
Chapter 7: Elimination Training.

The girls began training soon and they feeling so exhausted at the same time. Rania, Ann, Catherine and Kim were working so hard for this Ann: Let's watch the dance Video again for FEEL SPECIAL Kim: Okay, Let's do it The girls were watching the dance performance again. Paula, Perpetual and Fati had already started learning the song lyrics before they would start learning the dance performanceFati: Don't know what to do is so easy to learn and also I think the dance performance would be easy tooPaula: Yeah, Black mamba is so short but I think the dance would be a little difficultPerpetual: If we learn the songs lyrics first then we learn the dance because learning the songs first would help usPaula: Yes, let's do this Fati: Okay Kezia, Freda, Precious and Yna were also learning the dance of black mamba first before Psycho then they'll learn the song lyrics another day so today was for Heartshaker only FLASHBACK FROM YESTER NIGHT Yna and Paula went to backstage to meet GlennPaula: Hi, Edmund. Where's Glenn?Edmund: Oh, he's right over therePaula and Yna went to GlennYna: Hi, Glenn. How are u doing?Glenn: Good. Why, what are u both doing here?Yna: I just came to meet you and ask if maybe we could go out and chill tomorrow?Glenn: Hmm....I'll think about itYna: Okay, then we'll leave you to rehearse Yna and Paula left, Edmund came to GlennEdmund: What's even wrong with them?Glenn: I don't know, all I want to do tonight is impress the judges and not get eliminated. I also wish to see Ann tonight Edmund: She would probably comeRania and Ann feel asleep when suddenly Ann woke up and woke Rania upAnn: Oh, no. We kind of feel asleep. What says the time?Rania: It's 8PM, and that means the show is about to start Ann: Let's get dressed quickly Ann wore a pink top and black trousers and Rania wore a white top and black skirt, the girls wore sneakers and quickly ran to the performance stage and sat downAt the end of the show, no one was evicted. The boys were to perform again next week in which they would sing and dance PRESENT Kezia's team had gone for a break, Kezia went to the Café with Precious to get some cakes and coffees. Ann and Rania's team can dance FEEL SPECIAL a little bit but they needed more practice and so they continued dancing. Fati and Perpetual's team were still learning the lyrics of Don't know what to doDO YOU GUYS THINK ALL THE GIRLS WOULD NOT BE EVICTED TODAY TOO? WOULD THEY BE ABLE TO SING THE SONGS IN KOREA WHILES THEY CAN SPEAK ENGLISH? THIS IS A TOUGH CHALLENGE, LET'S SEE ON THE NEXT CHAPTER WHICH IS EVICTION TIME
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