
We're back!!

"Ok maybe i went a *bit* overboard with the controls." Miya admitted as we walked back into our house with Jerry and Tom watching to make sure we don't go anywhere else.

"You think??" I complained that I still felt sore from all the nerve shocks.

Also yes we did some off screen adventures.

Not all our lives are behind the camera ..well the page.

We entered our house and both Tom and Jerry drove off.

"So..Tom i've been thinking." Jerry said looking through the window as Tom drive

"What about?"

"About their situation…Gabriel and Haru.." Jerry looked at Tom to see his reaction but it wasn't nothing to talk about if anything he was more confused to what he's referring to.

"What about them?"

"Their school lives…can't we like to have them go to university again while you know we do this whole house arrest thing."

Tom came to a sudden stop, jerking both of them forward, almost hitting their heads.

Jerry quickly looked to see what was the matter and saw building traffic up ahead.

Both Tom and Jerry sighed.

Now they're gonna have to wait a while.


It was a new day and just like every time before new opportunities.

"Hey Gabriel…Did you see my phone-" I walked downstairs to ask him.

I've been looking all over for it but couldn't find it anywhere.

"Did you check your school bag?" He asked me, giving me a place to look.

"When was the last time I picked up my school bag-" I said.

"It wouldn't be there-"

Gabriel shrugged and looked back at his phone.

"Well i haven't seen it-"

Great ..just great out of all the things to lose-

"You could ask Miya and Eli if they were downstairs more than me, maybe they saw it."

For once in his life Gabriel had a decent idea.

"Ok thanks…"

I went upstairs to ask Miya or Eli if they saw my phone anywhere.

"..your phone?" Miya looked confused which probably means she hadn't seen it anywhere.

"Nope, I haven't seen it."

I knew it…..

"Did you see it Eli?"

He shook his head.


I left the room disappointed.

"Now what…" I said to myself looking all over my room for any sign of it.

"Damn it! It's not here!" By the time I was done my room was a mess and I still had no phone.

I sighed deeply..

"Now i'll have to clean this-"


_Knock_ _Knock!_

Gabriel heard someone by the door and reluctantly got up to open it.


When he opened the door he saw Tom and Jerry.

"Why are you guys back so soon?" Gabriel looked concerned and confused.

"Pack your bags kids, you're going back to school!" Jerry was a bit too over excited about it but Gabriel was not too eager about the idea.


"You and Haru are going back to college." Tom explained.

"Though you're coming home right after. We can't keep letting your mom worry."

"But it's late..School already started." Gabriel tried to escape the situation but neither of them were taking no as an answer.

"Get Haru…now."

"Yes sir!"


"Now don't you two look respectable."

Tom complimented us as we entered the car with our bags.

First day of college after a while….

I don't want to go back-

Results for today's mission Haru loses.

Oh yeah! And I still didn't find my phone!!

Next chapter