
Vol 2 Prologue: Opening Gambit

-M29. 671. Falmart. Saderan Imperial Palace. Leisure Palace-

Saderan Imperial Palace holds a massive welcoming party for both the Imperium of Man and Japan. Thus, various nobles attend this party to see the invaders by themselves. Then, they are greeted by something unfathomable in their own tongue to speak.

The Japanese diplomats were more or less like ordinary people wearing the togas worn by many of the Saderan nobles, showing their respect for the Saderan culture.

It impresses the nobles on how these foreigners adore a culture that is drastically different than their own.

In contrast to the Japanese, the Imperium of Man wears much more grandeur attire than any of them ever witnessed—the variant colors of gold, purple, and blue perfectly combine line and gradation. The clothes are made with fiber that is softer than silk and much more comfortable than cotton.

The style of their attire is foreign and yet also familiar with Saderan culture. It is a mix of Saderan culture and some more strange styles. When asked what style they used, they answered it was mixed with Old Roman and Gothic culture. It would be an understatement to say it was interesting, as it was crafted by countless cultures that existed before theirs, thus birthing the current Imperial culture.

However, their cultural clothing is one of many that draws Saderan's attention. The unmatched beauty of their clothing is only comparable to the Imperial's unparalleled perfection. They are men and women that bear perfect features and peerless magnificent figures. But, their size made the Saderan nobles feel fear as the giants' aura screamed authority and power. Albeit there are some normal-sized men and women, the taller Imperials are becoming the main spot of Saderan attention.

"What a wonderful party, Princess Pina," Raias says to the woman beside him as he wears his usual military skin uniform.

"Indeed..." She nods slowly with a bit of a sour expression.

"Something is bothering you?" He asks again but in a more concerned tone.

"The burden of mine that His Majesty gifted to me. It... To be honest with you, Captain. It stresses much of my concentration." Pina replies, grimacing.

"I can concur with your sentiment, Princess. His Majesty's mandate is an order anyone in the Imperium cannot take lightly." Said Raias, smiling thinly at the Princess.

"Have you ever received direct orders from the Emperor like now, Captain?" The red-haired Princess inquires carefully.

"No, Princess. This is my only duty that His Majesty himself had given direct order." Raias says with a smile.

"I see," Pina mutters, directing his eyes low. "May I ask you something, Captain?"

"Ask anyway, Princess."

Pina takes a deep breath, steeling her heart with her determination. "How does it feel to serve under The Emperor and Imperium?"

Raias ponders for a moment, lowering his eyes. The moment he becomes a Solar Guardian is not a pleasant memory. It only enforces by the War of Retribution. Yet, he finds honor in serving Imperium and his Emperor. Despite that, it was a glorious duty to serve mankind and its survival.

"It was more than you ever expected, Princess. The Emperor of Mankind has taken the role of ruling monarch of the Imperium with a reason. He is the Master of Mankind, as he knows better than me or anyone else. It was why he purged the old Federation and created the Imperium with its culture. Since the end of the Third Galactic War, many horrors have manifested themselves, and it is my duty to keep humanity safe. Because only in death does duty end. As long as the enemies of humanity remain, it will be our sacred duty to eradicate them." He explains with a longing yet proud expression, sending a wave of charismatic aura to the red-haired Princess.

The Saderan Princess baffle by the sheer determination of the transhuman. It made her rethink the true value of the Imperium itself. She already knows that Imperium is a mighty nation beyond compare that seeks to eradicate anyone who dares to disturb them. But she also studies their value. It still interests her how the Imperial maintains their spiritual value while keeping their materialistic research high. A contradiction that made the Imperium preserve their humanity and rapid ascension as it is a model for every civilization, including Sadera. Thus, she needs to learn Imperial Truth more.

"I see." Pina smiles, looking at the Imperium delegates. "Do you think I can serve His Majesty like you and the rest of your citizens?"

"Of course. Emperor and Imperium embrace all kinds of humans, Princess." The Solar Guardian assures her.

"That's pleasant to hear, Captain." A smile plasters on her face.

A silence came in between them, but it was not awkward. Instead, a serene tranquility made both parties ease their nerves.

"It looks like the Japanese shall start their weapon demonstration." Said Raias, drawing Pina's attention.

"Indeed, it will start soon." Pina nods, then she realizes something. "What will your country present, Captain?"

"It will be light plasma and graviton weaponry. But the last time I checked it, there will also be power weapons." Raias answers plainly.

Pina takes a sigh of relief. "That was glad to hear. In honesty, I'm happy that the Imperium didn't bring any of their heavy war machines. Given an example is your vehicle."

"I can sympathize with that, Princess. But as much as I hate to inform you that our vehicle was not a heavy war machine. In fact, it was a light one." He chuckles in amusement, causing the Princess groans in tiredness.

When shown a fraction of Lord Malcador's memories of the Third War, the Saderan Princess knew the truth behind Raias' statement. The weapons she has witnessed during her trip and the Victoria Aurea parade are just minuscule compared to the true might of Imperial technological prowess.

"Thank you for an adequate answer, Captain." The sarcasm clearly emanated from her tone.

"My apologies, Princess." The Solar Guardian replies neutrally, smiling.

"Speaking of weapons. I want to see the demonstration." She stares in a certain direction, more precisely at the demonstration place.

"I will follow you, Princess."

"Thank you." She nods before taking her leave from the party.


-Demonstration site-

The Japanese fired their guns and mortars, showing Saderan their strength and power. The explosions, destruction, and destructive power were beyond anything this world had ever seen.

"It will be the destruction of the Empire." One of the Senators murmurs to his colleague, feeling fear that he had never experienced.

"If we insist on war with Japan, our destruction will be inevitable." Another one agrees, nodding his head with fear.

"But still. We are facing a two-way war with Japan and Imperium. Even though we have witnessed Japan's might, the Imperium is still unknown to us." They slowly gaze at the metallic giants standing at the corner of the Japanese demonstration.

As they discuss the Empire's future, other guests arrive before they finish their conversation.

"Princess." They greet the red-haired noble.

"Senators," She greets them back with a smile.

Despite the warm welcome given by the Senators, they still felt reluctant when they saw a giant figure from the Imperium who always followed Princess Pina wherever she went. They are completely aware of the reason behind such unusual behavior. The giant is one of Her Majesty's protectors, given a task from his Emperor to protect the Princess. Thinking that the enemy's forces directly protected Saderan Princess was outrageous. But the Princess herself insisted it to keep their tie of peace with the Imperium secure.

"How it went, Senators?" Pina asks.

"The demonstration enlightens us, Milady. The war with Japan is pointless as it will lead us to our destruction." the leader of the pro-peace faction, Marquis Casel, answered the Princess' question.

"I see. It is glad that all of you are aware of our dire situation." She smiles in gratitude.

"Permission to ask, Princess," Casel asks.

"What is it, Maquis Casel?" The red-haired woman stares at him, knowing what he will ask next.

"We have witnessed the unimaginable power of Japan. But we are also aware that currently, there are two enemies from beyond the Gates. I saw soldiers and armaments from the Japanese. We were informed about Imperium's weapons demonstration as well. But we only see a couple of them here." He asks in pure curiosity.

"I understand your confusion, Marquis. But those two would be enough." Her answer brings confusion to the Senators.

"Pardon my words, but how a couple of people is enough to project a military power? I understand they are giants, but even the Japanese need a large army company to project their power." The Marquis furrows his brows in confusion, demanding an answer from the Princess.

"You will see, Marquis." Pina walks closer to the demonstration site while the Solar Guardian plants a metallic device on the ground. A shine of blue sparks inside the device, sending a wave of invisible psychic power.

"What was that?" People sensitive to the Warp energy can feel a force currently shielding them from the peering eyes of the outsiders.

The two Solar Guardian slowly takes their position, readying their weapons. The shimmering glow of blue and green came from their arms as the graviton and plasma rifle slowly assembled on their arms.

"When I was in Italica, I must face thousands of bandits to protect that city. Then, they come." The Solar Guardians raise their weapons.

"Only numbering in five, they protect the County of Italica. Initially, I thought that was impossible. But when the night comes, they show how powerful they are."

The blue plasma shoots at lightning speed, exploding with a violent wave that sends fierce wind across all directions.

Another blue orb erupts from the rifle, creating another explosion that splits the gale.

"Only four of them are needed to destroy the entire bandit. If you want to see the evidence of my words, you will see the destroyed land around Italica."

Dozens of other explosions erupted, destroying the green plain before them, turning it into a scorched land. The Solar Guardian pauses momentarily, checking his rifle using his nano suit. He raises his weapon back, firing much faster than before, albeit the explosions are much less severe.

The transhuman stops his firing, waiting for the audience's reaction. The dust dissipates from the view, revealing craters upon craters burn with blue fire.

Before anyone could react, a burst of green energy blasts into the destroyed land. Numerous green spheres made manifest from the blast, crushing the ground with force beyond any mortal to comprehend.

"This is their might. Each possesses the power to alter the balance of the entire war, bringing destruction equal to thousands of the finest soldiers we can field. Please, my honored Senators. Consider your choice wisely, as there is no second chance." Pina's voice echoes into every mortal man present around her.

Raias watches Pina with slightly widened eyes. She speaks nearly on the level of a transhuman, comparable to the augmented mortal.

His eyes snap open with a vox channel entering his Noosphere. "Captain Raias here."

"Sir, we have company approaching your position fast." Raphael's voice came from the other side of the channel, dry as it was concerned.

"Who is it?" Raias asks while accessing the data using his WAR-CASTER, searching for any particular person who dared to crash himself into such an important meeting. His transhuman mind scans through hundreds of documents in a fraction of a second.

"It is the Crown Prince." As he says that, Raias found the file.

"I see." He smirks. "Well, it will be interesting."


-M2. Earth. Japan-

Prime Minister Motoi, with all of his cabinets currently sitting in the meeting room to discuss the latest event regarding the Special Zone.

Motoi himself could not sleep since one week ago when the Gate showed an unusual reading. Thus, he couldn't fully concentrate on anything around him. Moreover, he is constantly being watched by someone completely out of his reach, like a ghost haunting him.

"Even though we have managed to calm the public opinion, the danger that the Gate might collapse at any time is a real concern for us to consider." The Minister of Justice says sternly. "Furthermore, we have around twenty thousand troops stationed there."

"Indeed. If we lost that considerable force, we not only made ourselves fall from the public eye but also weakened our military." The Minister of Defense could not hide his distress as he reread the data.

"We also received many demanding calls from various nations about the condition of the Special Region." The Minister of Foreign Affairs stated.

"The first act we must do is to ensure public panic didn't occur. The second step is I want Public Security to cover up the media with our achievement and show them the research that the dimensional Gate is stable." Motoi declares firmly.

"What about the call from other nations?"

"Don't tell them the entire truth. Provide them with an answer that stands alongside our official statement." Motoi chose the most pragmatic way possible, earning a nod of agreement from the said Minister.

They need to move fast and stable as long as possible. The ghost that follows Motoi insists that he only needs to follow Imperium's path. Initially, he did anything he could to free Japan and himself from the invisible string, yet it proved futile. Then, they reached him for an agreement. To describe it as bizarre would be an understatement, as it was overly outrageous. But showing him a fraction of their actual plan and pawns made Motoi realize how massive this plan is. Thus, he demanded to follow their instruction. Surprisingly enough, everything went smoothly.

Every political party that has opposed him in years of his office has recently joined him in his course. Furthermore, many social groups reject his idea and policies, slowly agreeing with him until there is no resistance. Once, the Imperium asked him to contact a group that he thought impossible to contact, but when he tried, the group agreed with him almost instantly.

Motoi knows this miracle is the work of the Imperium agents in his country. Yet, he wants to see how far their power can go by watching public opinion. Much to his amazement, they could also manipulate the entire public opinion on a whim. He also found that all his ministers were obeying his policy like it was nothing. Everything is in their control. No one can escape.

Motoi sighs. "Thus, I suspend this meeting. I hope you all got the resume tonight."

"Yes, Mr. Prime Minister." They say in unison, much to Motoi's surprise.

Then they leave him alone in the meeting room. The Japanese Prime Minister takes a deep breath.

"I know you are here, Lothens," Motoi states firmly, his voice echoing throughout the empty room.

"Even though I have put all my stealth equipment, you are still able to feel my presence. How amusing," A transhuman in black skin armor manifests itself to reality, dismissing his ethereal cloaking aura.

"I have done what the Imperium asked for. As part of our deal, I want to know the full picture of this plan." Motoi demands carefully, trying not to invite Lothens' ire.

"You have done well, Prime Minister Motoi. I think it is the time you shall know part of this plan." The transhuman walks closer to the table, placing a metal device on the table. "Tap your finger on this device."

Motoi obliges, touching the device. Then, his mind was invaded by dozens of visions. There are countless possibilities and emergency plans, as well as future predictions about the fate of Earth.

The world would be separated into four great nations, becoming a truly multipolar world. Every leader and country would become the capital of this new world.

"Akh!" Motoi released a pained breath as he disconnected from the device. "Wha-What was that?"

"That would be the final part of His Majesty's plan for this planet." Lothens tell the Prime Minister bluntly.

"How... How is that possible?" He stands up, eyes staring deep into the metal helmet of the transhuman.

"Everything is according to plan, and we are waiting for his order." The cold and firm statement brings a chill to Motoi's spine. "We are ready to execute his plan, and nothing can stop us now. I want you to join us, Prime Minister. The world is vast, and the future will be your generation to acquire."

Motoi realizes how pointless his struggle is. The transhuman charisma has slowly taken a deep root in his essence, overrun by the sheer charismatic aura of the transhuman.

"This will be your next step," Lothens places a small device on the table, returning the first one to his armor.

The Japanese Prime Minister still could not move. He's still in shock with the truth. The plan, the future, and every decision are made into a flawless design. Then, he remembers the JSDF report about their meeting with Lord of The Imperium. How they describe the Golden Emperor is unbelievable and exaggerated. But when he saw the plan, it became much more make sense. A perfect being that stands above any human, becoming the leader of humanity as well as its guide.

But he needs to see this Emperor of Mankind with his own eyes, and then he will reconsider.

"Very well. I will work it for now."

Lothens smirks underneath his helmet.


-M29.671. Falmart. Saderan Imperial Palace-

Zorzal El Caesar, the Crown Prince of the Saderan Empire, has arrived at the party. Pina welcomed him as soon as possible when she first heard about the news his brother crashed into the party.

Thus, every member from the pro-peace faction must be evacuated to avoid any suspicion and further conflict. With the help of the Imperium and Japanese familiarity with Saderan's city structure, they managed to sneak out the Senators harmlessly without any incident.

Then, the rest will be Pina's duty to calm her brother and persuade him to leave.

Despite her effort, it is futile to cease her brother's arrogance and spitefulness toward the Japanese. Yet, he seems taken a weird kind of respect toward the Imperium. Pina can trace the cause of Zorzal's unusual behavior is due to the transhuman dread that the Solar Guardians possess. She couldn't understand why Zorzal could shrug off their transhuman pressure.

The debate only escalates, drawing much attention from their surrounding. Before it becomes uglier, Raias takes the first step in their conversation.

"That's enough, young Prince." The Solar Guardian says firmly.

"Tch!" Zorzal bites his lips deeply. "You people are really annoying. I wonder why a man like you took a place as my sister's bodyguard. What a waste."

"It is my duty, young Prince. Also, it is my duty to protect her according to His Majesty's order." He replies without hesitation.

Zorzal scoffs before making his way off, inviting sighs from tired Pina.

"His arrogance blinding him more than anything." Raias muses, chuckling in amusement.

"I know. His pride is second to none. And honestly, I can see the conclusion of his impulsive action. Civil war is on the horizon, Captain." Pina could not hide anything besides her brutal honesty, which made her whisper that only Raias and nearby transhumans could hear her.

"Indeed, Princess. Indeed." Raias watches how Zorzal insults Japanese culture and even disrespects veterans and the Imperial Nobles. Yet, none of them strikes back, showing this Prince is worthless by all means.

Speaking of the Prince, Raias remember a certain slave whose thirst for vengeance is unparallel as her own people also shun her.

"We will wait until the cracks open, Princess. We only need to wait."

I choos to write this one is due to my stress as I need to let it out as much as possible. But do not be worried, the Old One still continue.

Ray_Vorhard_2199creators' thoughts
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