
Blood Control! [Rewriten Version]

"Signal lost huh"

I walked over to the trunk and took out the Suitcase armour and put it down on the floor, I was gonna insert my legs inside it to activate it when my scar suddenly had a tingling feeling come over it, the winds around me began Howling and the tempreture grew colder.

A terrifying yet familiar roar came from the forest besides me, I felt my body locking up but I resisted it and activated the armour suitcase, The tress to my left started rustling and it kept growing louder I sped up and threw my school coat off and quickly grabbed the handles and brought it up to my chest, The armour started expanding on my body and I kept my eyes on the place where the noise was coming from, The winds were starting to Howl louder and the tempreture kept dropping as the rustling neared and got louder.

The armour grew up to my face and covered it Just then I heard a loud roar and the monster jumped out of the forest, I pointed my hands towards the jumping monster and gave Jarvis the order to activate the laser cannon.

A beam of white light shot out from my hands aimed at the Monster, the monsters head looked at the beam as it approached closer and it got hit shooting it back into the forest.

I turned my head to look at the monster that crashed into the forest with a bloody hole on its chest, it got up and started rushing at me, I aimed my hand at the monster and fired the Lasers, It jumped out of the way this time but I didnt let it go as I moved my hands towards the monster, the monster could not avoid it and was hit chest first and got shot back into a bunch of trees destroying them.

"Yeah... Its not really a big deal!"

I started walking up closer into the woods where I had shot it through a few tress, It was dark and the armour didnt exactly have the best nightvision so it was not very clear but still observable, I stayed at the edge of forest waiting for some movements of the monster when I felt something grab my legs I looked down and it seemed something liquid Grabbing it.



It jumped out from its hiding and both of its hands seemed to be free but it moved one of its hands through the air and I felt my body move in that direction, my body felt like a rag doll being thrown causing my body to fly of and smash into the tress opposite of the road.

I felt a bit dizzy as I saw the monster standing up, warning started appearing infront of me, telling me about the broken and damaged parts of the suit.

What the Hell was that thing that grabbed me it seemed liquid, I could tell the colour yet it seemed to be following the action of that Monster.

"This was never this strong before, What? did it take some kind of steroids in the forest to suddenly become this strong? Or gain some Psycic abilities?"

No that wasnt Psychic it was liquid...

I activated my flight thrusters and flew above and looked at the monster from above.

"Whatever it took, it doesnt matter"

I felt my chest warm up and a second later and thick white laser shot towards the Monster, The laser was fast and it hit the monster, Causing it shrek in pain and panic as it hit the monster.

"That's what I thought"

I felt my chest heating up, it started getting hotter and hotter the longer I kept the laser on aimed at the monster, The monster was screeching and trying to run away but I didnt let get away, I aimed the laser at its legs and hands and cut it off to stop its escape, My chest soon started burning up at one point so I quickly closed the arc reactor laser.

"Ouch! That hurts like a bitch!"

"Sir this is due to, Overheating"

I ignored it for now as I would have to take care of this in the new armours as this armour doesnt seem to handle Heating well, I looked at the monster and its hands and legs were cut of, it was still alive and screeching in pain.

I floated down and started walking towards it, this was the perfect chance to touch it so I headed close to its body and bent down to Anaylysis it.

I was getting close to touching it and finnaly getting some answers about this Monster when smoke started arising from its body, I stepped back due to surprise and smoke was growing, although it wasnt much, I stepped back mainly due to the surprise if this.

The monster started letting out a horrendously loud screeching and roars, and the body parts that were scattered not far around started moving!

"No no, its Blood?!"

Yes it was blood that was moving this monsters body parts, Its hands and legs shot towards the smoke and through the smoke and through the angry roars I saw a dark fist heading straight towards me through the smoke.

I clenched my fist and threw my own fist to counter this attack as I was still close to it and I didnt have the time to fly away activate my hand cannon or dodge it as the distance was really close and the fist was quickly approaching my body

Both our fists met causing the winds and smoke around our fists to go crazy I felt a lot of force being pushed towards my fists and damage warning signs started appearing infront of me.

Its strength was surprisingly more then mine I felt myself being pushed back and my fist flung out causing my entire body to fly back, The monster stood up once again and roared at me and started dashing towards me.

I had landed on the concrete road when i saw the monster rush at me, I used my other hands to activate my Chest repulser as the hand armour I used to punch was severely damaged.

"Jarvis! Use the car"


The monster got really close to me with its sharp nails pointing straight at my head.

"Jarvis Use Max Power"

as I puffed up my chest facing towards the monster and released the laser from my chest causing it to get pushed back high into the sky being pushed back further into the sky with the laser.

When it was in the air and the chest laser stopped due to over heating and rockets flew into the monster causing big explosions, the shockwaves were not that strong near me but it still caused me get flung into the woods causing some pain in my body.

The explosions died down and the monster fell out of the air looking really damaged blood was flowing out everywhere and it seemed to be in immense pain.

I didnt want it to escape so I stood back bearing the pain and started blasting it with my Chest repulser.

I knew I couldn't keep up the use of it for long so I aimed directly at its head and kept blasting it until the heat got to much for me and Jarvis issued warning signs to turn the laser off.

I switched it of and rushed towards the monster ready to get some answers from the system.

When I got close to it I saw that It was still Alive.

"How the Fuck is it still Alive!"

So I made a Discord... it doesnt really have much, I you want to join then the link will be in the stories synopsis .

Hope you guys Enjoyed the chapter :)

Karate_master_bcreators' thoughts
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