

The teacher looked at Raena as she stood up straight, then sighed and then the others began arriving and she glanced at them then Kyla grabbed onto her arm and she smiled at the girl.

"You okay?" Kyla asked.

"Yeah, a little bruised but other than that, I am completely fine," She responded and Kyla patted her on the back as they approached the teacher who sighed and looked at them then checked the watch on his hand and scoffed.

"Well, you are all on time, but one of you got into more problems than the others which made it a lot harder for you, how bad are you hurt, Raena?" He asked.

"It's not too bad, it can be fixed, my side, it's..." He sighed as she responded.

"Come on guys, turn around," He said as he approached her, and everyone turned away.

"I am going to need to see a bit," He said then she lifted her top up a bit and he sighed.

"Well, you sure are wrong, Raena, that's not a bit, that's badly bruised from the impact of the hit, you have to be treated when you get back of the pain will be too much," He aid before she fixed her top, and the others looked at her as a book appeared in the teacher's hand.

"Now, I'm going to see what your rankings are, and in order to do that, you'll have to do something," He said as they exchanged glances, unsure what he wanted them to do next, and they were a little concerned because they knew how serious he was and how rough he could get when certain things were concerned.

"You guys look like you just came straight from hell, and I haven't even told you what you have to do yet, damn, save your expressions for later, don't give me nightmares," He said, and Raena wanted to laugh, but restrained herself, but a black-haired boy in their class burst out laughing, and his classmates covered their mouths to keep from laughing as well.

"It's funny is it?" He asked as he approached the young man who stopped laughing and sighed.

"What's funny, sir?" He asked.

"I see, well, I will show you what is it to be funny when I see what ranking you got, you better pray that you didn't get a low one or you will be in hell," He responded and Raena chuckled and Kyla smiled.

"Now he has done it..." Kyla said with a grin and Raena patted her on the head.

"We better focus and hold ourselves back our we will be dead meat and with an addition bonus, get on his bad side as well and that's something I am pretty sure we don't want to do, I haven't been here long, but I can tell how dangerous it is to be on his bad side, he is scary," Raena replied and Kyla nodded as Raena felt a hand on her shoulder and she jumped.

She then turned around and saw a hand on her shoulder and sighed, then looked up and saw it was the teacher and she jumped.

"I'm glad you know, that's good, you're a newcomer, you'll know what to avoid in the future, how not to get on some people's bad side, I'm not the only teacher you have to worry about," He said before patting her on the shoulder and walking away, and she gave him a sidelong glance.

"Who else?" She asked.

"You'll see, give it time; for now, we should focus on your rankings; if any of you receive low ranks, you'll have to do extra work in class, got it?" He asked.

"Got it," They replied before he took a deep breath and his eyes glowed purple, followed by the appearance of a creature beside him.

The creature had large wings, a slim body similar to that of an owl, and was had the color of a darker shade of night and light blue.

"Place your hands on its head; after it determines your rank, you will be given a badge; this is what I wanted you guys to do, dummies," They sighed, a bit relieved, before lining up, and each time one of them placed their hands on the creature's head, it's head lit up blue and white, and their ranking badges appeared in their hands.

When it was finally Raena's turn, she approached the owl and it bowed its head, then she placed her hand on it, and the entire body of the owl lit up blue and black, as did Raena's hand, and the teacher looked at her and the time it took the owl to decide a ranking for her.

"Are you at ease?" He inquired, and she nodded before he sighed.

"What's taking so long?" One of the students asked, and the teacher's eyes narrowed while staring at Raena, until the creature's body and Raena's hand both stopped glowing, at which point the creature vanished and the teacher approached her.

"What's your ranking?" He asked.

"Rank 3," She responded and the others smiled, then the teacher collected her badge and placed it on the collar of her shirt then she smiled.

"Thank you," She said.

"You are welcome, most of you are ranks two and three, only four students among you is close to rank four, you guys are strong, that I know, so prepare for hell this term, you are all reaching ranks three or above by the end of it, and those who refuse to do the necessary work will be dropped by one rank, am I clear?" They jumped in fear as he asked in an angry tone.

"Yes, sir!" They exclaimed and he smirked.

"Good, I'm glad you understand, we couldn't focus much on the rankings because recently we had a lot of issues to deal with, but now that everything is back on track, we teachers will be pushing you students to get stronger, you have neglected your abilities for far too long and that's enough, now let's see what you're all really capable of, let's head back now," He said, and Raena looked at him as the magic circle formed under their feet and they all disappeared.


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