
A punch

Raena bowed her head in front of the class, and the teacher approached her, grabbing her arm and inspecting her palm.

"Is there something wrong?" She inquired.

"You are new here, right?" He asked.

"Yes, I just started the academy," She responded as Astrun's eyes narrowed while looking at her.

"Have you worked on honing your skills?" He asked.

"Not yet, is there something wrong?" She asked.

"No, you just came out of top for your fire skills within this class and Astrun is second, I will keeo writing down my reports; you might end up being more than two once you take your ranking test; well done; you are not weak after all," He responded, and she smiled before walking away, and Astrun grabbed her arm, and she looked at him, and he smiled.

"Well done," He said.

"Thanks, are we done here?" She asked and at the same time the bell rang.

"Those who have had their turns may leave; it is already lunchtime, and I'm sure you have other classes later; go on," The teacher said and Raena sighed before leaving with Astrun, heading to the cafeteria.

"Raena, Astrun…" Kyla called out as she approached them since she was heading to the cafeteria as well and they came to a halt, then turned around and looked at her and she smiled.

"How did your class go?" Kyla asked as someone got shoved down before them and they saw it was a blue haired girl, who was average height, had long hair and fair in color with green eyes and Raena helped her up and she chuckled then hugged Raena and Raena smiled nervously before patting her on the back.

"Hey, Nica," Astrun said and the girl jumped up on his back and his eyes widened.

"Hey, what are you doing, get off of me," Astrun said, and Kyla burst out laughing as Raena chuckled, and the girl got off of him.

"What happened to you? Who did you trouble this time?" Astrun asked as his eyes narrowed and Nica smiled nervously as she turned away blowing whistles and he sighed.

"Here you are," Someone said and when Raena turned around, she saw it was the girl who tried picking a fight with Astrun and her crew.

"Oh, weird hair, move out of the way, we have business with that little troublemaker behind you," The girl said and Raena looked back at Nica who grabbed onto Astrun's arm and he glanced at her.

"Leave her alone, what did she do to you?" Raena asked.

"She has been messing with me all day, she even made me chop a piece of my hair," She responded and Nica bust out laughing and Astrun smiled as Raena sighed.

"Have you ever thought you deserved it?" Raena inquired, and the girl's eyes narrowed as she looked at her.

"Who do you think you are talking to?" She asked as she was about to grab Nica and Astrun stood before the girl with his eyes glowing orange.

'He's quick to lose it; this isn't going to end well because Nica is his friend,' Raena thought.

"Please move out of our way, you're making a big deal out of nothing," Raena said, and the guy behind the bully laughed.

"I suggest you stay out of this newbie, you know nothing about this place yet, you'll learn where you stand as time goes on," He replied, and Raena's eyes narrowed.

"I don't care, leave her alone," Raena said, and Nice gave Raena a sidelong glance.

"All she does torments others and put others down all day long; she was going to do the same to me, so I just showed her who is better," Nica explained.

"You…" The girl shouted as she was about to touch Nica and Raena grabbed onto her hair and shoved her into her friends and she looked at Raena.

"I don't like people who put others down just to look better; don't get on my nerves," Raena said, her eyes turning orange as the girl chuckled.

Her nails glowed blue along with her eyes and she was about to hit Raena, but Raena folded her fist and punched the girl in her stomach, sending her flying into a wall, cracking it and Astrun smirked as Nica chuckled and Kyla looked at Raena who approached the girl and crouched down as she bled through her nose.

'Is she seriously hurt?' Raena wondered.

[No, the punch was not strong enough to seriously injure her; she will be fine.]

"Get up, you're fine," Raena said as she helped the girl up while the other students looked on. At the same time, their class teacher and a few others arrived, and he grabbed Raena by the shoulder, and she looked back at him as the bully's friends held onto her.

"Let's take her to the nurse," A teacher said as she left with the bullies then Raena's class teacher sighed.

"You are indeed a gang of troublemakers," He said in an angry tone before moving his hand away from Raena and looking at the other students who immediately turned into different directions since they didn't want to get into any trouble.

"Follow me, all of you," He said as he walked away, and Raena sighed, knowing she had acted rashly, but she didn't regret it because she thought the girl deserved it.

While following the teacher, Raena looked at Nica who was troubling Astrun and she smiled.

"You guys seem like good friends," Raena said, and the girl grabbed her hand, bracing herself against Raena with a smirk on her face.

"We are, thank you for helping me, you didn't have to but you did, your name is Raena, the new girl who some consider weird, right?" She asked.

"You really need to watch how you phrase things," Astrun said, and Kyla laughed before patting Nica on the shoulder.

"Yes, I am that girl," Raena responded, and Nica smiled.

"I am Nica, nice to meet you," She said.

"Nice to meet you as well, Nica; I didn't expect this particular person to have many friends," Raena said, and Astrun glanced at her and she smiled.

"You know how to hit people hard as well, I guess there is more to you than meets the eye as well," He said as they approached the staff room and came to a halt.


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