
Training in Viridian Forest

A few hours passed, and during it, Ignacio walked through the undergrowth, carefully making his way around. However, he soon got lost and sat on a log beside a river to calm himself.

'I should start training my Pokémon. The sooner, the better.' Ignacio thought before grabbing Vulpix's and Tentacool's Pokéballs.

"Tentacool, Vulpix, come out!" Ignacio stated, throwing their Pokéballs in front of himself.

After the Pokéballs hit the ground, both Pokémon appeared before Ignacio from white light.



"Alright, today we begin our training. First, you will spend a few hours trying to learn two moves to add to each of your repertoires." Ignacio stated before getting up.

"For you, Tentacool, I need you to learn the move rain dance. Now this move will be challenging to acquire, but when learned, you can change the weather to a thunderstorm whenever you use it. Your water-type moves would also be empowered by fifty percent while fire-type ones weakened by the same amount." Ignacio stated before grinning.

"Tentacool." Tentacool nodded before she began trying to learn it.

"Wait, there's another benefit to this move. Your secret ability, Rain Dish, will be on constantly during it. So you will be passively healing all the time." Ignacio stated before smirking

"Tentacool!" Tentacool yelled excitedly, wanting to start training now.

"Wait, there's another move I want you to learn. It's called Brine. It's a water move that does double damage when your opponent Is weakened by fifty percent. And it has great synergy with rain dance, as it will boost Brines damage by three times when a Pokémon is weakened." Ignacio stated, excited to see this in battle.

"Tentacool." Tentacool nodded before wondering how to do this.

"Tentacool, wait for me to tell Vulpix the moves she should learn, and I'll help you learn yours." Ignacio replied while chuckling.

Tentacool nodded before looking at the sky.

"Vulpix, now, sadly, what moves you can learn is limited. I checked the Pokedex, and it doesn't say the potential moves I can teach Pokémon." Ignacio stated, remembering this feature wasn't in the series.

"Vulpix." Vulpix nodded before looking at Ignacio tilting her head to the side.

"I'd like you to learn Quick Attack and Flamethrower. Sadly these moves are the only ones I know you can learn now." Ignacio apologized while sighing, realizing his lack of knowledge of moves Vulpix can learn is a problem.

"Vulpix!"[It's alright! Can we train now?] Vulpix asked

"Vulpix, I'll give you what I believe will help you learn the needed moves. First, to learn Quick Attack, sprint in a straight line for a minute, stop, recover, and repeat. As for Flamethrower, try to merge all the little bits of fire from your Ember move and shoot it all at once. Does that make sense?" Ignacio asked before waiting for Vulpix's response.

"Vulpix." Vulpix nodded before looking at Tentacool.

"Tentacool, for your Rain Dance move, I want you to picture a thunderstorm and will it into existence. I know this is vague, but I'm a new trainer and not experienced. As for Brine, remember the sea water we saw in the Yacht?" Ignacio asked

"Tentacool." Tentacool nodded

"Imagine forming water from your front, but it's mostly filled with salt. And shoot it out when it's formed. What do you think?" Ignacio questioned before sighing again.

"Tentacool." Tentacool nodded

"Alright, when you both are too tired to continue training even after a break, I'll give you your Pokémon food, and you can eat. Afterward, I'll return you to your Pokéballs, and I'll travel alone for two hours while you rest." Ignacio announced before crossing his arms.

Vulpix and Tentacool nodded in acceptance before they began to train.

'I hope my way of training works. I'm going in blind on this.' Ignacio thought as he watched his Pokémon train.


Vulpix stopped in a spacious area before she began sprinting in one direction. However, she quickly realized it was much more complicated than she thought.

'I want to impress Ignacio! I want to surprise him with how much I'll progress.' Vulpix thought while rushing in one direction, trying to learn Quick Attack.

After a minute of sprinting, she dropped to the ground gasping for air and wheezing. Despite this, she began using Ember toward the water not to cause a fire.

Afterward, she used Ember again but tried to merge all the bits of Ember with a little bit of success. However, she rested for fifteen minutes before sprinting again for a minute and repeating the cycle.


Meanwhile, Tentacool stood still, trying to visualize a thunderstorm appearing. However, after an hour of this, she had no progress. Hence she swapped to visualizing Brine. After an hour of this, she stopped and sighed.

'I need to grow as strong as possible to protect Ignacio. So he won't be afraid of anything.' Tentacool thought before she continued trying to visualize both moves.


After three hours passed, both Pokémon lay on the ground. Tentacool is mentally tired, while Vulpix is physically so.

"Are you ready to eat?" Ignacio asked while taking off his backpack and putting it on the ground.

"Vulpix." Vulpix nodded while gasping for air.

"Tentacool." Tentacool nodded blankly before staring in a random direction.

"Alright, I'll bring the food to you." Ignacio stated before opening the backpack and filling bowls with food specially made for each before he placed it in front of them.

Vulpix and Tentacool quickly began eating, and after they finished, Ignacio returned them to their Pokéballs to rest. Subsequently, he packed up and started walking, setting a two-hour timer.

'I should find something productive to do while they train. I need to progress myself in this life too.' Ignacio thought, pondering what he could learn.

As Ignacio pondered, he surveyed his surroundings, appreciating the beauty the world of Pokémon had. Additionally, he saw many bug Pokémon, like Weedle, Caterpie, Pincer, and even Scyther. However, he watched from a distance, not planning to interrupt his Pokémon's rest for battling.

'Although it may be great to catch more Pokémon. I should have two for now. I want to bond with them first and focus on them." Ignacio thought before sighing.

As Ignacio thought and continued gazing at the landscape, he bumped into a tree.

'Ouch, I should focus on what's before me.' Ignacio thought before moving around the tree and continuing his stride.

After two hours passed, Ignacio stopped and threw Vulpix's and Tentacool's Pokéballs out and repeated the training schedule. They spent three hours training, eating, and walking for two hours while they rested. He did this three extra times and only stopped when only an hour remained before dark. However, neither Pokémon learned the moves despite their efforts.

"That's enough for today. Let's go to bed. Tomorrow we can continue the schedule." Ignacio stated before placing his backpack down.

"Vulpix." Vulpix nodded, ecstatic training was over and disappointed in not having any progress to shock Ignacio.

"Tentacool." Tentacool nodded

"What do you say about us sleeping under the stars tonight?" Ignacio questioned before looking at the sun.

Vulpix and Tentacool nodded before following Ignacio's gaze.

Afterward, Ignacio worked with his Pokémon to build another fire pit and gather firewood. Additionally, he placed down his sleeping bag as well.

Subsequently, Ignacio went to bed. However, his Pokémon did not.

Next chapter