
Chapter 6: Congratulations.

Ann and Rania went to get some hot chocolates at the café near Kit Entertainment when they saw with his friend Edmund Glenn: Hey, AnnThey were staring at each other (Ann and Glenn)Glenn: And, you too Rania Ann and Rania: Tnx Rania saw Ann and Glenn staring at each other Rania: Glenn, Goodluck tomorrowGlenn: TnxEdmund: What about me?Ann: And, you tooGlenn: Congratulations, Ann and Rania for still being in the group Ann and Rania: Tnx, GlennEdmund: Where were u girls headed to?Ann: To the nearby CaféRania: We should even get going now before Miss. Lara catches us hereGlenn: Yeah, sure. Bye, Ann and Rania Ann and Rania: Bye Ann and Rania entered the caféEdmund: Dude, are u ok?Glenn: I'm fineEdmund: So, tell me who do u like?Glenn: Huh, no one Edmund: I can even already see that you like AnnGlenn: Oh, noEdmund: I'm your friend so tell me the truthGlenn: Ok, she's so different from all the girls I've met Glenn and Edmund left. Soon, Ann and Rania finished drinking their hot chocolates and went to bed. The next day, the girls got up early and exercised and then freshened up and got dressed and had breakfast which was caesar salad and chicken. Miss. Bella came to themMiss. Bella: Hey, girlsThe girls: HeyMiss. Bella: There would be an elimination next week again and this time we would eliminate one person. You girls are going to be singing and dancing kpop songs and each group would dance at least two songs Freda: Okay, so would we know our teams now?Miss. Bella: Sure. Paula, Perpetual and Fati are one group then Kezia, Precious, Freda and Yna are also one group then, the last group is Rania, Ann, Catherine and Kim. All of the groups had to get group names, the first group would perform Don't Know What To Do BY BLACKPINK and Black Mamba BY AESPA. The second group would do Psycho BY RED VELVET and Heartshaker BY TWICE, the last group would sing Feel Special BY TWICE and Ready Or Not BY MOMOLAND Kezia: Can we add additional song to it or maybe a dance break?Miss. Bella: Sure!!Precious: So, how about we let it be a surprise between you and us?Miss. Bella: Hmmmm.....The girls: Please....Miss. Bella: Sure!! Your secrets safe with me but make sure no one finds out. And, also add any song that is kpop and that is sweet also The girls: We wouldKim: Please, would we be able to watch the boys sing?Miss. Bella: Yeah!!. I would leave u girls nowMiss. Bella left. In the evening Rania: Ann, won't you go and watch Glenn perform?Ann: I don't knowPaula came inside Paula: Where's Yna?Ann: She's probably dressingJust then, Yna came out dressed nicely with little makeup and her hair was curledAnn and Rania: Woah!!Rania: What party are u guys going?Yna: Silly question, have u both forgotten that today is when I make my first impression on Glenn?Ann rolled her eyesRania: Yeah, rightAnn: But, I don't remember any occasion for that. All I remember is the boys performing tonightPaula: Well, we better get going Paula and Yna left Rania: So, are you still not going?Ann: I'm going
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