
Viridian City and Offer

The next day at two am, Ignacio opened his eyes and yawned.

"Tentacool, Vulpix, it's time to wake up." Ignacio whispered while gently shaking them.

"Vulpix?" Vulpix woke up groggy before yawning as well.

"Tentacool." Tentacool greeted while waking up, before getting up too.

"Let's put away the tent and buy some supplies in Viridian city." Ignacio stated before rising and opening the door to the tent.

"Tentacool." Tentacool nodded

"Vulpix." Vulpix nodded alongside Tentacool.

Subsequently, Ignacio, Tentacool, and Vulpix all hastily took down the tent and packed everything in the backpack. Afterward, they began walking toward Viridian city.

"Tentacool, Vulpix, we need to begin training after we acquire more supplies here. Are you ready for this?" Ignacio asked before he smiled in anticipation.

"Tentacool!" Tentacool yelled while nodding vigorously.

"Vulp, Vulpix!" Vulpix agreed before climbing up Ignacio's leg and back, standing on his shoulder, and licking his face.

"Hehe, thanks, Vulpix." Ignacio replied before chuckling.

"Vulpix." Vulpix responded before licking Ignacio's face again.

The trio eventually reached Viridian City, and after entering, they saw the destroyed Pokémon center. However, the sun still hasn't risen yet.

'So Ash and Misty fought team rocket already.' Ignacio thought before realizing something.

"Tentacool, Vulpix, we must return you to your Pokéballs." Ignacio stated while looking around frantically.

"Vulpix?"[Why Ignacio?] Vulpix asked while tilting her head to the side.

"Tentacool?"[Ignacio, I can't protect you if I'm in there. So why?] Tentacool asked before hugging his leg.

"Team rocket may be nearby, and they try to catch rare Pokémon. And both of you are very rare. I don't want them to catch you. I haven't even started your training yet." Ignacio replied hurriedly.

"Tentacool."[Okay. But if you are in danger, please let me out] Tentacool begrudgingly accepted before letting go.

"Vulpix."[Okay, I understand] Vulpix nodded before sighing.

"Vulpix, Tentacool, return." Ignacio stated, holding each Pokéball outward as red light pulled them inside.

Afterward, Ignacio looked at the Pokémon center again before leaving the area. Additionally, he looked for a store that was open at this hour. However, his efforts were fruitless.

"Hello, mam. May I know where the nearest store for Pokémon food is?" Ignacio asked an older woman sitting on a bench.

"Well, you can come to my store. It was closed for years for renovations. I'm Aletta, young man. What's your name?" Aletta greeted

"Well, I'm Ignacio, and it's nice to meet you." Ignacio replied before smiling.

"Likewise, Ignacio, now follow me to my store." Aletta stated before getting up and jogging down the street before Ignacio could respond.

Ignacio sighed before jogging after her, pondering where the store was. He didn't remember this in the series.

After ten minutes of jogging, Aletta stopped in front of her store.

It looked gigantic and made of an unusual orange alloy, its frame seemingly curving into the distance as a small line of civilians lined up before its doors.

"Come through the back door Ignacio. You are my first customer." Aletta stated before taking a roundabout path avoiding the other's sight, before disappearing around the back.

Ignacio nodded and followed her example, taking the same path to the back. After reaching there, he saw two guards standing beside her at the back door.

"Ignacio, come inside. I'll show you my wares." Aletta stated before entering the door.

Ignacio pondered a bit before entering, and once he did, lights came on before his eyes widened, surveying his surroundings.

"Are you surprised? Well, tell me, what do you want to buy?" Aletta asked

"Do you have Pokémon food specific for Vulpix and Tentacool, along with a general one most Pokémon can eat?" Ignacio asked while recalling what else he needed.

"That does exist here, and anything else?" Aletta asked

"I'd like to buy a book on all known moves."

"We have that. However, it's costly. I doubt you have the cash for it." Aletta stated as her eyes narrowed.

"I see. If that's the case, then I'll cross that off the list." Ignacio stated before shaking his head.

"Wait, wait. I never said there weren't other ways I could give this to you. Do you want to hear?" Aletta stated before grinning slyly.

"There are? Do they involve loans or indentured servitude until I pay it off?" Ignacio questioned

"No, nothing like that. All I want you to do is to make it into the Pokémon league and make it to at least the quarter-finals. Afterward, advertise our company to your audience."

"Wait, why ask me? There are plenty of trainers out there. I'm sure a more experienced trainer will be willing to do this." Ignacio stated before backing away.

"Well, this company had a bad reputation in the past before I took charge." Aletta stated, frowning.

"How bad?" Ignacio asked, narrowing his eyes, feeling he may hear something he didn't want to hear.

"Well, we used to collaborate with team rocket by funding them secretly in the dark. However, once they grew large enough and no longer needed our support, they betrayed us. After our old CEO and their leader argued, they exposed our dealings with them to the government. And we paid dearly, having almost all of our assets across the region liquidated and being ostracized by the general populace." Aletta stated through gritted teeth.

"Woah, woah. I don't think I should get involved. I'm sorry, but I should pay for what I can and go." Ignacio stated, realizing the situation, backing away faster.

"Ignacio, if you want to leave, then go. I'll give another trainer a chance. I will lose nothing if you decline my offer. However, you lose a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I only want my company's reputation to be restored through your publicity. And in return, we'll sponsor you and cover all your costs in Pokémon training." Aletta stated before smiling.

"Doesn't the government cover all the costs of Pokémon trainer's needs?" Ignacio asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Yes, however, they only provide the bare minimum to them hence why most Pokémon trainers stay in Pokémon centers or the forest with sleeping bags on their journeys. Along with enough money to buy essentials." Aletta stated

"What's so wrong with that? I don't need much more than that." Ignacio stated, shaking his head.

"We offer to pay for your stay in five-star hotels and hire a retired gym leader to be your instructor on Pokémon training and all the products from here you need for free." Aletta stated while smirking.

Ignacio stopped and pondered for a while weighing the pros and cons before sighing.

"I'll have to decline. I'll buy what I need before going. However, I thank you for the offer." Ignacio stated before he left to search for the supplies he needed and could afford.

"That's too bad. It seems hearing our past association with Team Rocket scared him off." Aletta stated before sighing, getting more desperate to find a new trainer to sponsor.

'I don't need team rocket knowing about me when my Pokémon aren't even trained. I'm defenseless and easy picking for even their weakest grunts.' Ignacio thought while walking.

Afterward, Ignacio bought all the necessary supplies he could afford inside before leaving the establishment and began his journey to Viridian Forest in the dark using his Pokédex as a flashlight.

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