

"Why did you stop? Come with me," He said as he entered the room and they followed him in and the other teachers there looked at them and Raena smiled nervously as they sat down on a couch and their teacher sat on another couch before them.

"Now, why did you guys pick a fight?" He asked and Raena glanced at him.

"We didn't start the fight; they started it, and we were just defending ourselves," Astrun responded and he sighed.

"You guys, well you to be precise, Raena destroyed a part of the property as well, you didn't need to go so far, there were other things to be done if you were being bullied, since I understand what actually happened, I am going to let you all off with a warning but don't make me repeat myself again, am I clear?" He asked and Raena nodded.

"You don't say a lot, do you?" He inquired.

"I am still new here, sir, and I still don't know much about how things are here, I will only speak when necessary for the time being." He scoffed as a book appeared in his hand and he began writing in it, then sighed and returned his gaze to them.

"All right, the next time someone bullies you, come to me or another teacher; there is no need to take matters into your own hands; if this anything is destroyed again, you will have me to deal with, and I will not let it go easily; we cannot have you kids at each other's throats all the time, am I making myself clear?" He asked, and they exchanged glances before turning to face him.

"Crystal clear, sir," Raena responded, and the others nodded in agreement.

"All right, now that girl comes from a noble family and she might want to cause more trouble, come to me if that happens again, got it?" He asked.

"Got it," They responded and he exhaled deeply.

"All right, go now; your next class will be about magical spells with Miss Ianna," He said theh they got up and left and he looked at the other teachers who were staring at them.

"What exactly is it now?" He inquired.

"Good luck with the troublesome ones," One of the guy teachers among them said with a grin and his brows twitched as he slammed the book down on the table and they jumped before scattering, then he sighed, knowing it was best to avoid trouble with those with celestial bloodlines who still had a bit of problem mixing with the demons within the academy.

After leaving the staff room, Nice left to go to her own class, while Kyla, Astrun, and Raena went to their next class. Raena was initially concerned about the punishment they would receive for fighting, but she was relieved when their teacher only issued a warning because he knew it was not their fault.

When they arrived at their next class, they saw the teacher was already there, she was fair, had long black hair, fair and slim and she knew why they were late, so she didn't question them.

"Good afternoon," They said and she smiled.

"Good afternoon, please take your seats; we're just getting started; you didn't miss anything," She replied, then they took a seat together and took out their notebooks.

Raena took notes after the teacher started teaching because she was talking about advanced transformation magic, but the teacher wouldn't let them do any demonstrations until their ranks were checked.

The class finally ended after more than two hours, and as they were packing up, the teacher looked at them and smiled.

"Guys, your ranks tests will most likely begin tomorrow; I wish you all luck with them, especially those who are new here; they can be pretty difficult at times, and depending on the term, the tests may change," The teacher said.

Raena replied, "Thank you for informing us," and the teacher smiled.

"You're welcome; now make sure you guys do your research on extreme advanced transformation, it'll help you, and once you get your ranks, you'll all get your chances to demonstrate, that way I'll know how to help you as well, got it?" She inquired.

"Got it," They replied as the dismissal bell rang, and they said bye to the teacher before leaving the classroom.

After leaving, they exited the building and Raena saw that Drakun was already at the gate waiting for her and she smiled before looking at Kyla.

"So, I will see you both tomorrow?" Kyla asked and Astrun scoffed.

"It's not bad hanging out with you guys, sure, see you later," He responded then left and Kyla chuckled.

"Are you bringing someone tomorrow, Raena?" Kyla asked.

"Probably, I will see you tomorrow, Kyla, bye," Raena responded.

"Bye," Kyla said as Raena rushed off and as she approached Drakun he smiled at her before bowing his head.

"Good afternoon," He said.

"Good afternoon, Drakun, no need to bow, shall we go?" She inquired, and he nodded before both of them vanished and reappeared at their usual location.

"I am really tired..." She mumbled and Drakun heard her and then smiled.

"Please take a seat; I'll get you a cup of coffee," He said, and she smiled before sitting down.

"Uh... Drakun, do you think he can come to the academy tomorrow?" He peeked at her when she asked.

"I am not sure, why?" He asked as she smiled nervously.

"No reason, just asking," She responded.

"No reason, huh? I feel like you are lying," He said and she sighed.

"I sort of got into a fight," She replied and he chuckled as he approached her then handed her a cup of coffee and she collected it.

"You are kidding," He said.

"Thank you, but no, I am not kidding," She replied and he smiled before sitting beside her.

"Did you actually get into a fight?" He inquired.

"I guess it appears that way, do you want me to tell you what really happened?" She asked.

"Yes, go ahead and then I will talk to master; I'm sure he won't mind if you got into a fight; if I know him as well as I think I do, he'll laugh," He responded, and she chuckled, sipped her coffee, and sighed at how delicious it was.

"I will tell you now," She said then began telling him exactly what had happened.

Next chapter