
Interlude ─ Troubled Princess

Within the castle walls of the royal palace of the Kingdom of Rosenthal.

There is a certain room that happens to be locked for security reasons... for the servants.

In that room lies a certain princess.

The third daughter of the royal family.

"There's trouble!"

"What happened?"

"Her Highness Lilynette escaped again!"


The servants were distraught, the royal guard protecting the castle was even more upset to learn that she escaped.

"I can't believe it, that's the third time this month she's done it!"

"Didn't they set up a special barrier that detects movement?"

"Surely she deactivated it."

"Why does that girl like to see us suffer through her runaways?"

"I'd like her to be like her older sister, the first princess."

"You're a big fool, Lilynette-sama!"

It was a normal day in the inner palace.

But who was this escapist princess?



"The wind on my face feels wonderful, hehehe."

Far away from the palace, in a carriage with few escorts, was a certain princess with blonde pigtailed hair admiring the scenery.

Her escort, a new knight, was assigned to her because she always got them retired for her troubles.

The princess didn't cause trouble, trouble came to her because she was a princess.

Lilynette Noel Rosenthal is the third princess of this country.

She is a very curious girl unlike her older sisters who are different from her.

Ever since she was conscious, she always felt interest in everything around her, including magic.

She wanted to invent things that could improve people's lives and make them easier.

For example, the current watering system on several farms is a magic stone that, when placed on the ground, releases a large amount of water every so often, which is attached to a magic wind stone to make it spin.

Because holding both would be too bothersome, she placed them in a small cylinder and called it an automatic watering can.

Magic stones that cannot be obtained in the country must be bought abroad.

But what she invented was not the watering can itself, she invented the way how a simple magic stone could absorb large amounts of water or wind in a gray stone that has no use.

Lilynette thought only of helping the farmers.

She devised a magical formula with which they could retain such a quantity of water and air.

In itself, what she had managed to achieve was something called space-time magic.

Something that was way ahead of its time.

The princess was revolutionizing magical science without knowing it.

In a few years it would be discovered, but she had achieved it before.

Thanks to that invention, she wanted to get to know the country, but her father the king was very overprotective.

Therefore, she was always locked in her room.

But she managed to breach security and tell her escorts to take her out for a walk.

When she returned, she would naturally be punished.

But that didn't matter to her. Her desire to see the world was greater than not being able to get fresh air for months.

The knight escort looked at her doubtfully when she told him that they would be returning home after this little trip.

"You said that last time and we were attacked by bandits, if it wasn't for that adventurer, who knows what would have happened to us."

"Aren't you ashamed to be a royal guard and have an adventurer save you? I was surprised, that's why I ask."

The knight didn't know how to answer because he was a recent graduate of the knight academy, he had no experience in it.

He was embarrassed that he was saved by a mysterious adventurer who came out of nowhere.

They were crossing the area near the forest of darkness.

The princess asked curiously.

"Hey, are those rumors true that this place lost the monsters that protected it?"

"I can't tell you that they are rumors, but we can't confirm it."

"What if we confirm it ourselves?"

"Please princess don't talk foolishness. We just barely escaped a wild troll attack, and you want us to go into a highly dangerous area?"

"Are you really a so-called child genius?"

"Hey, that was a personal thing right."

"You have a personal grudge against me, right?"

"Look, a robin."

"Don't ignore me!"


Suddenly they were ambushed by a group of heavily armed bandits.

They were patiently waiting for someone to pass by, there aren't many areas where they could mug travelers.

And unfortunately this was one of them.

"Protect the princess!"

The princess's carriage did not carry the crest of the royal family.

Therefore, the bandits did not fear for their lives.

They thought it was a carriage of a random nobleman.

It is thanks to that very thought that the princess's escorts were easily able to get her out of the capital without a problem.

The knights fought hard against the bandits, but they were outnumbered.

Quickly a large group arrived at the carriage after pushing the escorts out of the way.

It was just like that time.

Lilynette wanted to visit a village which was being secretly tormented by a nobleman, Viscount Heving.

A grotesque-looking man opened the door.

Bad body smell flooded the enclosed place immediately.

She covered her nose, but to no avail.

She was being pulled outside.

Then, just like that time, she did the same.

"Please help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

She screamed desperately for help.

She was a very smart girl, but at the end of the day she was still a girl just turning 15.

One of the bandits brought his tongue close to the princess's cheek.

"Hey, what the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"Nobody teach you not to touch a girl without her permission? Besides, you smell like excrement, take a bath, or better yet, a blood bath."

Regulus fell from a nearby cliff, using his sword he slashed the bandit's face.

Releasing the princess immediately.

He proceeded to cut down the other bandits and in less than a minute eliminated them all.

The knights who were recent graduates of the academy could do nothing.

The princess recognized that silhouette immediately.

It was the same silhouette from that time.

She quickly walked up to him and hugged him.

"So it was you, I knew it!"

"This is the fate's work. Fate really wanted us to meet again."

"Hah? Who are you?"

Regulus at that moment didn't know that meeting a member of the royal family, would mark his life forever.

Whether for better or worse.

"I'm Lilynette. You can call me Lilly, and you, you're my destined person!"


I can't put fanservice because her design blows my mind, but let's go with Mary who has shown a great personality in this volume, including her first love rival.


I really want to tell about her, for those who have read my otome novel, she is based on one of the members of Razel's harem, that's all I'll say.

Siegburncreators' thoughts
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