
MHA: cursed entity *DROPPED*

Author: Endless_snow
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 155.8K Views
  • 11 Chs
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*DROPPED* SOOOO... i died...and as every other person who died, you know who i met...GOD!!!! or someone who claims to be. and he said this and i quote "you know, you didn't have to save the boy... the truck would have passed right by him. so you died a meaningless death." yes... like any other mc in the begin of the story truck-kun got me a ticket to the afterlife...or a new beginning maybeee... . . the basics: i dont own anything from MHA or JJK!!! only my oc who will have a heavy resemblance to gojo satoru. i dont own the cover and credits to dev gohel who i got this from (https://br.pinterest.com/pin/jujutsu-kaizen--625859679478067016/) i am a new author so plss go ez on me and tell if somethings wrong. . action - reincarnation - comedy - weaktostrong - OP - superpowers - anime - MHA - JJK - . just saying i'm a student and this is to relieve my boredom and to try and being an author cuz i found it interesting, so expect 1-2 chapters a week at minimum. Can be more or less depending on what i have to do that week for school. English isn't my first language but i am pretty confident in it but do expect some slight mistakes here and there. I'll "try" to be humorous but no promises so expect dry jokes or something in that sense. Thats about it... peace ʕ ·(エ)· ʔ

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Chapter 1Chapter 1: I DIED

*random area in Europe*

??? : "F*******K!!!!!"

yo, see that man screaming his lungs out over there, yea that's me. Nice to meet you i'm Nemo.

NOW you might be asking why i'm named after that fish from the movie. Well shocker... i ain't. My name literately means 'nobody' in latin. And i'm exactly that... i'm a nobody...an extra to put it in a way.

As a kid i was average in everything. Let me give you an example: grades always hovering between 60-70, brown hair like most and brown eyes, and you guessed it...not attractive but also not ugly with an average height of 1.72m. I am the embodiment of 'MID'.

And as an adult i face the same situation but now onto my predicament right here. You see, my family wasn't well of since my father died 4 years ago. Well yeah he left his inheritance but it really wasn't as much as we first thought it was. It only supported us for 6 months. And with my mother mentally disabled thru shock of our father's death and not going to work. I HAD TO PICK UP HIS MANTEL AS THE MAN I AM AND PROVIDE FOR MY POOR AND INNOCENT FAMILY SO THAT WE CAN THRIVE ONCE AGAIN!!?

But holy sh*t i really overestimated my worth as a man. I found one but it wasn't easy...i had to drop out of school to find a decent job but very few will accept someone with almost nigh experience and no diploma to be seen. And while i was searching i also needed to care for my mentally ill mother and little sister.

But as luck could have it, I FOUND A JOB!!! HOORAY!! I was so happy to find a job that had decent payment and hours and now i could finally help my family. Pay off all our debts that accumulated over the months, pay for our food, my sister school-bills.

I finally felt like i did something special and not what an average person would do. Finding and working full-time and earn my keepings for myself and the family at the age of 17. Not like the others who go to school, sitting behind their fancy desks with a pen and scribbling uselessly f*king long math formulas that we'll probably never use in our ENTIRE LIVES!!

So i started working...what do i need to say it was hard the first few months. I had to adapt to my new environment. But seeing my bank account at the end of the month always put a smile on my face. 'this is nice' i said 'i can keep this up' i said.

F*ck i was naive to think those things.

after i adapted to my new environment i started working harder and harder and i got a promotion after a year increasing my salary. And honestly it felt great. I had more power in the company now but my workload increased, seeing my family which i did this for less then before, but i didn't mind. It was for them anyway and i was a nobody. nobody cares for a nobody.

My little sister knowing of my promotion constantly asked for more money with to go out with her supposed "friends" and went partying, really not caring about me or mother. And about mother... 'sighs' i don't really know what the hell is going on in her head. She stopped talking altogether now and refusing to eat. The dark despairing eyes, not the joyful and energetic eyes i saw in my youth have all but disappeared.


3 more months after that...my mother committed suicide. i don't know the reason behind it but i guess she just couldn't live any longer, and honestly i'm surprised she could still live this long with that look in her eyes.

My sister isn't any better. She is barely at home, always somewhere else. Doesn't matter which gender boy or girl. And i don't even know what she is doing there...but of course she always texts me to give her money. That's the only time she contacts me.

She wasn't even therefor our mother's funeral. Yea what a b*tch of a daughter. And now she isn't even moving from person to person but stays with this one guy. You know the usual f*kboy of the town: good grades, attractive, good background. Only downside is that he is a motherf*king manwh*re.

Sh*t, how did it come to this.

I'm f*king despairing. Do i really need to keep this up?? Can i really do this???


Well, fast forward to 2 months. And i meet Mallory. She the same as i is in a dire situations.

Oh and did i tell you her name means 'unfortune' or bad luck'. Can you believe it. Also a person with such a sh*tty name in such a sh*tty situation.

so as the nobody i am... i ignored her...yep, what did you think. That i would talk to her and hit it off. Falling in love, getting hope again in my life and everything will be A'okay? HEEELLL NOOOO

I'm terrible at socialising and every-time i talked to girls at school i literally short-circuited and froze. Now after the shit i have been thru this past year you think i can still hold a normal conversation. NOOO


so 7 months later and you know what...


I do have conversations with her albeit over the despairing parts of our lives. She turned 23 this year and her life was nothing but bad luck that i really don't want to talk about. Then one night we were drinking and as expected we were... f*king drunk. so we went home.

Oh another piece of information we are neighbours. Ye it was a coincidence i swear. i sold my old home for a good sum of money because really nobody uses it anymore. My sister wanted it but too bad cause it was under my name and she stays with that manwh*re 24/7 so i sold it for an apartment close to my workplace and what do you know, here we are.

so back to where i was...we were drunk and i escorted her back to her residence. We went inside and i put her on her bed and then i noticed her staring deeply into my eyes. i could feel her breath smelling like alcohol as evidence she was drunk but that's besides the point so i tried to ignore it.

Tension was building up i could se we were closing in on each other and right at that moment...

she vomited...

breaking the tension between us i could smell the smell of vomit on my clothes and was really close to barfing. I quickly took my shirt of and was about to leave taking one last glance at Mallory's unconscious face.

D*mn, now that i think about it it really was embarrassing. Getting c*ckblocked by your partner emptying her stomach. At this point i was really contemplating if i was really cursed or not.


another 3 months and FINALLY SOME GOOD NEWS!!! me and Malory are dating for 2 months already. I finally have a girlfriend at 19. AHHH what a stroke of luck. Oh and i didn't tell you how she looks like did i well she stands at 1.65m. She has brown hair with blue eyes but because of her bad luck her eyes aren't as lively as other people. She is 23 of age next year turning 24.

now still 1 year and 9 months away from my mental breakdown.


5 months in my relationship with Mallory and i really believed there was still some hope left until i got a message from the police to come to their station and identify a corpse.

To tell you i was scared was an understatement. I was absolutely terrified.

because there were very few people i am acquainted with and fewer i am friends with. and none of them were in immediate danger so you should know why i was so horrified to find out my 1 year younger sister dead. Right before my eyes.

I was in distress and asked what happened. The police said it was an attack and there were also signs of r*pe on her body.


i went into depression for 4 months not meeting anybody...not even Mallory. I mean i just lost my last family member. And i don't even know who killed her, the police couldn't find the perpetrator and i wasn't in my right state of mind to figure out. But when i think about it now it wasn't that hard to figure out. D*mn myself.


In these 4 depressing months i was distracting myself with games and watching anime trying to escape reality and Mallory bringing food every day.

Oh i felt sorry and thankful to her for taking care of me back then.

After finally getting over it i found out that i still wasn't fired and still got my pay for the last few months. But i dismissed any suspicion of it and was very thankful to them for keeping me.


11 months later and this was the start of my mental breakdown. These 11 months were absolute torture... i had so much work to do that i worked from 5 am early to 11 pm afternoon. Having minimal amount of sleep. But i did it anyway. The pressure from my boss increased and i could feel Mallory becoming more and more distant.

Then 2 weeks later i received an e-mail from my boss and i couldn't believe what i saw...

My gilfriend/wife was cheating on me with my boss...

I don't know how or why even but my mind went completely blank. I saw the dates of the recordings and it started a few weeks after de start of my 4 month depression. And that broke me...My last pillar of hope and happiness shattered.

and now at this moment 2 weeks later again she left me and i am fired.

walking aimlessly down the road at age 21 . Contemplating my last 4 years.

Nemo :"SH*******T!!! ...F*********K!!! WHYYYYYY!? AHAHaHAHAAAAaaah!!!??"

Sitting at the side of the road i was crying my heart out...wanting to end it all.

And there i could see a truck swaying left and right.

'N: well it's better to end it all, i can at least see my family again'

Standing at the edge of the road ready to jump in front of the truck. i am remembering all my memories good and bad.

And the truck is coming swaying harder than just a few seconds ago. i told myself.


I stepped aside after telling myself that. I just couldn't do it. I want be happy again. AM I SO GREEDY TO JUST HAVE THE HAPPINESS THAT I SO DESIRE F*K. i'm really pathetic.

And just at that moment i saw a little boy no older than 7 i think running across the street. Oblivious to the fact that there is truck coming for him. And i don't know what happened to my body at that moment but i just ran to the boy and pushed him out of the way. Me getting hit by the truck and run over instead of the boy.

'N: aaahh, F*K it hurts. I hope the boy is okay. At least he can have the chance to be happy. Because i am already a lost cause.'

I felt the warmth of my body disappearing and the cold wind of the night replacing it. Bathing in my own blood waiting for my end.

Until i felt something pulling me away. To the sky and i could see that the truck crashed in a building a few meters away from my body and the boy away from all the trouble, unconscious. Probably from the shock.


i am now in a white space waiting for something to happen...i think. but luckily something did happen. An old man appeared right before my eyes clad in white ceremonial robes.

"God: Boy do you know where you are and who i am?"

"Nemo: ehm, so i am probably dead and this is the afterlife? and You are god i presume" i said with little emotion

"God: hmm, Your life seems harder than i thought. nevermind that, yes boy you're indeed dead but this isn't the afterlife. You see i am the god of reincarnation and i will give you a second life"

"Nemo: What?! Why??"

"God: haha well you see. You didn't need to save that little boy. The truck would have never hit him."

"Nemo: What are you saying???"

"God: HAHAHA, i am saying you died a meaningless death, trying to save someone who was never in danger"

"Nemo: WHAAAAAT!!!"




son this is the first chapter i have typed in my life and pls do tell me your thoughts and tell me if you are confused anywhere.

This chapter has about 2100 words and that is quite a lot and the chapters after this one will contain between 1000-1500 words.

anyway i'll see if i will give the mc a different name or just gojo's name. That's something to think about.

also i need to know a few things from you guys so a quick poll is in order:


-if yes: drop FL here

-if no: drop comments here

weapons: i like him fighting barehanded with his cursed energy but what do you guys think??

Hero outfit: Drop images here

Hero name: Drop name here

And i think that's it for now


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FictionOnlyReader · Anime & Comics
288 Chs