
Chapter 16: The Diet Meeting

-Japanese Diet Building-

Slowly, the bus and the Guardian's vehicle approached the Diet building; hundreds of reporters and media stormed the street. They heard the news about some representatives from the world beyond the Gate would arrive to present their culture and experience, making the entire world to erupted into various factions.

They debate about this world alongside its potential and consequence. Some wanted that Gate to be closed; others said it would benefit the entire world with its natural resources. Yet, the news about dragons and other mythological creatures that emerge from the Gate causes various communities to hold their own theories.

Furthermore, they heard a whisper about the second Gate manifested in that world. A Gate that invited the second faction in that Special Region.

That curiosity was answered when the representatives arrived at the Diet Building.

From the bus, they could see a certain blue-haired girl that held a staff, and they began to speculate that girl was a mage. Another one is a gothic-styled girl, which only made the entire internet guess who this girl is. And the last one is obviously an elf.

"That's an elf!"

"Look at them. They are beautiful."

The reporters bickered with their interest, taking as many pictures as they could while filming the entire scene with passion.

Not far from the bus, a gigantic floating vehicle arrived. It was something that was impossible to be created in medieval-era civilization. From the video, scientists from across the world began to wonder.

There were no traces of carbon emission or anything related to jet machinery. That vehicle is just floating flawlessly.

Then a ridiculous answer popped into their heads. An answer that was the most logical one yet also the most impossible.

An anti-gravity technology.

As the Special Region's inhabitants slowly descend from the bus, the metal door of that particular vehicle opens.

From it, five giants appeared. They are wearing something akin to skin suits with long sleeve vets. As their eyes lay upon their faces, they are baffled.

They have flawless skin and pearless features. Bearing the most beautiful of any humankind could dream.

The Internet is bombarded with various comments about them.

Models, artists, and even the historical most gorgeous human they compared. However, nothing can come close to these giants.

"Who are they?"

" Look at them; they are unnaturally beautiful!"

"The symbols... Is that Eagle? Are they militarist people?"

"Sci-fi became true!"

Various theories began to emerge, but none can be sure about their origin.


"Even after thousands of years, the press stills exists. I think many of our world's cultures could track their origins here." Maiya remarked, waving her hand. The cameras began to take many of her pictures, capturing her moment in every way possible.

"I'm glad we have similarities. I also found many... Websites, they called. It is filled with various information, both pleasant and unpleasant." Mal added, feeling a wry taste on his tongue. "Call it a guilty pleasure and countless amounts of unspeakable prejudices. It was unthinkable how far our species is from enlightenment."

"We were young at this point. Naive as we are blinded by our own pleasure. It is our duty to guide them." Raias said to his team, earning nods in confirmation.

They walked to the Diet building, following the Falmartian and Japanese. From the data they had acquired, the Japanese higher-ups had already aware of their presence in the Special Region. It would be much easier.

They entered the main hall, where most Japanese politicians presented themselves.

"82; you have all their profiles and personal life, don't you?" Raias asked from behind his helmet.

"Of course I am. This is the world's firewall. No. I won't call it a firewall because this place looks like an open diary, ready to read whenever I want." UR-982 replied to the 5th Recon Team.

"I think we did not even need any assassin to conduct their operations here." With his transhuman capability, Nathaniel could speak very slowly. With a room this wide filled with this many people, his whisper is almost impossible to bear.

"Good... That's good." Mal said wryly.

As they began to sit, the Solar Guardian was provided with a chair that fits their size. It did slightly surprise them as they managed to build chairs for them.

As they wait for the debate to start, Raias uses his helmet to activate his HUD. He began to fill out the scholarships with Lelei's full name and her bio. After that, he sent every Japanese politician's data to the Prometheus Arcology. He also discovered a scandal within the Japanese parliament regarding the current Prime Minister.

"Maybe they will find some use with this." He murmured as he sent them via his Noosphere.

They started with the introduction of the Falmartian. Much to his amusement, they are uprooted due to Tuka's elf origin. Elf or, rather to him, an Aeldar. It was a reasonable choice. She did not dare to call him and his team Monkeigh. But, it also applied to the Japanese, which was unusual for an Aeldar.

"Unfortunately, as the chairwoman said prior. We encountered Fire Dragon. A very powerful monster, as we are underprepared to face a being of that caliber." Itami said with honesty.

"I want to confirm something. Is there any causality in that incident?"

Itami smiled. "Fortunately, we have no causality in that incident."

"How so?" The Human Right Chairwoman asked dryly. "You've said there is no weapon in our arsenal capable of killing that Fire Dragon."

"The answer is quite simple. We got a helping hand from them." Itami glanced slightly at the Solar Guardians.

"I think it's our turn, Lieutenant?" Raias asked. Itami nodded his head in confirmation.

"Well then, I think it was time we introduced our other guests. I'm certain all of you heard about a rumor about the second Gate, and I'm here to declare that rumor is true. The second Gate is indeed exist." Itami declared firmly; his feature as an otaku immediately disappeared. Now, he is Lieutenant Itami of JSDF.

"Therefore, I present you, Captain Raias of the Imperium of Man." With that, Itami withdrew from the podium.

The towering figure of the Solar Guardian stood proudly. He walked to the podium with a weight that rendered the entire building silent.

As the podium is too short for the eight-foot-tall transhuman, Raias reaches his collar to activate his vox speaker.

"Greetings, people of Japan and nations beyond it. My name is Captain Raias Seloce of Solar Guardian—commanding officer of the 5th Recon Team. We hailed from the Imperium of Man. A country that came from the second Gate at Zalvus Hills." Raias said in fluent Japanese. It is so perfect that it exceeds their mortal understanding.

It did not born from training or hard work. It came from the genetic mark on his body.

"You came from the second Gate, aren't you? May I ask how you know the Japanese language? Furthermore, the way you spoke far exceeds us and even my fluency in voice and tone. How?" Kohara asked slowly, trying not to inflict any negative image on the giant.

"It was our purpose, chairwoman. We are cultivated to be a perfect warriors of the Emperor and the most humane among transhumans. It is our duty to excel in diplomacy and warfare, as we are the Imperium's first and last line of defense and its army's public face." Discipline is paramount, causing the high tension within the room to skyrocket.

The older politicians are aware of a certain fact. That kind of discipline, the name of his country, and the most particular is the leader's title.

A militaristic Empire that held human supremacist ideology.

An old wound began to emerge in their soul. Therefore, sweat began to emerge from their skins.

"Imperium of Man, what country is that?" The chairwoman asked carefully, trying to stare into the captain's eyes. Yet, she could not.

"Isn't that a little bit rude, chairwoman? You asked us before we could introduce ourselves." Raias pointed with a poker-faced smile beneath his helmet.

This mistake made the room's temperature drop significantly. No one dares to speak. Somehow, they understand to communicate smoothly under that crushing weight is almost impossible.

"M-My apologies." The woman apologized.

Then, without any commands, the 5th Recon Team stood proudly.

"Nathaniel Varus, Devastator Specialist." The bald-tanned man said softly.

"Mal Eisobar, Apothecary at your service." Mal grinned.

"Raphael Trax, sniper." The blonde simply said with a stern face.

"Maiya Jacillev, Lexius-Lieutenant. I am a Demolisher." Maiya said cheerfully.

The name of that red-haired woman piqued a question.

"Pardon my intrusion. Maiya, isn't that a Japanese name?" The woman asked as she felt her sweat drop from her forehead.

"Well, indeed it is," Maiya admitted with a smile. "My parents are archaeologists. They named me after a name of a certain culture dating back to the Old Earth."

The statement made an uncomfortable silence. Many questions popped out as the Guardians held the answer.

"Let me answer that to all of you around the world. Old Earth is a term we used to address your era. And even in the more ancient era, we also addressed them by Old Earth." Raias said to the camera and Parliament.

"Ancient time? What does that mean?"

"We came from M29 or millennium 29th. It would be 27.000 years from now." That was the bombshell.

Suddenly, the internet was flooded with various topics and discussions. Many theory conspiration lovers began to bicker their own arguments.

It also began to explain their appearance and heights. The secret behind that massive vehicle began to unfold as their world's date made the answer to anti-gravity technology more profound.

Not only them. People across the globe, alongside their leaders, were shocked as well.

"That... 27.000 years from now." The image of that far future made them bleed to imagine.

Many sci-fi movies and films depicted that far time. Yet, people are still determining the full picture. Furthermore, the most famous image of the future did not date that far. Even some scientific theories and predictions did not hold a concrete view of that future.

These Solar Guardians held the truth about that future and its secret.

"Regarding our country, Imperium of Man," Raias stopped momentarily in mere nanoseconds. If they were transhumans, they would notice it.

In this very small moment, Raias recalled a moment deep inside his mindscape. A time when he was just a mortal, a kid that blind to the truth in this universe.

He sleeps peacefully on his mother's lap. He still remembers her mother's beautiful yet regal gown. A loving, caring mother that lives eternally in his mind. Raias remembered the day when his mother told him a beautiful verse. A verse that always came whenever he wanted to sleep. His mother would tell this verse over and over again to his ear.

A verse created by an unknown artist.

Verse with the nameless creator that became an unofficial portrayal of Imperium's glory.

"Imperium of Man. Cradle of civilization of the entire galaxy, spanning across millions of worlds, we stand strong as bastions of ours stand strong. Among countless trillions, we thrive and prosper. A country of progress and scientific understanding. As we are, humanity shall live."

Humans across the globe could feel it, a radiance of the glory of the said nation. It was something that they could not describe.

It is a sensation that borders supernatural prowess.

A safe haven for all.

A place of order that protects from chaos.

A sane place for those who seek refuge.

Many of them can feel it, some even capable of glimpsing the shining fragments of memories.

Raias smirked slightly under his helmet. It was very easy, thanks to UR-982's psychic power. It would take them less time to elevate their species into what they used to be.

The entire room fell into silence as no one dared to speak.

"Again, that feeling," Lelei remarked in a whisper.

"I think when my father said that words have their own powers," Tuka said in awe.

Rory only chooses to remain quiet. She started at the giants with a calculating look. This time, she can see that wonderful world again; this one is much clearer.

The city and the marble that built it caused Rory's curiosity about this Emperor to reach its peak. A man that leads this kind of people astonished her.

"What kind of person are you, Emperor of Mankind." Something about the name and vision that Solar Guardian presented resonated deep within her soul.

Once, she was also a mortal, like people who worshipped her. She understood how the inferior being held their belief in the higher one.

These Solar Guardians managed to trade blows with her. Rory was sure she had the upper hand when it came to pure martial prowess. Even though they were whispering, Rory could hear their conversation.

The Solar Guardian only ranked fourth in their hierarchy.

Thus, she began to wonder about the full image of this Emperor.

His title, Emperor of Mankind, speaks volumes of his position in the Imperium.

A man who stands above the hierarchy. He stands above all humanity like their God, yet he was not.

A silent signal made the chairwoman to snapped; nodding her head, she withdrew from the podium. From the main hall door, the Prime Minister entered the room.

It shocked the Japanese people, yet it was predictable action.

The Prime Minister takes his place on the podium, clearing his throat.

"I am the current Japanese Prime Minister, Motoi Shinzo. I welcome you to Japan, Captain Raias." The Prime Minister humbly welcomed.

"The pleasure is all mine, Prime Minister." He nodded.

"I think it would be our formal first contact, Captain. First of all, Japan was fully open to any diplomatic ties with your nation." Motoi bowed his head slightly. "But I want to know about your intention first, Captain."

"Understandable, Prime Minister," Raias nodded. "Imperium of Man and His Majesty's intention was clear. We want to establish a solid connection and make an embassy here, in Japan." The statement made the entire leader of great powers widen their eyes in shock.

"I see. Japan welcomes you and your Imperium, Captain. But I'm afraid we can't fulfill that demand instantly." The Prime Minister said.

"That was expected, Prime Minister. Since humanity found itself a concept of nation, they shall perceive any diplomatic endeavor to benefit their nation and, potentially, their own allies. We will send our official ambassador." Raias replied firmly.

"That is acceptable, Captain," The Prime Minister gave a hand signal to his right hand as the said man began to contact someone. But thanks to UR-982, they have recorded the entire conversation.

"Also, Prime Minister. His Majesty wants to invite your representative to our nations for two weeks as it is a formal invitation." Raias said to the elderly man.

Hearing this not only brought the tension to sky high. Not only the room but the entire person around the world is affected by it.

"Of course, I will send my diplomats to your nation." Motoi smiled diplomatically.

"That's a good answer, Prime Minister." Raias nodded slightly.

"With good intentions, Captain. You have described your country. May we know detailed information about it?" He asked carefully, choosing the perfect tone to avoid inflicting diplomatic disaster.

"Of course, Prime Minister. Of course." Raias used his WAR-CASTER to communicate with UR-982. He wants a clearance on how far he would explain the nature of the Imperium. In an instant, his question is answered.

"Like what I said prior. Imperium of Man is galactic spanning Empire. We have millions of worlds in our border. I come from Macragge, a planet in Ultramar Regnum. It was a sector with one thousand planets in it." The M2 human listened intensely.

"It was a beautiful place with only around 500 million people. This planet was intentionally designed to be less populated to be the hub of its sector. It did not possess continent-spanning artificial plates, like many civilized worlds or Ecumonopolises. Yet, it was a house of the Imperium's most advanced Ferrous Mind." Raias slowly recollects his days back in the Macragge.

"Ferrous Mind? May we know what that is, Captain?" For a while, Raias discussed it with UR-982. It did not take long before Raias cleared his throat.

"It was an independent A.I we created since M23. Men of Iron was their alternate name. We coexist as there no master or slave." It brought many discussions across the internet about humans coexist with silicon intelligence.

"The rest of my team. All of them came from Terra, the birthplace of humanity. In contrast to Macragge, Terra is filled with trillions of people."

All across the globe shouted in shock.

"T-trillions... How is that possible?" It came from a member of the parliament, whispering in curiosity as others joined him.

"Technology and advancements are our answers, gentlemen." The Solar Guardian replied softly. "Since the founding of Federation, a country that became the predecessor of the Imperium, humanity has reached its technological zenith. We can cure every disease, build matter from nothing, and manipulate the cosmos. In that era, every problem was solved by our own hand."

"If I can ask. Then why does your Imperium exist if you have something that astonishing?" Motoi asked. Deep in his mind, he thought he would invite their anger sentiment. And they did not, only stared at him with wonder.

"Imperium was born two thousand years ago after the worst event that happened to us. You know, Prime Minister. We are not alone in this universe. This universe full of horror that you would be grateful your blindness save you from them," A bitter voice came from the transhuman's mouth.

"Third Galactic War. A war that marked not only our own failure but also the era where we forced our eyes open to perceive the truth of the universe."

The word war marked deeper into their souls. Galactic-scale war is something beyond their sane mind to calculate. Something that they want them to ignore as the truth would be devastating.

"Then the Federation reforged into the Imperium of Man at M27 by His Majesty's will. As His Majesty has become our leader, he guides us to a new height." Something was off as the Solar Guardian finished his words.

"Pardon my intrusions. But you said your Emperor rebuilt your nation and then lived as the ruling monarch until now. Am I correct?" Motoi asked slowly.

"Yes, Prime Minister. The Emperor had ruled our country for over two thousand years." The simple answer as it was widespread knowledge in the Imperium. Now, that information brought a gasp of shocks across the earth.

"How is that possible?" The question made Raias smirk under his helmet.

"In the Imperium itself, a man lives until one thousand years old was not uncommon." Raias chuckled slightly. "Since an Imperial Citizen was born, they have been gifted with a Coordinator template, giving them immunity to all basic diseases in the Imperium medical record. It also gifted them with intelligence that is 1/10 of our prowess. To provide you with an example, I can calculate the entire skyscraper in just seconds and draw it with perfect calculation and even improve it into an architecture that your civilization needs decades to invent."

Raias slowly recalled the moment he became the Solar Guardian. He can feel the sensation once again, the power that is beyond his imagination.

It is a might that came when he went to the fourth rank of the transhuman hierarchy. Something that even his mortal version could not comprehend.

"As the Imperial Citizen went 45 years old, they will be elevated to Solar Guardian's level—the fourth rank of the transhuman hierarchy within the Imperium of Man. They shall receive relatively one thousand years of lifespan, intellect transcending any mortal mind and power beyond mere humans." The statement only brought them astonishment.

All of the sections on the internet burned with discussion and theories. Scientists began to lose their minds slowly, and biologists were the worst. They began to wonder what kind of advancement to create a superhuman that lived that long.

"I think that was all, Prime Minister, as those are the information I have clearance to inform in this diet," Raias said neutrally.

"Thank you for your words, Captain. I'm sure our countries can have a decent relationship." The Prime Minister smiled, though it was dry from any previous optimistic emotion.

Raias withdrew from the podium, sitting back in his chair.

"You are cruel, Captain," Maiya whispered.

"It was not cruel. It was necessary."

The diet ended, now the journey to Terra is near.

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