

Barry and Kara separated from their kiss with massive smiles on their faces. Kara giggled and said "now I'm ready to go". Barry chuckled and replied "we just need to wait on Thawne then we can get going". As he finished speaking, Thawne walked into the pipeline and stated "I'm here, I mean truthfully I've been waiting down there for the past five minutes". Kara asked "why, you could have come in and talked with us". Thawne chuckled and shook his head. He replied "I wanted you two to fix things between yourselves first plus I didn't want to risk getting punched again". Kara frowned a little and said "sorry about that". Thawne chuckled and replied "you already apologised for that, countless times already, I've already forgiven you so you don't have to apologise anymore". Kara nodded and asked "so how is this going to work". Barry smiled a little and answered "I'm going to carry you, we're going to run behind Thawne who will be running ahead of us, I'll siphon his speed and run ahead, he'll then propel us forwards as I run past him, with our combined speed, it should be enough to get us to the future, then it's just a matter of finding our future selves, but I will warn you, we will see glimpses of our futures when we time travel, so try and stay focus". Kara nodded with a small blush on her face. Barry smiled and asked "so are we ready to go". Thawne nodded and replied "I am when you are". Kara smiled and said "I'm ready".

Barry lifted Kara up in his arms. Any sign of their argument was long gone as Kara giggled and then clung to Barry with a massive smile on her face. Barry asked "are you ok Kar". Kara nodded and cuddled into Barry a little as she replied "I'm more than ok babe, I love being in your arms, it makes me so feel safe". Barry smiled more and said "I'm glad to hear honey". He then smirked at Thawne and said "see you in a minute". Thawne shook his head as he let out a chuckle before he then sped off, racing around the pipeline. Kara asked "Bar". Barry asked "yeah Kar". Kara smiled and said "thanks for letting me come with you". Barry smiled a little and replied "well I don't my fiancé to be upset with me, I don't to lose you over some stupid mistake of mine". Kara smiled and replied "you Mr. Allen, are stuck with me, I wouldn't ever leave you over a stupid argument, I understand why you didn't want me to come, if it was me, I would have wanted you to stay here too, besides there is nothing that I want more than to be your wife and to keep our daughter safe and healthy". Barry smiled and said "me too babe". Kara smiled and asked "now why don't we get this over with so that we can start planning our wedding". Barry nodded with a massive smile before he then took off, racing around the pipeline to begin siphoning some of Thawne's speed.

Once Barry felt like he siphoned enough speed from the older speedster, Barry raced passed Thawne who with his last burst off speed, propelled Barry and Kara forwards. As Barry ran with Kara in his arms, as he mentioned, moments from their possible futures started to show up. The two smiled from ear to ear when they seen themselves standing at an alter, Barry in a nice suit and Kara in a stunning wedding dress. Kara smiled up at her fiancé before she then looked forwards again and seen another future. Barry and Kara along with team Flash, team Arrow and two others that they only seen from behind were standing opposite what appeared to be tall slender aliens straight out of a sci-fi movie, all they could make out from the mysterious pair was that one was in a scarlet red suit and the other had a red cape and long blond hair. Before Barry or Kara could think too much on it however, another possible future event showed up bringing massive smiles to their faces. Barry and a little blond girl were running side by side at super speed in the speed lab. Kara asked "is that our little baby girl". Barry smiled and replied "yeah it must be... unless we have another daughter". Kara smiled and said "I'll be happy either way". Barry nodded and replied "me too honey, me too". 

Barry sped out of the speedforce in a dark alleyway before coming to a stop. He carefully placed Kara on her feet and he was then immediately asked "what we saw, will they happen". Barry smiled a little and said "it depends Kar, they're possible futures so they might". Kara giggled and said "I think there needs to be one difference". Barry chuckled before he then asked "and what might that be". Kara giggled and replied "well you seen the wedding dress that I'll apparently wear to our wedding, I need to choose another dress when the time comes now". Barry smiled and said "you don't have too Kar, I only saw it for a split second". Kara giggled and remarked "which is like an eternity for you". Barry nodded and said "it was a beautiful dress though, you looked really stunning". Kara blushed and replied "I guess I better remember what it looked like then so that when the time comes, it'll be the exact same as what we saw". Barry smiled and said "and if it isn't the exact same, that doesn't matter, I'm not there to marry the dress". Kara smiled and said "we'll see when the time comes but for now lets get changed out of our suits, find our future selves and get what we came for, what year did we travel to anyway". As Barry lifted a newspaper that was conveniently on the ground in front of him, he replied "2024". He then read the front page before he then replied "finding us might be harder than we thought, have a look at this". Kara took the newspaper from Barry and read aloud the heading on the front page, "6 years since the disappearance of the Scarlet Speedster and Girl of Steel"....

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