
Christmas Dinner part two!

Kara sat back down in her seat beside Barry at the dinner table after refilling everyone's eggnog. She smiled and said "when you're done with your plates, you can leave them at the sink, me and Barry can clean them". Caitlin asked "are you sure, you two organized all of this, you need to relax, I can clean them". Barry smiled and replied "thanks Cait but you are all our guests, besides I do have super speed as does Kara". Caitlin nodded with a small smile. Thawne asked "do you have any plans for new years day". Kara nodded and answered "we're going to have a new years dinner, just me, Bar and Dawn, I've told Barry that on new years day, he's taking a break from training, we probably won't be coming into Star Labs at all that day, we've agreed to just relax for the day". Jay chuckled and asked "did Barry, or did you not let him have a say in this". Barry chuckled and replied "we agreed, I can't just train non stop otherwise I'll tire myself out, then we won't be able to beat Savitar". Jay chuckled and said "that's good, besides, I don't think anyone here would let you overwork yourself". Barry smiled and said "I know thanksgiving was a month ago, but I'm thankful to have you all, especially Kara and Dawn, last year was a tough year and this year has been as well, I wouldn't be here without you all". Kara smiled and said "the same can be said about you Bar, without you, I'd still be on earth 38, I wouldn't have you or our little angel here, this year, I'm most thankful for you and our daughter, I love you both so much". Barry smiled and replied "I love you both too, more than anything". Kara leaned over and gave Barry a quick peck on the lips before taking her plate and Barry's over to the sink to clean them.

Barry sat Dawn down on his lap and asked "will you be able to look after Dawn tonight mum". Nora smiled and replied "of course I can Barry, I'm always more than happy to look after my granddaughter, do you and Kara need time to yourselves". Barry smiled nervously and said "I um, I'm planning to uh....". He pulled out the ring from his pocket and showed it to everyone except Kara who had gone upstairs for something that she wanted to show her adoptive parents. Clark, Eliza and Alex all smiled knowingly while everyone else gasped in surprise. Barry quickly sped the ring back into his pocket as Kara came back and sat down in her seat. She giggled and asked "what was all the gasping about, did Dawn do something and I missed it". Barry smiled nervously and replied "no, it uh, it was uh, something else". Kara giggled and asked "what was it then, is it me, did you tell them an embarrassing thing about me, you did, didn't you". Kara wrapped an arm around Barry's waist and cuddled into him, ready to hide away if it was something embarrassing which made everyone at the dinner table laugh a little. Barry smiled a little and said "I'd never do that to you Kar, it wasn't anything embarrassing about you, I promise". Kara smiled a little and let out a breath of relief. Alex smiled and said "Barry was just showing us what he got you for Christmas". Kara smiled a little more and said "I can't wait to see what he's got me, I really hope you aren't spoiling me Bar". Barry smiled and said "it wasn't expensive Kar, and it's the last gift I got you, I promise". Kara giggled and said "it better be, I already have everything I need, you and Dawn are all I need with me, as long as I have my family with me on Christmas, I'm happy". Alex said "well when you see what it is, you'll be happier that he did decide to do something extra for you". 

Kara lifted her head from Barry's shoulder and asked "really, now I really wanna see what this present is, can't you give it to me now babe". Joe smiled and said "you should wait until we've all left Kara, I'm sure it would be easier for Barry and less nerve wracking for him if he doesn't have an audience". Kara replied, obviously confused "okay". Barry chuckled a little and said "thanks Joe, I would give it to you now Kara, but....". Kara smiled and finished "you want it to be really special and you don't want to be pressured with having everyone around, it would be easier when it's just the two of us..... unless no one is able to look after Dawn which is fine". Barry smiled and said "you're amazing Kar". Kara smiled and replied "well I'd like to think that I know my boyfriend pretty well, plus I'd do the same thing, besides I'm sure it'll be worth the wait". Barry smiled and said "I hope so babe, and it'll just be us, mum and dad said they can look after Dawn tonight". Kara smiled and asked "it isn't a problem". Jay smiled and said "it isn't a hassle, we're more than happy to look after Dawn so that you two can catch a break". Kara smiled and said "thanks Jay". Barry smiled and handed Dawn over to Kara. Kara asked "won't you need help with the dishes babe". Barry pecked Kara on the cheek and said "its fine Kar, it'll only take a sec, unless you wanna help with dessert". Kara smiled and said "but I wanna help with the dishes". Barry chuckled and asked "are you sure". Kara giggled and handed Dawn over to Nora. She then stood up and said "if I can collect more plates than you, I'm helping with the dishes and helping hand out the dessert". Barry smiled and replied "that sounds fair". Kara grinned at Barry and asked "ready to lose Flash". Barry chuckled and replied "we'll see girl of steel".  

Kara smiled at Barry as they washed the dishes. She asked "you let me win didn't you". Barry smiled and said "well I couldn't be the one who makes you lose that beautiful smile of yours". Kara giggled and rested her head on Barry's shoulder as she wrapped her arms around his waist. She then smiled from ear to ear and said "I love you Bar". Barry smiled and wrapped his arm around Kara's waist and pecked her on the forehead before replying "I love you too Kara".

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