
Opening the Mystery chest

Lucas was intently looking at the system in order to get as much information about the new phase as soon as possible.

Everyone was looking at it after their small but happy party was over. 

"It says we got the stuff, but where is it?" Jerry asked while scratching his bearded chin.

"You mean the mystery box?"


A chest dropped out of nowhere in front of Lucas who just spoke back to Jerry.

"There you go, just call on it," Lucas said with indifference but with some excitement while looking at the chest box.

Things like this had become a norm for so long that it wasn't even worth flinching for.

Lucas was inches from the chest which was not even a meter in width.

"It's small compared to the ones in the dungeon," John muttered.

Lucas nodded and opened the lid of the chest. The lid fell back and everyone saw what was in it.

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