
game night!

You know what's better than video games? …nothing- but you know what's a great thing to do?

That's right, it is a nice calm totally non chaotic game of UNO!

"Go fish!" Miya said in full confidence, throwing down a red uno reverse card.

"This isn't go fish-...this is uno-" Eli said for the 15th time in this game.

"And the card is the wrong color…the card Gabriel placed is a blue 7"

He pointed to the card.

"You need a blue uno reverse card."

Miya took a while to process what Eli just said.

"Gabe, how about you go until Miya figures this out."

Gabe nodded and placed a yellow 8.

Me and Eli just stared at each other for a hot minute…

"Maybe we should try a different game-"

You might be wondering why..why gamers like us and a guy like Eli doing? playing board games when we could be playing gta 6?..just kidding, that game will never come out.

But to answer your question!

The power went out-


"Monopoly! A great game for friends and Family!" I shouted as I found the game from my mom's stash.

"Your mom has a lot of old games-"

"You should see the ones my great great grandpa owns(bless his soul)."

Everyone looked at me in a "it can't be that bad." way

"It's a game called chess-" I said waiting to see their reactions and almost immediately they agreed with me.

"Chess?" Gabriel asked in confusion.

Chess for people nowadays is like old anime like Two piece or the old Pocket creatures for you guys in the modern times you won't know of it unless you have that cool older member in your family to introduce you.

"So-" I shook the box to see if the pieces were inside.

"Shall we play?"

Everyone nodded intrigued by this game.

"Gabriel you landed on Miya's property, give her the money-" I calmly explained.

"This makes no sense, we can't pay prisoners!"

"Eli, you need to collect 200."

Eli looked at me confused.

"But.. i didn't do anything-"

I sighed heavily and pointed to the board.

"You passed Go! so you need to collect 200."


"Miya stop separating the houses in color and size you might lose some-"

"It's bothering me though-"

"No you cannot just borrow from the bank! You have no way in paying that money back your bankrupt-"

This game was going on for 40 minutes and only one person was knocked out, that person being Gabriel.

"So…can I like.. Commit tax evasion in this game?" Miya asked

I just face palmed ..i was tired and this game is too long anyway so let's try another?

"How about...jeopardy?" Eli suggested.

"No- '' We all agreed at once there was no way we'd be playing that.


"Because you're way smarterer than us!" Gabriel stated and the two of us nodded in the background backing him up.

"How about Dn-"

"Haru if you say DnD i swear imma hit you-" Everyone gave me a stare that sent chills down my spine…

"One day…this game will be appreciated again!"

"When another pandemic happens maybe-" Miya rolled her eyes.

"Oh how about this game?" Gabriel held up a card game.

"That's so plain tho-" Eli complained and I honestly agreed.

"We something more ….exciting..something where your imaginations become reality and the story of a certain someone can be tol-"



Eli went through more of mom's games and found something..

"How about this game?"

He held up a game called Deception : Murder in hong kong.

We were hooked on the name alone.

"Let's do this!"

So this game was mostly about a murder in hong kong as the name suggests but the killer is someone among us and we needed to find them.

We handed out the special roles and started the game.

"Ok so everyone close your eyes-" I said, I was the scientist so i didn't have to do that.

"Ok… murderer, open your eyes…"

No one opened their eyes…

"Murderer!" I shouted

"Sorry!" Miya opened her eyes and everyone groaned.

"Let's try this again-" I said , handing out the special roles again.

For the sake of simplicity I gave myself the scientist role again.

"Everyone… close their eyes."

Everyone did just that waiting on further instructions.

"Murderer open your eyes-"

Gabriel opened his eyes.

I pointed to 5 means cards and 5 key evidence cards which he picks from


"Key evidence metal wire, means suffocation and! The killer is Gabriel." Miya Pointed at Gabriel in old anime detective fashion and in the game Gabriel was arrested and the two of us lost.

"Ah you got me-" Gabriel said

Miya chuckled to herself.

"Well of course I'm not just good looking and talented, you know."

"Good looking?" Gabriel asked.

"Talented?" Eli asked.


I smiled. I was relieved that we finally found a game we could play to pass the time.

If I learned anything today I think it would be great to ..unplug for a while and play with the people you hold close to you.

Cause you never know what might happen later down in the future.

"You guys wanna play again?"

"Yeah!" Everyone was excited for the next game.

I started to share the cards and the fan in the living room started to spin…

"Powers back on!" And just like that everyone went back to their rooms.

"Of course…." I shrugged and went scrolling on my phone.

Results for todays battle…everyone wins

Next chapter