

Time passed and soon we were shopping for college with my best friends. We bought a lot of clothes, shoes we even had matching wrist watches, written our name initials on the left belt.

The most exciting part was that we were going to be together for the next four years or so.

Orientation at Oxford takes place a week before the actual opening dates and it is called Fresher's week.

Two days before Fresher's week

Mom suggested we all go three days before orientation in order to settle in as the plane would take almost 20 hours if we were having one stop. For a non-stopping flight it would take around 17 hours.

We unanimously agreed upon taking a 20 hour flight so we all packed our stuff and headed for England.

Longest 20 hours of our lives spent chit chatting at first full of excitement but all the zeal died out half way.

The time we got to England, Heathrow we took a cab It was an hour drive to Oxford from Heathrow. Regan's mom had suggested we get an apartment off-campus. This way the new environment fever will be dissolved by spending time with people we are used to. Marlon's dad had put a good word for us to the owners of apartments close to campus.

When we got to the apartment no one wanted to eat because we had all eaten, we all went to bed. The dads slept with the boys in the boy's apartment and the moms slept with us girls in our apartment.

Both our apartments were in the same complex we met in the lobby to go out.

All our parents stayed the night and went the day before freshers week because we were all exhausted.

The next day we all stayed home and went grocery shopping and bought a few home equipment as it came furnished.

Last day before orientation our parents had to go home so we had a big last meal before they left us in a foreign land.

We drove them to the airport and said our goodbyes, tears were shed but once our parents were gone the tears were also long gone.

We were all going to miss our parents, home.

Next chapter