

Upon arriving back at the academy, Raena looked at the teacher and he sighed.

"Now that you have all been ranked, prepare to do much harder things, it's almost night, you kids should get going," He said before walking away then Raena called out to Drakun and he appeared by the gate then she smiled and bid farwell to Astrun and Kyla then went to him..

"Hello, shall we head home?" He asked and she smiled.

"Yes, I have good news in a way," She responded and he chuckled as they disappeared then reappeared at their usual spot where she saw Akaz was already waiting for them and he smiled at her.

"Raena," Akaz said as he approached her and patted her on the head.

"How was your day?" He asked as she gnashed her teeth due to the pain from her side and his eyes narrowed as she held onto her waist and he sighed, then lifted her top up a bit and sighed when he saw how bruised it was.

"I can heal it, but please sit down and avoid putting too much pressure on your side, okay?" He asked, and she nodded before sitting on the couch. He sat beside her and gently placed his hand on the bruise, releasing a blue energy that surrounded the bruise, and her body began to feel cold, almost as if she were in the cold.

"Uh... I got rank 3," She said as she lowered her head and he glanced at her.

"Rank 3?" He asked as she clenched her fists.

"Yes," She responded and he exhaled deeply then smiled.

"We will talk about this in a few, let me heal you first, got it?" He asked.

"Got it, maybe I could have gotten a better rank if I had tried harder," She responded.

"Raena, you need to relax or he won't be able to heal you properly, think you can do that?" Drakun asked.

"Yeah, sure," She responded and he smiled at her before looking at Akaz.

A while after Akaz finished healing her he sighed, then stood up and she looked at her side and saw it was healed completely.

"Thank you," She said.

"You are welcome, now you have to leave it for a day or two and the bit of pain that remains will disappear, you need to be more careful with yourself," He said and she sighed then looked at him and he patted her on the head and her eyes widened.

"Gaining rank three on your first time is more than good enough Raena, there is no need to worry whether it's good enough or not, you did well," He said with a gentle smile, then she closed her eyes with her lips trembling and he looked at Drakun, knowing that in her previous home, she was never praised for such things.

"I am going to bring dinner out," Drakun said as he walked away and Raena looked at Akaz.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

"Nothing, just, thank you," She responded and he chuckled.

"There is no need to thank me for any of this, but you are always welcome, kid, now come on, let's go have dinner and relax, you need to get your rest after having such a long day at the academy, ranking sessions takes a while due to what the teach has in mind for you and which each time, it only gets harder," He said as she walked away with his hand around her shoulder.

"For certain people the rankings cannot be always accurate, can it?" She asked as they entered the dining hall and he glanced at her.

"It really depends on the person's ability; if the person is unstable, the ranking will appear to be accurate at times but isn't, and that won't take long to figure out," He responded as they sat down and she smiled.

"Well, that's understandable," She said before gnashing her teeth and he knew it was her side still hurting that much.

"Relax yourself a bit, don't brace on your side and you will be just fine, you got hit really hard there, Raena," He replied and she looked at him then smiled.

Raena then took her food and poured herself a glass of juice, recalling how she had been surprised earlier at the academy.

"You know, I was surprised today," She said.

"How so?" Drakun asked.

"I didn't know that he was such an important person within the academy, I have a feeling I am not going to hear the end of it but I am glad," She responded and Akaz smiled.

"I wanted to wait until you decided what to call me before telling you what my position in the academy is, but you found out in a completely different way than I had planned," He said and she chuckled.

"Well, I have no regrets..." She replied when her past life came flashing before her life and she sighed.

"You were saying," Drakun said and she looked at them as they stared at her.

"Oh, yes, I am okay with the way I found out, it was surprising and nice in a way," She replied.

"Good, I'm glad; now eat your food, and when you are finished, go get some rest; there will be a lot more things for you to do this term, many events planned, and the next will only get harder; are you sure you will be able to push through?" Raena gave Akaz a sidelong glance as his eyes narrowed when he asked.

"Yes, I will be able to handle it all, don't worry, I will manage, I have managed a lot so far," She responded and a smirk appeared on his face while looking at her and the air around him got a bit cold and Drakun's eyes widened as he looked at him, wondering what was going on with Akaz.

'What's this? What the hell is he thinking? I know something is wrong, the way he is with Raena, what are you doing master?' Drakun thought while looking at Akaz who continued eating his food, the air around him went back to normal when Raena began feeling as though her body was being pulled but assumed that it was because of her injury.


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