
Mission impossible

So in case you're now catching up…. I tried to play DnD with my friends but we ran into a bit of an issue.

Miya and Eli as usual got into a fight.

My hopes and dreams were crushed and my imagination wasted for a second time.

"So… what now?" Gabriel said while on his phone.

"Guess we try again later…When they forgive each other."

I said with a ray of hope left inside of me.

"You think they'll forgive each other?" Gabriel looked at me with one eyebrow raised.

"They always do what you mean?"

"Ok…" Gabriel got back to his phone.

Yeah so …long story short they didn't forgive each other..

Miya decided she'll be sleeping in our room and Eli of course didn't try to stop her or have any problem with that whatsoever.

I mean I thought I could stay up late but Miya is on a whole nother level especially when i'm still trying to fix my sleep schedule.

We also get locked out of our rooms often too and that's where I draw the line. I was forced into so many convo's because my room was locked..

I need to try and help them make up.

And I tried…

"So ..Miya." I said while we were in the living room.

"Yeah what's up?" she asked.

She looked like she's in a good mood today so now would be the right time to ask her….

"Hey Haru, did you see my -" Eli walked downstairs.

"Haru's talking to me right now ya know." Miya cut Eli off in the middle of his sentence.

"Oh no.." I said to myself.

"Ok?.... So Haru, did you see my phone?"

"I think I saw it on the counter."

"Ok thanks." Eli leaves

"Anyways….." Miya turned to me.

"What were you saying?"

"You know what…nevermind-"

I walked upstairs and Miya looked at me from behind confused to what I wanted before.

And tried


I knocked on Eli's door..

"Come in." When I heard that, I walked into the room trying to think of a way to ask this as subtly as possible.

He was playing a pokemon Violet on his switch.

"So Eli i was wondering if you can forgive Miya-"

"Is Zeus a good dad?" he said, cutting me off.


"Then good bye."

"Ok.." I left the room.

And tried!

"Hey Miya!"




I let out a deep sigh as I went to my bedroom door and fell on top of my bed..

"This isn't working…."

Results for today's battle Haru loses.

Next chapter