

Time: 16:40:12 PM

Location: Odúlaníyan road

In the streets of "odúlaníyan", ten minutes away from Jolasco, There were not many cars on the road as it was somehow regarded as an isolated area, due to some reasons. Since it was the only route to JDK headquarters, The Correctional unit had to drive through the area in their huge black van. The vehicle was mainly specified for the transportation of hardened criminals like Ahmed.

Ahmed was handcuffed with chains, on his leg and hands. At the back of the van, six armed police officers guarded Ahmed. They sat still on the bench placed inside the van, staring at one another with no words in their mouth. The only voices that were heard were from the driver and his colleague.

"Gee guess what happened" the driver who went by the name ebuka spoke to his colleague who sat with a bottle of gin in his left hand.