

Kenzo was battling Ryuken on top of the main building.

"You barely lost your touch," said Kenzo.

"Why would I," said Ryuken.

"Well, I guess have no choice then," said Kenzo.

"Awakening," said Ryuken. Kenzo then his blade up with his right hand and places his left hand on the blade.

"Awaken Sarugami," said Kenzo. Kenzo starts to get surrounded by a gust of wind the typhoon. Kenzo's face look hairier and grew a tail that looks like it belongs to a monkey.

"Ah Sarugami known as The Monkey God fits you well Kenzo," said Ryuken.

"Now show me yours," said Kenzo.

"No last time remember I still beat you without awakening," said Ryuken.

"man even after these years you still act a cocky jerk," said Kenzo.

"you act as if you don't know already that you can't beat me," said Ryuken. Ryuken then blocks Kenzo's next attack.

"what when did you?" asked Kenzo.

"It doesn't help we grew up here and trained together," said Ryuken.

"But it been seven years," said Kenzo.

"And you think I would have gotten stronger Kenzo you're a big fool if you do," said Ryuken parring him off.

"Damn still after all this time," said Kenzo. Ryuken lunges at Kenzo who tries to block but falls and jumps back up.

"you think you can survive this fight Kenzo you are still weak I will give a death worthy of a dear friend," said Ryuken.

"Fine just know I will fight till I can't," said Kenzo.

"That the spirit now awakens Jigoku No Ryujin," said Ryuken. Black flames surround Ryuken. Ryuken left arm gets covered in black crystal looking like a dragon's arm with a sword.

"Jigoku No Ryujin knows as one of the strongest weapons," said Kenzo.

"This is why I was chosen for the Dark King," said Ryuken.

"yeah and what has that gotten you?" asked Kenzo.

"Pain and agony," said Ryuken. Ryuken then gets ready and swings his sword and releases an enormous huge black energy blast at Kenzo covering the whole roof. Kenzo blocks it with a shield made of wind.

"Damn," said Kenzo. Ryuken just appears behind Kenzo. Kenzo turns, Ryuken then delivers a slash to Kenzo's chest, and blood comes out.

"Your still weak Kenzo," said Ryuken. Ryuken then gets ready to cut him down. Ryuken slashes Kenzo but then a gust of wind blows Kenzo back avoiding Ryuken's blade.

"well at least I can get out of a jam a bit," said Kenzo. Kenzo reverts to his normal form.

"yes that would be a bit of luck was it," said Ryuken.

"Well…" said Kenzo when he sees something. Ryuken looks at what he sees and sees Ryuma stand there petrified.

"Well, it been a long has it Ryuma," said Ryuken.


"It has been a while father," said Ryuma. It starts to pour rain down from the sky as father and son meet after seven long years.

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