
There she is Miku Alvie

Hey my name is Taida Haru I'm 19 attending

university as a freshman.

My life isn't at all interesting..

I live in the small  town of Syoto. We don't have apartments and the only thing we have worth mentioning is our university. 

Oh and the new game stop place  opening today.

Yeah they're actually making a comeback took them long enough.

I remember my grandfather talking about his great great great great great great grandfather's experience there. I can't wait to see.

Oh right back on topic.

As a celebration for the grand opening they hired Miku Alvie  herself to do a live stage performance!

exciting  right?

I don't know about you but I can't wait to meet  her.



I felt a sharp sting from the back of my head.


I turned behind me to see what was the issue.

"Are you still sleepy? I told you to sleep early last night." 

My best friend Gabriel started to nag me.

"no I was just ..daydreaming that's all." 

We were in a Taxi heading towards the concert.

"Ok then. we're almost there so be ready." 

I looked through the window and there were alot of high tech looking buildings outside but cars and other "ancient" modes of transportation are still in use.

"I swear it's like this one town is in both the future  and the past..." 

I said, peering through the window to see when we'll  get there.


When we got there the entrance to the building was blocked and no one could even enter the building.

Granted we were supposed to stay outside but even if we were allowed to enter we couldn't and no one would believe this many people couldn't even fill a quarter of the building we were about to enter.

"they were really building up to this moment." Gabriel joked.




"not funny." 

If it weren't for the people cheering in the background you would've heard all the crickets chirping.


The noise overpowered the noise of the crowd causing all of us to look back because it can only be one person.

Looking back to see a black lambo with two guards coming out the back seat and none other than Miku herself coming out of the driver's seat, her straight blue hair flowing as she  puts it behind her and her sharp red eyes  that shot daggers into the hearts of her fans.

The crowd burst into cheers loud enough to deafen you from a mile away.

We all moved aside letting her pass through to the door and when it was opened she entered  and we were practically  trampled trying to even get in.


"wow..... and ow." 

The place was even bigger than it looks. It makes the 10 thousand people here look like a mere hundred. 

"damn no wonder it took them this long to reopen..."

The lights began to turn off and there was a slight panic amongst the crowd before the spot lights were focused on a stage where Miku herself stood  in the middle.

"Are you all ready!" She screamed to the top of her lungs trying to hype up the crowd.


"Then let's get  this little live event going!"

The whole thing was a blast. Music, Games we even saw our favorite drifter  beat some other drifters like it was nothing!

All in all I'm glad I went.


"Ok ok ok!" Miku walks back up on stage.

"one last thing before we close for the night!" 

A door was opened by one of the staff  members with a room full of headsets.

"How about it?" 

"Do you want to have a game with your favorite  gamer??" 

The crowd was going insane over this and to be completely honest we were too.

I can't believe this was happening. It was too good to be true!

A game against Miku Alvie?

I can't wait!

"Ok this will be a 10000 v 1  there's no time limit!" 

She smiles.

"Don't disappoint me." 

Everyone rushed to the room and grabbed a headset, some fought over them and others just waited till the commotion  was over to enter.

You can probably guess which group I was in.

"On your marks!" 

"Get set!" 


Hey! Author for pokemon rise here! If you enjoy the story check out my other book on my sister account "My runic system" A high fantasy novel i've released for a while now! I’ve been trying to get into the professional writing system for a while now and ive been mostly focusing on that and other stuff, so sorry for the delays in chapters on POKEMON RISE, my release schedule on “My runic system” will be everyday until 100 chapters just like POKEMON RISE, and as for pokemon rise I'll be doing the once a week schedule as usual! Thank you for reading this far

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