Kara stared at the heading with disbelief. She then stated incredulously, "we disappear". Barry shook his head and replied "the Flash and Supergirl disappear, the future newspaper in the time vault shows that we are still alive, it hasn't changed, the speedforce even told us that we'll be fighting alongside our Earth Prime doppelgangers, one month from now at this point in time, our future selves are going against a dangerous threat, so we have to be here somewhere". Kara nodded and said "I'll keep reading to see if there is anything useful". Barry nodded as Kara started to read the article aloud, "6 years ago, Central City's heroes were last seen fighting what appeared to be a speedster in a metallic suit of armour, no one knows how the fight ended but many speculate that the Flash and Supergirl won but at the cost of their own lives, whilst others are still hopeful that our beloved heroes will one day return".
Kara noticed the concerned look in Barry's eyes as she read, so she stopped reading the article and asked "Bar what's wrong". Barry sighed before he then replied, "we don't beat Savitar for another year, none of our plans are going to work". Kara nodded and said "but that's why we're here isn't it, we're going to learn everything that we can about Savitar from our future selves including how they beat him, then we can go back and with the help of our team, we can come up with a plan that will work, we can win this Bar". Barry smiled a little and replied "yeah you're right Kara, I'm so lucky that you made me change my mind about bringing you with me". Kara giggled a little and said "well I couldn't just let my fiancé do this on his own now could I, you are always there for me when I need you so I want to do the same for you". Barry smiled more and said "you already do Kara, you have always been there when I needed you the most". Kara frowned a little and replied "except the first few weeks after you returned to this timeline, you had to be a hero and take care of Dawn without me there to help you". Barry smiled and took one of Kara's hands, giving it a reassuring squeeze before he then said "it wasn't your fault Kara, if anything, it was my fault". Kara shook her head with a small warm smile before she then asked "why do you always have to take the blame for everything that goes wrong, it wasn't your fault". Barry quickly replied, "but it was, I should have tried to bring you with me and Dawn, but I didn't". Kara squeezed Barry's hand before she then stated "but you did the right thing, if you had taken me too, I'd have only slowed you down, and we might have not all made it, you gave our daughter a future, yes I wish I could have been there so that you didn't have to take care of our newborn baby girl alone, her future matters more to me". Barry nodded with a small smile before he replied "I'm just glad that you're here". Kara nodded and said "me too Bar, do you want me to keep reading, there might be some thing else that can help point us in the right direction". Barry smiled a little and said "I might actually have something, can you pass me the newspaper Kar".
Kara handed Barry the newspaper before she then asked "did you see something while I was reading Bar". Barry smiled slightly and replied, "yeah, I noticed that there was something about a school trip to Star Labs on one of the pages, so who knows maybe we managed to actually get it back up and running again". Kara smiled a little and said "it isn't hard too imagine, you always did want to get Star Labs back up and running, to help the people that were affected by the particle accelerator". Barry smiled a little more and replied "I'm not the only one who wants that Kara". Kara nodded and said "yeah you're right, but Star Labs is your company, and it was your idea Bar". Barry smiled a little and replied "Honey, it's your company too". Kara smiled a little and said "thanks Bar but... I don't honestly know how I could contribute anything". Barry nodded and replied "I feel the exact same way sometimes". Kara asked "you do, how come". Barry chuckled a little and replied "being a csi is all I really know, I have no clue how to run a company, and I'm not as smart as Thawne or Cisco or Caitlin, so sometimes I feel like I can't really do anything, but I know that if we do it together, we can manage, we're a great team after all". Kara giggled and said "yeah we definitely are". Barry gave her a warm smile before he then sped read the article. Kara joked "you couldn't have done that five minutes ago babe". Barry chuckled a little and replied "sorry honey". Kara giggled and said "it's fine Bar, so are we going to Star Labs to look for our future selves". Barry nodded and said "we were mentioned in the article, apparently we're pretty well known in the future, so there is a chance that we'll be there, but we shouldn't use our powers, we don't want to give the city false hope". Kara nodded and said "well we better get changed and then get a move on then"....