
I did what??

The game was on. Everyone got separated except for me and Gabriel.

Apparently the whole thing was a battle royal everyone vs her.

"There's no way we could lose."

That's what I thought anyway.

"" Roi was killed by Unentitledghost47"""

""troybultin56 was killed by Unentitledghost47 """

"" rian'n'Jamal was killed by Unentitledghost47 ""

The list just kept going and going and going.

Now once a list of ten thousand ...is now a list of five thousand in seconds.

The pressure was on.

We were hiding in a tree looking down for Miku so we could have a chance at escaping.

Gabriel was just  as scared yet excited as I am.

"So any knowledge on this game?" he asked hoping I played this before and as a matter of fact I did.

"This game is called universal take over. This is one of the biggest battle royal games to date with 10 different planets and each of them has the map size of an average open world rpg."

"Then how the hell do games even finish with that much space??" 

"The map shrinks over time. A normal game has over 1000k people inside  so compared to them we are nothing.

 scattered around the map are items like guns similar to a normal battle royal but this one also have power orbs it gives you random power sets for a period of time depending on how much you use them." 

Gabriel  sighed.

"Ok I think I got  the gist  of it." he said, jumping out of the tree  and landing to find something.

"wait don't just walk out on your own!" I called out to him  but he was already gone.

I let out a deep sigh and followed him.

"""Hiterfollower678  was killed by Unentitledghost47"""

"""Theothegiant was killed by Unentitledghost47 """"


This is bad, very , very bad.


[[30 minutes  in[[wild west planet]]

We hid inside a random bar hoping to find something useful but so far no good.

Damn.. the game has been going on for only thirty minutes and only one thousand people remain.

"Hey Haru, look what I got." Gabriel pulled out a machine gun and started firing. 

"Hey put that away, that's way too loud she'll find us." 

I warned him but he just shrugged it off.

"relax she wont besides it's just a-" 

bullets started to fly in our direction, some of which hit Gabriel and he had to rest for a while.

I picked him up and we both hid behind the counter.

Taking his machine gun I placed it on the counter and started to fire at her but the bullets just phased through her sprite.

"Damn it she can go through things!" I shouted, putting the machine gun in my inventory and running away through the back with Gabriel.

 The minute my foot went through the back door I was shot in the leg.

I fell to the ground and a purple glowing orb caught my eye.

"Come on Gabriel your cooldown should end now get up!"

Miku approaches closer and closer to me, gun in hand aimed directly at me.

I closed my eyes and waited to be eliminated. 


"""Gabriel was killed by Unentitledghost47 """

I opened my eyes to see Gabriel taking the bullet for me.

He fell to the ground giving me a thumbs up and was eliminated.

"Gabriel....." tears filled my eyes.

I stood up with a purple orb in hand and crushed it.

Lightning started to flow through my body.

Miku tried to shoot me but I dodged it easily shooting several bullets at her myself but she phased through all of them.

I kept shooting at her while running at extreme  speeds but she kept phasing through.

'She can't keep phasing forever her powers will run out' I said to myself hoping for a chance to win but....


"""Haru Taida was killed by Unentitledghost47.""""


I took my headset off feeling kind of disappointed in myself but someone tapped my shoulder.

I turned around to see... ... Gabriel stuffing his face with pizza??

"hey. want some?" he offered me a slice.

"want some?? I thought you died."  

"it was just a game dude....." his mouth was so full I could barely understand him.

I sighed heavily and waited until the rest were eliminated.

"we weren't even the only ones left."  I mumbled, still disappointed.

"there there." Gabriel comforted me while still eating.

"Where did you get that pizza from anyways?"  I asked him confused.

" I ordered it." 

"you ordered food ...to a live event." 

Gabriel nods.


It only took a few more minutes until the remaining players were forced out of their headsets.

"Thank you all for playing!" 

"The event is now over please leave in a single line no pushing!" 

"I'm tired." I sighed.

We were about to leave the building and the door slammed shut in front of us and the room  kept flashing red.

"what's going on??" Both me and Gabriel cried out in a panic as well as the people behind us.

Miku walked up to the line.

"you all are coming with me." she sure didn't look too happy about this, it's like her whole peppy happy mood was completely  gone.

"uh-... excuse me?"

Hey! Author for pokemon rise here! If you enjoy the story check out my other book on my sister account "My runic system" A high fantasy novel i've released for a while now! I’ve been trying to get into the professional writing system for a while now and ive been mostly focusing on that and other stuff, so sorry for the delays in chapters on POKEMON RISE, my release schedule on “My runic system” will be everyday until 100 chapters just like POKEMON RISE, and as for pokemon rise I'll be doing the once a week schedule as usual! Thank you for reading this far

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