
home sweet home

We were stuck in that building for hours until the police arrived.

Miku pulled them aside away from the line to talk to them about something.

I was nervous I might go to jail. I don't know what this is about. I probably touched something I wasn't supposed to and now it's gone??

Ugh my head hurts.


Soon enough the officers came up to us. There were only two of them, one looked to be more of a trainee than an actual officer.

"we're going to check you for stolen equipment so one at a time come up to officer Jerry here and we'll check you."

Stolen equipment? who in their right mind would try such a thing?? 

Well at least I'm fine I didn't steal anything.

I walked forward first full of confidence I just wanted to get this over with.

They patted me down and felt something. I still didn't budge, it's probably just my phone.


NOPE! Of course not, they reached into my pockets and pulled out a tiny chip that people use to mod games.

"step out of the line sir." 

I was in disbelief but I listened to the officers thinking u can clear this up somehow. 

They started to check everyone else and Gabriel ended up being caught with a chip too.

What the hell is going on??

No one else had anything that could've been owned by the building and was sent on their way.

Me and Gabriel looked at each other not knowing what's about to happen next.

"Ok you two you're coming with us to the station." 

One of the police officers showed us two handcuffs.

"Wait wait wait we've been frames we didn't steal any of this." I protested no way I'm going to jail for this. I'm innocent.

'Wait we didn't steal them?' Gabriel thought.

"just look at the cameras you'll see we're innocent!" 

The police officer lowered the handcuffs and let out a deep sigh and turned to Miku.

"Show us the camera footage." 

Miku nodded and went to the cameras and started to play through the entire event but a date was missing.

The footage was completely gone!

Well that's just my luck!

"It seems like you're out of luck kid." The police officers turned to me again with the handcuffs.

"w-wait." Well it seems like I'm going down so if I'm going down might as well take you down with me!

"what if Miku deleted the footage to frame me." 

Miku was in shock and the police officers looked at each other.

"I mean think about it she's the only one with access to the cameras at this moment besides the owner and he wouldn't steal his own stuff now would he?" 

Officer Jerry scratched his head in confusion; he didn't know who to believe.

Perfect, I'm going to get out of this somehow.

Gabriel wasn't even paying attention to what was going on; he was eating his last slice of pizza counting the car that passed by.

"You don't actually believe this crap do you??" Miku was in disbelief that the cops even thought she would do it.

The officers nodded at each other and one of them put Miku in handcuffs.

"yes!" I celebrated but alas I celebrated too soon for I was also put in chains.

Gabriel wasn't as resistant to get handcuffed as me and Miku maybe he had some plan to get us out of here.


We were led into a room that was empty.

We were put to sit near a table and were asked questions about the incident But our stories were always the same.

Seeing that this wasn't helping, Jerry looked at the next officer.

"Tom what do we do now-?"

The officer looked at me dead in the eyes.

"Look, it's been a long day so here's the deal ok?" 

I nod attentively.

"The three of you will be put under house arrest until you prove your innocence to us. Failure to comply and you'll be eating nothing but rice for breakfast lunch and dinner.

Me and Gabriel nodded but Miku wasn't a fan of the idea.

"My lawyers will just get me out." 

"you don't understand miss... this sentence is for life if your found guilty there's no bail no amount of money will save you." 

"so... we have a deal?"

Miku nodded.

"so..... where will we stay?" I was confused because none of us have a place to stay here besides the college and they won't be giving housing to "criminals".

I mean we could go...there but.

"We could stay with your mom." yup gabriel said it.

Miku was visibly upset by what happened but didn't say anything.


-knock knock-

A woman in her 40s heard knocking on the door as she watched the news about some kids that were gone missing,

"Coming coming," She said as she got up from her chair.

Opening the door she saw me waving at her with an awkward smile,

"Heey mom,"

"Miss me?"

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