

"Wow, you're really something else Clara,"I said roaming around the now turned green field.

"What did I do?" Clara asked as if she had no idea of what in the two seas I was talking about.

"Having such vital information and not sharing it to someone should be considered a crime," I said.

Still the new look given to the Vanta Black is really relaxing and calming.

I thought as I laid down and looked up at the blue sky, tiny stratus clouds floating across and the virtual sun in the far distance.

Was it fake or not, I couldn't tell.

"So you mean to tell me, I can add anything I want in here?"I asked sitting up.

"Yes and no,"Clara said as she stretched a bit.

"What do you mean yes and no?"

"You can add structures, reshape the landscape...."Clara said.

"And?"I asked.

"Ummm..u can also add things from outside,"she concluded.

"So anything I can imagine?"I said curiously.

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