


Christmas Follies


Christmas break arrived, and we all went home for Christmas. We were bringing people with us. I couldn’t wait since it was my first Christmas with Shaun as an official couple. Plus, he was staying with us, which was even better.

We arrived home and dragged our bags into the house. I hit the door and tackled Ma before my brothers got a chance. Pops pulled me off Ma.

/"Pax, you have plenty of time to spend with your Ma,/" Pops told me as my brothers tackled Ma. Pops sighed.

/"I’ve missed you, boys,/" Ma told us.

/"We missed you more, Ma,/" Payton told Ma.

/"It’s official,/" Presley said.

/"What is?/" Patton asked.

/"You and Pax are the shortest members in the family,/" Presley reminded us.

/"That is not true. Ma is shorter than us,/" I said.

/"Hey!/" Ma yelled as we chuckled. /"I’m not that short./"

We looked at Ma.

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