

[Master, right now you can use fire chain and place your fingers together and use fire breath to attack it and get its heart; it's difficult to pierce through, but extreme heat will hurt it, allowing you to pierce its heart.]

"Thank you," Raena said quietly.

[No problem.]

As the creature got too preoccupied with looking for Raena, she took advantage of the opportunity and came out quietly behind him and raised both of her hands up, causing flaming chains to surround its body and it roared when it turned around and saw her and she took a deep breath before blowing fire on its body and it roared causing the other students to hear it and Kyla and Astrun turned around when they saw the giant snake rose up in the air and they looked at it as Raena jumped up in the air and a flaming sword appeared in her hand.

[Aim for its heart, you have less than a minute.]

Raena tried striking the snake, but it was moving around too much and it was fast, she gnashed her teeth, then spun around, kicking it in its face before it slammed her into a tree with its tail, injuring her and the teacher saw everything and he was about to move when Raena's eyes lit up brighter along with the flames on the sword.

"You are in my way, die," Raena said as she dodged its attack, and Astrun smiled before continuing on his way, as did Kyla, and Raena pierced the creature's heart, causing it to release its echo, and she covered her ears as its body burned up, turning to ashes before falling to the ground and disappearing, the girl then landed on her feet and the sword vanished before she returned to normal.

"Ouch," Raena said before she held onto her side and lifted her top up where she saw how bruised her side was and itwas bleeding from being hit so hard.

[Are you going to continue?]

"Yeah, I've fallen behind and we need to catch up; can you keep an eye out for any more dangerous beasts?" She inquired.

[I will, you focus on where you need to go, and I will guide you as I should.]

Raena smiled and started running through the forest, unconcerned about what was in front of her; all she cared about was the goal and getting a good ranking at the time.

As Raena ran through the forest, a huge spider appeared before her and she sighed as it shot huge cobwebs that were sticky and burnt through the trees like it was nothing.

[That's an acid spitting spider; the acid is in its web and it can instantly kill someone, well to be precise, any normal person; you can use any method you can think of to kill it; anything will work as long as you don't get hit with the acid.]

Raena dodged every shot the spider fired and jumped up in the air, balancing her body, before releasing a fire ball that engulfed the spider, causing it to hiss in pain as it burned, and the teacher saw everything that was going on and sighed, knowing she would be late if she kept getting into trouble.

Night was approaching fast, and Raena knew that and she kept on going after killing the spider, trying not to run into any more creatures that would stall her while moving quickly through the forest, hoping to arrive at her goal on time.

[Master, as you grow stronger, you will be able to unlock your other powers, and you will soon be able to go through these things with ease. There is another one of that snake approaching you, since you are running out of time, I suggest you avoid fighting it and move past it.]

"Got it," Raena said as her eyes widened and she came to a halt when she realized the snake approaching her had two heads.

"Eh? I am seeing right?" She asked while wiping her eyes and her system chuckled.

[You are seeing right, there are different versions of that snake, they can evolve just like you.]

"Damn it, I hope I don't run into any more trouble," She said as she rushed passed the snake who didn't notice her due to focusing elsewhere.

Raena sighed, relieved that she hadn't drawn the snake's attention, but as she approached their destination, her head began to spin and the pain in her side increased, and she came to a halt while breathing heavily.

"Do you think Raena will be fine?" Kyla asked as she flew beside Astrun and he glanced at her and saw that her arm was bleeding and he sighed.

"I suggest you worry about yourself, we have to get to the goal, she is strong, she will be fine," He responded as he flew off faster and Kyla smirked as she took off after him, hoping that Raena would be fine.

[Master, you are nearing your goal.]

"I know, I'll keep going, I'll take care of the wound later," She said as she continued on her way when she noticed the vines on the ground began to move near her feet and sighed.

"Nope, I have had just about enough of this, I refuse to let myself get into more trouble, I seriously hate this forest, I am suddenly feeling the urge to burn it all down, it's irritating," She said.

Raena became enraged at the obstacles that kept appearing in her path out of nowhere, and she released a massive amount of fire, causing the vines to pull back due to being burned, and everyone saw the reflection of the fire within the sky while dealing with their own problems.

Raena flung herself into the air with a fire boost, landing directly at the bottom of the kill with a smile on her face, but Astrun was the first to reach the goal, and the others were approaching the hill as well and Raena knew she needed to hurry up or she might not get a good ranking and decided to use another fire boost.

Raena released another burst of flame, sending her flying directly to the top of the hill, where she landed on her feet and sighed in relief at having arrived just in time.


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