
Special Gift!

Barry smiled as he put the last of the rubbish into a rubbish bag. Kara asked "so is that everything babe". Barry nodded and replied "I hope so, as much as I love Christmas dinner, even with my hyper metabolism, I feel really full". Kara smiled and took the rubbish bag and dumped it at the side of the room. She took Barry's hand and pulled him through to the living room. She smiled and said "sit Mr.". Barry chuckled and sat down on the couch. Kara smiled and sat down beside him, then immediately snuggled into him with her head rested on his shoulder. Barry wrapped his arm around Kara's waist and relaxed on the couch. Kara smiled and said "no one is here, we don't need to have a proper clean up immediately, lets just relax ok". Barry nodded and replied "you're the boss". Kara giggled and said "I'm not, I just care about my boyfriend very much". Barry smiled and replied "I know and I love you for it babe". Kara smiled and said "I love you too". Barry nodded and let out a yawn before saying "sorry, I just need to relax more than i thought". Kara smiled slightly and replied "it's ok Bar.... will you be ok to do that thing later, because if you're tired, we can just do it tomorrow instead". Barry pecked Kara on the temple and said "I should be ok Kar". Kara smiled and said "well if you are tired, tell me, I don't want you to feel like we need to have our fun, as i said, we can just do it tomorrow". Barry smiled and said "I promise you, if I'm tired, I'll tell you". Kara giggled and asked "pinky promise". Barry chuckled and wrapped his pinky around Kara's. He smiled and said "pinky promise".

An hour later, the couple were sat on the couch, watching a Christmas movie on tv. Kara asked "when will we go for Dawn tomorrow babe". Barry smiled and said "mum told me that she'll bring her into Star Labs, so it'll just be whenever we head in to Star Labs I guess". Kara smiled and cuddled into Barry a little more to get more comfortable. She said "that's more than fine with me". Barry smiled and said "you don't plan on getting up early, do you". Kara giggled and replied "nope, I woke up nice and early this morning, there is no chance that I'm getting up early tomorrow, I want to lay in bed with my boyfriend, you can just train in the afternoon, you wouldn't be training all day anyway, I wouldn't let you". Barry chuckled and said "that is true". Kara smiled slightly. Barry smiled and asked "what is it babe". Kara asked "when did you put the mistletoe up above us". Barry smiled and paused the movie. Kara sat up and looked at Barry who's face turned bright red. Kara giggled and asked "did you have this all planned Mr. Allen, you know we don't need a plant to kiss each other right". Barry nodded and said "I know babe, but that wasn't the plan". Kara asked "what was the plan then". 

Barry stood up and held his hand out to Kara. Kara took it and stood up. She smiled when Barry took her other hand. Barry chuckled slightly and said "to be honest, I've been trying to think of the right words to say all day, I couldn't, not because there is nothing to say, but because there is too much". Kara giggled nervously and asked "Bar, what is it, this isn't anything bad is it". Barry smiled and said "no it isn't, I promise". Kara nodded and waited for Barry to continue. Barry smiled nervously and said "um from the moment we met, I knew you would be someone special in my life, but I was afraid that I wouldn't ever see you again, then came flashpoint, I not only got to see you again but I also realized that I loved you, I think a part of me already knew but it was then that I properly accepted it, those months in flashpoint are some of the best in my life, I never once had a horrible day, and it was because of you, you fill my life up with so much light, I'm so lucky that after the timeline was reset, that i was able to get back to you, I know i say this too much but I would have been lost without you". Kara smiled from ear to ear all throughout Barry's speech. Barry smiled nervously again and let go of Kara's hands. He said "I know it might be too early but.....". Kara gasped as Barry got down onto one knee. She covered up her mouth in surprise as a few tears fell from her eyes. Barry smiled up at her with the ring held in one hand. He asked "Kara, will you m.....". He was cut off by Kara dropping onto her knees and smashing her lips into his. Barry recovered from his surprise and kissed back with a smile. 

Kara pulled away from the kiss with a massive smile and exclaimed "yes, as  I said this morning, the answer will always be yes". Barry let out a breath of relief and slipped the engagement ring on Kara's finger. Kara smiled from ear to ear as she looked at the ring. She asked "where did you get it, it's beautiful". Barry smiled and replied "my grandfather proposed to my grandmother with this ring, then my dad proposed to my mother using this ring". Kara smiled and asked "was this the other present you got me Bar". Barry smiled and shook his head. He said "I went and got us three tubs of your favourite ice cream". Kara's eyes widened in surprise. She hugged Barry tightly and said "you are the best fiancé in the whole multiverse". Barry smiled from ear to ear and said "well I think you're the best fiancé in the multiverse". Kara asked "you really think so". Barry nodded and replied "I do Kar, I love you so much". Kara smiled and said "I love you too". Barry smiled and asked "so do you want the ice cream now or.....". Kara said "the ice cream can wait". She then smashed her lips into Barry's and began unbuttoning his shirt. Barry kissed back with a massive smile, thankful that he was now engaged to the love of his life,

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