
First Christmas Together part one!

Kara smiled from ear to ear when she woke up. She hoped to Rao that nothing would ruin her first Christmas with her amazing boyfriend and her beautiful little daughter. Kara rolled onto her side and smiled at her sleeping boyfriend for a few moments before she climbed out of bed and quietly headed downstairs and into the kitchen. She started baking pancakes the way Barry taught her and then she filled up a couple of cups with some orange juice. Once she was done with the pancakes, she placed them on two separate plates, then placed the plates and the cups on a tray and then carried the tray up to the bedroom. Kara placed the tray on the bedside table and then climbed on top of Barry and lay down, resting her head on his chest. She smiled more when she felt Barry's arms wrapping around her waist. She looked up at him to see that he started to wake up. Kara pecked him on the lips and said "morning Bar". Barry replied, still half asleep, "morning Kar". Kara giggled and kissed Barry, waking him up completely. Barry kissed back with a small smile as he sat up. Kara moved so that she was straddling his lap.

Barry pulled away from the kiss a minute later and asked "how long have you been up for babe". Kara giggled and replied "I've been up for about forty minutes, I wanted to just relax a little longer with you before Dawn wakes up, so I made us breakfast in bed". Barry smiled and said "you didn't have to babe but thank you". Kara beamed and exclaimed "of course I did Barry, you've been the best boyfriend ever and I wanted to do something nice for you like you have for me so, Merry Christmas Bar". Barry chuckled and replied "Merry Christmas Kar". Kara smiled more and leaned in for another kiss which Barry happily reciprocated. Kara then pulled away before it became more than just kissing. She giggled and said "as much as I want to kiss you babe, we should eat before Dawn wakes up and needs fed, then we can move onto the presents, I hope you love what I got you, Dawn helped me choose it". Barry chuckled and replied "I'm sure I'll love it Kara, I hope you love what I got you as well, I may or may not have had help from our precious little girl too". Kara beamed and said "you didn't have to get me anything Bar I already have the greatest gift you could get me". Barry asked "oh yeah". Kara nodded and said "you didn't stop until you made it back to my earth, I not only gained the perfect boyfriend, I also gained my little girl too, I love you and Dawn more than anything, and I know I always say this, but thank you Barry, you make me the happiest girl in the multiverse". Barry smiled more and said "I need to thank you too Kara, you could have been freaked out at the fact that we have a daughter together but you weren't, and you could have stayed on your earth, but you came with me, you make me the happiest guy in the multiverse and there is no two people that I could love more than you and Dawn". Kara sniffed and wiped away a tear that had fallen from her eye. She smiled and said "Rao I wish our daughter was with her grandparents right now". Barry chuckled and said "what happened to eating breakfast". Kara smiled and took the tray from the bedside table then climbed off Barry's lap and placed the tray down where she had been sitting. She then sat on her side of the bed and cuddled into Barry's side before lifting up a pancake and began eating.

Barry smiled as he finished his last pancake. Kara bit her lip and asked "what did you think of them Bar, they were horrible weren't they". Barry smiled more and said "they were the best pancakes I've had in my life". Kara asked "really babe, you aren't just saying that". Barry smiled more and replied "it's the truth Kara, you've improved a lot". Kara hugged Barry tightly and said "thanks Bar, thank you for showing me how to, I've really learned a lot from you, no one has ever managed to improve my cooking but you seem to do it with ease". Barry smiled more and said "well I'm always more than happy to teach my girlfriend how to cook, I love cooking with you". Kara giggled and said "It never gets old hearing you call me your girlfriend". Barry smiled more and replied "well I love calling you my girlfriend". Kara nodded and asked "so what is the plan for Christmas". Barry smiled and said "well once Dawn is awake and fed, we can exchange gifts, then we can go out for a walk, hopefully it snows like it has been for the past few days, but we need to be back by two so that I can get started with the Christmas dinner, I told our friends and family to not come over until after three but before five as we wanted to spend a few hours, with just the three of us as it's our first Christmas Together". Kara smiled more and replied "that sounds good babe, should I wear the red dress for our Christmas dinner, you know the one with the snowflakes". Barry said "I thought you were going to wear the blue one". Kara smiled more and replied "I know it's just, red is your colour and you say I look great in red too, plus I think it looks cute". Barry chuckled and replied "you definitely do look great in red". Kara blushed a little and asked "so the red one". Barry smiled and said "it's up to you babe". Kara smiled and was about to reply when they heard a small sob coming from Dawn. Kara pecked Barry on the cheek and said "I've got this, we can't have Dawn become a daddy's girl". Barry asked "why, would you be jealous if our little girl gets my attention more than you do". Kara nodded and replied "absolutely honey". Barry chuckled and said "you know that wouldn't happen right". Kara smiled and said "oh I know". Kara then pecked Barry on the lips before climbing off the bed and heading over to the little cot and lifting Dawn up. She smiled at her daughter and said "it's ok sweetie, mummy is getting you food right now, your daddy is doing the dishes this time, we both know you're going to be a mommy's girl, aren't you". Barry chuckled when Kara stuck her tongue out at Barry before leaving the room.

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