

Final exams

Everyone hated them but at least at the end of the exams we were rewarded with Prom.

Three years back when ocean was still with me, he promised to take me to prom.

I guess promises are meant to be broken.

The four of us had all night study groups for our exams and the exams went by with a flash and soon we were already dress shopping with Regan and my mom for prom.

"Blue looks good on you. Take the blue one." I tell Regan and she asks my mom for her opinion.

"The blue one obviously." My mom voices her thoughts and we then start looking for my dress.

Within a matter of minutes, I set my eyes on a strapless baby pink beauty with a glittery belt.

We all agree on that, we get a pair of heels and head home.

Day before Prom Marlon came to see me.

We talked for hours before he asked to go with me to Prom.

I kind of knew he would ask me, since Regan put the insane thought in my mind that Marlon liked me.

And obviously I said yes, we were best friends after all. He asked what colours I will be wearing so that we will match.

I had a sleepover at Regan's house so that the boys will pick us up at Reagan's house.

Both Daniel and Marlon came to pick us up and we took a bunch of photos before Prom.

We had fun at prom, Marlon was prom king since he played basketball and was quite popular and loved by all at school. We all kind of saw it coming, Marlon was quite popular. Keisha captain of the cheer squad won prom queen.

We all enjoyed ourselves at Prom.It was one of the best days, I might say.

Soon it was over and he headed to my house.

We stayed awake all night watching movies, listening to movies and singing along to the songs.

We had three months before university so we used this time to really enjoy Australia and its magnificent outdoor and indoor scenery before we go to England.

To fulfil my dreams

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