
DND! pt.1

The day is young and so am i! For now at least.

And we're already off to a great start!

"I'm BOOOOOORED!" I complained laying on the ground in the living room.

"Shut up!" Miya threw a pillow at my face. Everyone else was in the living room with me. They were watching the T.v and I was just there ..bored.

For once I yearn for something ANYTHING! To happen.

"If you're gonna be complaining all the damn time just go to your room or something-" Miya continued and my jaw dropped when both Gabriel and Eli agreed with her by nodding her head.

The betrayal was unreal….

"Ok then maybe i will-" i said walking to my room.

I got onto my bed and just scrolled through my phone endlessly until I came across this one guy by the name of Mr.Rhexx talking about a game called DnD. His account was ancient ..and I mean ancient. I'm talking about a thousand years.

Soon I found myself watching more and more of his stuff and soon I was fantasizing about an imaginary game with friends that could be interesting… better yet fun.


I peeked down the step to the living room to see that the t.v was still running and everyone was on their phones.

Good, now's the perfect time to ask.

"Heeey guys." i said with a huge smile.

"You..need something?" Eli asked with a skeptical look.

"Who's up for a game of DnD!"

There was a moment of silence spread across the room until Miya finally spoke.

"What's that?" She looked very confused and understandably so this game was thousands of years old after all.

"DnD is a Roleplaying game you play with friends was first invented in 1974 Tactical studio's rules.inc originally designed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. The game saw alot of changes being online and accessible to the public at

February 28, 2006"

Everyone gave Gabriel weird stares when he said all that even i didn't know and i was watching all of those youtube videos…

".....i wanted to play when i was younger." He said .

"Ok so who wants to play!" I waved a sheet of paper and a calculator in front of them.

"Looks like more work than a game.." Miya said skeptical.

"Not like we got anything better to do.." Eli shrugged

"I'll play, I guess." Gabriel also agreed.


"Sign me up too." Miya said.

I was overcome with joy.

I started to explain the rules to them and all they needed to play they're character and weapons class etc etc.

"Woah woah woah this is all very confusing… " Miya said, rubbing her head whilst looking at the paper.

"Yeah." Eli agreed.

Woah that's two for two they're getting along well.

"It's pretty simple actually-" Gabriel said, picking up one of the papers with the rules on it.

"Besides, once we figure it out we can do one about Greek mythology."

That caught Eli's attention.

"Ok let's do this."

"I didn't know you were a nerd-" Miya looked at Eli with a cheeky grin.

"Shut up-" Eli snapped.

"Make me!" Miya snapped back.

Both of them stared each other dead in the eyes as if they wanted to kill each other.

"Ok you two break it up." I separated the two of them.

"I need to explain the rules again."

Both Eli and Miya rolled their eyes. I could tell they weren't really into this DnD thing.


We were making characters for the campaign we were about to hold together and everyone seemed to be really enjoying the process. Hopefully they enjoy the actual game more.

Miya was trying to squeeze the glue out of the container but it wasn't getting out.

She kept squeezing harder and harder until a bunch of it just squirts out in Eli's face.

"What's your problem bitch!" Eli yelled.

"Can't you tell it was an accident!" Miya yelled back.

"Then apologize!"

"I'm no longer apologizing to you!"

"Whatever…Haru i'm going to my room im not gonna play this stupid game with her."

"Stupid?" I said to myself my heart sank.

"Haru i'm gonna be staying in your room i don't feel like playing anymore."

"Don't feel like playing??" My heart sank even more as they went their separate ways.

Results for today's mission…Haru loses

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