
3rd phase!!!!

They all talked and took a break when finally, the day was over. 

The countdown showed but only a few seconds and Lucas's heart was freaking out. 

He checked his status ensuring every single skill he had was either level 5 or higher.

Everything checked out.

The countdown turned to 0 and the hologram in front of them completely changed.


[Congratulations! Through Luck or skills, you have survived the 2nd Phase!]

[The segregation from the weak and the strong has successfully taken place!]

[Death rate for the 2nd Phase- 56,433,664,899]

[Objective completed- Make a Party with 10 or more creatures, Level your every skill to 5 in a span of four months, defeat five Boss monsters

Reward Gained- Personal individual Quests, 1 Mystery Chest, level 1 map, universal Language skill]

[The 3rd Phase will now commence!]

Next chapter