


Christmas surprises


We dropped Macey off and went home. Nash arrived with Marshall, who hugged me.

/"Your brother will kill you when he finds out that Marshall didn’t go see him and Macey first,/" I told Nash.

/"Mags, it wouldn’t be a surprise if the boys showed up. Nixon has Murphy at his house,/" Nash said.

I showed Marshall to a bedroom and let him get settled. Everything was fine until Nathan and Macey came over. Marshall and I came downstairs, then stopped midway. Our eyes widened as I pushed Marshall back upstairs.

/"What are you doing here?/" Nash asked Nathan.

/"I came to see Ma and Dad, you tool,/" Nathan huffed.

/"Are you PMSing?/" Nash asked.

Nathan glared at Nash as I came downstairs. The front door opened as I saw Nixon and ran to shut it, then locked it.

/"What the hell? Open up, you brainless wonder!/" Nixon yelled.

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