
Side Story ─ Princess of the Land of Darkness

Long ago, when mankind was just forming villages, there was a special race that surpassed them in every possible aspect.




And, above all, longevity.

They were beings that could live up to 1000 years or more.

Known today as vampires.

The original name by which they were called was erased from history and replaced by another.

Vampires were people with pale skin, white hair and red eyes.

They usually fed on blood.

Instead of being animals, they simply asked for one liter of blood per person in exchange for performing favors for humans.

They could survive for up to a year on one bag of blood.

Of course, this was not always the case.

The first vampires were savage, they were aggressive and killed everything they saw.

It was thanks to one day, one of their ancestors discovered the "truth", nobody knows what it really happened, nobody knows what it was.

They only know that, from that day on, they were filled with knowledge and evolution was forcibly instilled in them.

The first king and founder was a man named Levin.

In honor of his achievement, the country was called the Levin Kingdom.

But there was something he did not expect.

Because of all he did, he was so unique and special, that at the time of his death an unbreakable law was decreed.

"The only one who can be called king, is the one who proves to be equal or even more worthy than our late king."

With that declaration, the next rulers were only women.

A matriarchy was formed, hence the name Levinia was born.

Hundreds of years passed and kingdoms began to emerge all over the world.

On the 16th birthday of the country's crown princess, her coronation would take place.


"You look beautiful, my daughter."

"Thank you, father."

Alice was in her room, they were fixing her up today.

"Today is your coronation as the new queen. How do you feel?"



Her father always teased her about it.

After all, an unworthy man cannot become king, she thought, in his hands would be the responsibility of choosing the second king of this country.

But he wanted to reassure her.

He did not want his daughter to live with stress thinking about a responsibility that even his wife, the current queen for a few hours, did not cross her mind.

The man worthy to become king was a very rare existence, not even the kingdom's own males thought that any of them would be.

Her younger sisters played with her dress, reaching under her and picking at her legs.

The maids in the room laughed at it.

It was bliss in this place.

It was so much so that even other species lived here in harmony.

The vampires were allergic to the sun, but only because it generated a certain discomfort.

Because of it they always used an umbrella to go outside.

Their trade with other countries was excellent as well.

It was the greatest prosperous nation in the world.

"Princess, I mean, Your Majesty, it's about time."

"I suppose we should take our seats."

Her father asked a maid to take her younger sisters to their respective seats.

He walked over to his daughter and hugged her as if it was the first time he had ever done so.

"You're going to be a great queen, I know it."

"Father, you embarrass me."

"That's good, it shows how much your father loves you."

"I'll go ahead and see your mother."

Alice's father left and she was left alone, her escorts were waiting for her outside.

After checking her dress in the mirror, she approached the door.

Not before noticing a large dark cloud approaching in the distance.

She paid it no mind because it was a storm cloud.


Trumpets were heard outside the palace.

A large forest covered the kingdom.

People who could not enter the palace for the welcoming of their new queen would do so by waiting outside.

Beautiful crystal decorations in this huge hall were made with love and dedication for this great day.

A large door opened, and walking down a huge red carpet was a girl in a beautiful black dress.

Everyone was in awe of her beauty, she walked down that carpet with elegance and pride.

She stopped ten feet away from a woman similar to her, the queen, her mother.

"I appreciate everyone's presence on this day."

"Today, a queen retires after more than 200 years on the throne."

"My firstborn will take my place and be your new queen."

"Aliceliese, stand up."

Alice obeyed her and dared not look at her face until she said so.

"Look at me."

Alice looked at her mother, an expression of joy and pride barely reflected.

She was to remain dignified, she was not to show her feelings.

"I decorate you, as the new queen from the Levin kingdom."

"Do you accept the burden of an entire nation on your back?"

"I accept it with pride, Your Majesty."

"Well, this is yours now."

Her mother removed her crown and placed it on her head.

She handed him the ceremonial scepter.

Alice turned around and the moment she proclaimed a single syllable.


"... Huh?"

She watched as a golden arrow pierced her mother's heart.

Watching her mother collapse, her brain couldn't process it.

"We're under attack!"

Shouted one of the guards.

On the outskirts of the castle, destroying the forest, a large army with a banner strange to all arrived.

Behind them were sand giants throwing fireballs in all directions.

An officer addressed the man in charge of this chaos.

"Commander Riefenstein. is this really all right?"

The white-haired man looked with revulsion at his subordinate.

"Why do you ask that?"

"I mean, there are humans here, we don't know if these creatures are actually as dangerous as His─"

The commander grabbed his subordinate's collar.

"Are you taking issue with our king?"

"This is God's will that he conveyed to him."

"God wants these heretics to pay for such an abomination with their lives!"

"A land where monsters and their worshippers live, makes me nauseous."

The hand of a giant descended toward him.

He was the one who materialized them, even the black clouds raining holy arrows on those unprotected was his doing.

"Throw me there. That's where the worst sinners are, and I want to eliminate them as quickly as possible."

The giant threw the commander against the castle.

He was one of the strongest mages in his country, the theocracy.

He had even been the first of a special group called Testament.

Using a magic shield in the shape of a ball, the commander broke the glass and entered the place.

"Good evening everyone, you repulsive monsters, I have come in the name of God to save you!"

The commander began to attack first a maid standing next to him.

He pierced her belly and a large amount of blood came out.

Behind him, more mages arrived being thrown straight into the castle.

After falling inside, they started attacking everyone.

Alice was confused.

She didn't understand what was happening.

Her mother was in agony, when suddenly the door opened and more knights came in, among them the one who shot her.

The founder of Judgment.

"Oh, Baskerville. You had beaten me to it."

"It's good to see you here, I took the honor of having taken the life of the worst scum of them all, but she's still alive."

"For now."

The black haired man walked over to finish the job while his minions focused on killing everyone present.

Alice's father approached and with his sword tried to defend his daughter.

But he couldn't.

The man cut off his arm and then with that same sword, pierced Alice's chest.

He was smiling as he painfully inserted his sword into her.

But then...

"What the hell?"

The area around Alice was freezing.

She materialized her wings to flee from that ice, surely from the enemy.



Alice said with much of her body covered by a block of ice.

"I'm sorry about this... I can only do this for you... hold on until help comes..."

The ice her mother activated was made of her blood.

It was level 10 blood magic.

It was so purified that it could easily mix with the baptism water she was going to use on her.

Then her father, with a magic circle manifested on the ground.

"I won't let them get away with this!"

Manifested the greatest defense of the kingdom.

It was level 10 magic for very few.

A large number of black beasts emerged from a barrier that was created earlier.

It was just precautionary, but no one expected it to happen.

"Hahahaha! This is unexpected, but I like unexpected things."

"Hey demon, do you think you'll be safe there?"

"When I'm done killing everyone I'll come after you."

He thrust his sword into his mother's chest repeatedly until she evaporated.

Then he went for his father and in front of Alice, slit his throat.

The death of her parents was the only thing she saw before she was frozen in a desperate attempt by her mother to save her life.


(How long had it been?)

Alice was locked in that block of ice.

(Please, somebody help me.)

She waited patiently for help.

But no one came for a long time, despite her calling using blood telepathic magic.

Any living being with blood could hear her, except for those who are human.

But no one answered her call.

Until now...

"Are you the one calling for help?"

(Can you hear me?)

She lived in suffering without a shred of hope, until a "human" named Regulus came to her rescue.


How about Alice's past?

It's funny how her backstory reminds me a lot of a certain "vampire queen" but without the urge to kill herself.


This flashback was coming in the corresponding chapter where they meet Alice, but I started to get sick and wanted to finish the chapter so I skipped it for a SS.

Siegburncreators' thoughts
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