



"My head hurts like crazy,"I muttered under my breath as I sat on the bed.

The bed was of royalty covered in nothing but black sheets.

"What's with Gale and black?"

"Can't blame him though, Deryl is fond of white...

They are complete opposites,"I said as I got off the bed and my way towards the large horizontal window and drew the curtain.

The moonlight pierced through the windows and into the room.

Still feeling pain from the side if my head I opened the window as well and was soon sitting on the ledge.

Let alone my head, my arms as well as my chest were bandaged and I could still feel the sting of pain in them.

"This body of yours really is something else,"I had a voice say in my head.

"And?"I said.

"You house two mana cores and yet you're as fragile as a royal set of wine glasses,"Clara said.

I could tell she was using a tone of sarcasm.

"Not even a single sorry?"

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