An ordinary boy was living an ordinary life on Earth until he unexpectedly died in a disaster becoming a wandering soul in the afterlife. As he wandered in darkness for what felt like an eternity before he saw something, a light as he felt himself being drawn towards it... Read more to find out what happens next. Just wanted to say I wrote this after watching the owl house and seeing there wasn't many fics out there that were that long so I decided to write my own for fun though I do take constructive criticism and I'll only be posting the first five chapters for now. Hope you enjoy it and if you don't then I'm sorry that it wasn't to your liking. (My rewrite is up and has a few chapter already published.) name: My unexpected life in the owl house
As an unknown soul floated there in darkness, it saw something, a light. As it moved towards that light, it became brighter and brighter until the soul was engulfed by it. As the soul opened up it's eyes it saw there, something it couldn't recognize, a being that changed shape constantly. As the soul looked at it, the being suddenly spoke startling the soul. "Hello Chris, as you can tell from where you are, you are dead." The being said in a man's voice.
POV Chris
My mind froze as I stood or I guess floated there as the only thing that came out was "huh?" I said before it spoke. "Ah you must be confused by what's happening well let's fix that shall we?" He said before snapping his metaphorical fingers as information started flowing in to my head making me feel like fainting but being unable to due to being a soul. "Wait! wait! You want me to do what?" I say confused by the information I was just given. "Well I would like you to be my successor." He says in the most matter a fact tone possible.
"But I don't even know who you are if we're ignoring the fact that you brought me here after I died." I said exasperated as he paused there silently before he spoke. "Well I like to call myself ego and I'm the physical manifestation of existence." It stated plainly. "Wait what?!" I say surprised as I look at him with shock. "I know this situation may be hard for you but trust me it will turn out fine." He says trying to reassure me. "O-ok then?" I say not having the energy to argue with him.
"So um how does this work do I just get the powers or?" I ask curious. "Oh no, not at this point. You need experience before then, so I'll be sending you to another world to condition you for your power" he said as he started to connect what looked to be a golden tube or string of some sort. "Wait so what is this for?" I ask curiously. "Well it'll start the process of succession when you have proven yourself worthy, good luck!" He said as some liquid started to flow down the string and into me as everything went dark.