In the city of Yokohama, Japan there lived a young man named Ryuma Tendo. He was an average sixteen-year-old boy who works for his uncle’s Ramen Shop. He was a middle school dropout after the death of his mother passed away from suicide six years ago after his father left them. He now lives with his uncle and his younger sister.
In the city of Yokohama, Japan there lived a young man named Ryuma Tendo. He was an average sixteen-year-old boy who works for his uncle's Ramen Shop. He was a middle school dropout after the death of his mother passed away from suicide six years ago after his father left them. He now lives with his uncle and his younger sister Kaede Tendo. He has a tall average young man and he had black spiky hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. He was working at his uncle's shop where he was one of the managers of it. he was wearing a white dress shirt with black slacks with white shoes. He was doing some orders from his computer at work. He was about to clock out for the day. He gets up from his computer and takes a big stretch.
"Man, that long but it's done," said Ryuma who also goes by Ryu. He goes to the punch-out machine and punches out for the day. He leaves the Ramen shop and heads home.
Ryuma lives in an apartment complex owned by his uncle with his sister, Kaede. He enters and sees his sister in the kitchen making dinner. she was average size for a ten-year-old girl. she had long brown hair with pale skin and black eyes. she wore a middle school uniform.
"Welcome home bro." She said happily.
"What's on the menu tonight?" asked Ryuma.
"Your favorite curry and rice," said Kaede.
"Alright better than eating ramen all day," said Ryuma. He sits down on his futon couch. His and Kaede's one-bedroom apartment. Ryuma sleeps in the living room while Kaede sleeps in her room. He sets up the foldable table they use for dinner.
"So how was work today?" asked Kaede.
"Same as every day," said Ryuma. They then see a middle age man come in. He had black on top and gray side hair in a ponytail. he wore the same thing as Ryuma since owning his restaurant. He had Pale skin with some wrinkles and brown eyes his name is Kisuke Tendo their uncle.
"Man, you finished already Ryu?" asked Kisuke.
"yeah the other managers are there when I left and when I was doing our orders," said Ryuma.
"That's a right man never gets old," said Kisuke.
"So, you want some curry I made more than enough?" asked Kaede.
"Sure thing," said Kisuke. They then eat together.
"Well, it's almost time to go to bed for me I have to open the shop tomorrow," said Kisuke.
"I have my past days probably help around the place here," said Ryuma.
"You ever consider going back to school?" asked Kisuke.
"no plus I have to pay rent plus I never even finished middle school," said Ryuma.
"Right, I forgot," said Kisuke.
"yeah no school in Japan will take a dropout," said Ryuma.
"well I better get going I see you later enjoy your days off," said Kisuke as he leaves.
Ryuma and Kaede clean up the room and they both get ready for bed. Ryuma was wearing a white shirt and red and black plaid pajama pants. He makes his bed and checks Kaede's room before he goes to bed. He peeks into her room and sees her sleeping in her bed. He then lays down on his futon and falls asleep.
He begins to have a dream his vision was hazy as he sees a woman on the floor surrounded by blood with a knife with her blood on it.
Ryuma wakes up sweating he sees Kaede's door is open. He gets up and looks in her room and sees she is missing.
"Where is she?" questioned Ryuma. He then sees the front door is open he goes out and sees her being carried away by a strange creature. It was a turtle and it had a strange yellow beak with a strange head with hair.
"HEY THAT MY SISTER!" He yelled at the creature as it starts running away. Ryuma starts chasing it on foot behind it.
Ryuma was chasing it through a park when he sees a metal bat on the ground and picks it up and goes in for a hit on its head making it drop Kaede.
"I don't know what you are but you won't hurt my sister," said Ryuma who tries to hit it with the bad again. But the creature grabs it with its right claw and snaps the bat in half. The Creature then goes in for a big slash across his chest leaving a big cut and bleeding out.
"Damn," said Ryuma. He then looks at Kaede on the ground.
"I can't die I need to protect her even if it costs my life," said Ryuma. whose right hand gets covered in light. Ryuma was holding a sword made of a golden crystal. He then goes and slashes it in half defeating it.
"Kaede…" said Ryuma who falls down to the ground and passes out on the ground. before he passes out, he saw a shadow figure before he passes out.