he clearly didn't have the day before, but she didn't want to piss off her new boss.

"Good. If you prove yourself you will be rewarded." Alex said before taking out a bag with 10 mana potions. "This bag has the 10 potions. Now go, and be careful." He handed her the bag and 3 buyer coins. She nodded before leaving. Now it's time for him to return home and watch her.

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