
A F*cking Immortal!

I got close to the monster and just to make sure nothing unexpected happened like last time, I started Blasting its head in.

Previously I had asked the system

'System do you know anything about this monster since this world is meant to contain supernatural things from The movies and TV shows, but according to my memory I had never seen such a monster pop up in any show or movie, although it looks similar to a Wendigo, it's clearly diffrent as it does not have the same powers as a Wendigo'

And the system told me how it has no clue basically and I had to analyse the monster using a system feature to understand more about the monster and since it's a variation of a Wedigo it costed me half of what a analysis usually costs 500 spoints...

After blasting its head a few more times cause... when can you ever be to sure with such a thing and then approached it slowly and touched its mangled head, it was not dead yet some how, smoke was still coming out of its body and blood was going back into its body but it was at a slow pace propably due to its destruction of the head.

I carefully reached out and towards the body with my exposed finger through the destroyed arm armour and touched the monster, its body felt cold and the red lines running through its body was glowing ever so slightly which I had failed to notice before, it must have be using these lines to control the blood of its body huh.

System Analyse the monster.

[Affirmative, 500 spoints do you agree]

Yes I agree.

[Analysing... Analysis Complete]

[This Monster is a unique monster, It was created due to a clash of the diffrent supernatural energies belonging to diffrent TV shows and movies, This clash caused a Human who had the prerequisites to mutate into a Wendigo, but this was a special case as this didnt happen due to the world of Witcher here but rather a coincidence... This monster was created by the clash of diffrent energies and due to that the mutation of this Wendigo happened and because of the mutation caused by the elements now it had gained the abilities, strengths etc from any being it has eaten before]

What so like unlimited strength and it can get strong super fast... it sounds like the ability of some webnovel Mc not gonna lie...

[It never had the abilities of a actual Wendigo as this did not come from the world of the witcher just some abilities from the human that was mutated in the beggining, its abilities such as blood control must have been acquired from one of its prey, its strength and regeneration was due to the amount of Humans it had eaten and there regenerative abilities and strength stacked on top of eachother.]

Ah huh... so basically it cant be allowed to kill anymore gotcha.

[From further Anaylysis it is found that, this variation of Wendigo hoards all of the food at once and digests it all later and use it to strengthen itself, so previously it must have gone to the woods to digest and process all of the strength, regeneration etc of the humans it had eaten before and the thing that gave it blood control powers]

Ohhh no wonder the strength increases I had seen was so minuscule before, it was just at its hoarding stage when it disappeared into the forest was when it processed all of that making it much stronger than expected.

And I'm guessing that tingling feeling from my scar was actually some kind of mark this Monster used to track its prey huh.

[It does not have the ability to be truly killed as it is an amalgamation of diffrent supernatural energies which cancelled out such restrictions a single worlds monster has such as... death, its regeneration can only be slowed down by destroying it head and it releases the smoke as a protection mechanism to cover its body]

Woah woah woah slow the fuck down here... Did you just say this Monster was fucking Immortal as in... Cant be killed no matter what!?

[That would be correct, this was due to a rule every supernatural element has without exception being cancelled out due to the clash of these multiple world energies]

Haha... I think I'm gonna go crazy, Supernatural elements have rules? And this mons... Wendigo is truly Unkillable? What other rules are being cancelled out.

[None, the Absolute rule of anything supernatural elements or not is inevitable death, yet due to the clash of these multiple elements, the one common thing being Death is cancelled out, Each supernatural Element has diffrent things so this is what causes Mutated powers like this to appear]

Wha.. bu.. Can more immortal wendigos with diffrent abilities come to being?

[Although it wont be a Wendigo, this was just a coincidence it turned out to look like a Wendigo and Yes, Due to the clash of the diffrent energies... It is inevitable for more to come into existence]


I looked at the Immortal Wendigo and realized how the battle must have caused a lot of noise so I quickly gathered its body and threw it into the car, its body was big but meh I broke some bones and it all fitted in there like a jigsaw puzzle Oh and I didnt forget to shoot its head a few times.

Right now it's best to get out of here, I will have to figure out later about this Supernatural Elements clashing together and the inevitability of Immortal Monsters coming into existence later but first it's best to get out of here, I sat in the car with the broken Wendigo staining my backseats with blood and drove of quickly as I had just heard police sirens coming and also I did not forget to pick up my school jacket.

I drove far away and soon stopped at a beach, through out the drive I kept shooting the Immorgal Wendigo in the head to make sure its near impossible for it to regenerate.

I got out of the car and took a deep fresh breath of air, I looked at my armour and saw how banged up and broken it was, I decided to exit my armour and started unequipping myself, the Armour started collapsing back into a suit case form which it did but, the suit case did not look as pretty as it did when I first used it, It was broken in places dented, Paint was scrapped of, overall it was pretty Banged up which sucked...

Even if the Mc has 270 IQ Tony Stark did to, did that stop Tony Stark from making stupid decisions... No it didnt, The Mc is still a Human Being, and if everything went perfect... wouldn't the story get boring fast?

Hope you liked the Chapter :)

Karate_master_bcreators' thoughts
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