

"And what about your Élan Vital?"

"Vital what...?"

"Élan Vital, its like mana but different,"King Gale said.

By the look on his face he was probably trying to come up with a simpler of putting it to a kid.

That name though...

I couldn't help but wonder,"isn't it in French?"

There's no way French is a language in this world let alone th3 Sentient Continent.

"Your Majesty, are you perhaps enlightened in the language of French?"I asked hoping he would answer that French is indeed a language.

And just like I thought.

"French?...who are these french people?"

Of course he didn't know.

"This...Élan Vital, where did it come from?"I asked hoping to connect the potential dots.

"Long ago a man who came into existence in this world brought about the Élan Vital...

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