
First Christmas together part two!

Barry pecked Kara on the cheek once he entered the kitchen. She beamed at him as she held a crying Dawn in one arm as she sorted a bottle in the other. Barry put all the dishes in the sink and started to clean them. Kara asked "why don't you use your speed babe, they'd be done much faster". Barry smiled and replied "true but we aren't really in a rush, it's always nice to take your time every once in a while". Kara nodded and said "I get what you mean, back in earth 38, I never really used my powers at home, not unless I needed more ice cream or pot stickers". Barry chuckled and said "I can believe that Kara". Kara giggled and shook her head. Barry put the last plate to the side to dry. He then put dishes from the night before away in their respectable pace before turning around and leaned his back against the kitchen counter with a warm smile on his face as he watched his girlfriend feed Dawn. Kara blushed when she looked up at Barry. She asked "have I got something on my face babe". Barry shook his head and said "no it's just, this still hardly seems real, I know I say it a lot but...... We have a daughter together, and she's getting really big". Kara smiled down at their daughter and asked "how old is she now.... she's six months old right". Barry nodded and said "yeah six months exactly, she's growing up too fast". Kara nodded said "this time next year she'll be walking and talking". Barry smiled and said "I can't wait but at the same time I don't want our baby girl to grow up". Kara replied "me too babe, me too".

Kara put Dawn down on a small baby seat then strapped her into it, before running out of the room, causing Barry to chuckle. He sat down on the couch and smiled When Kara came back carrying a couple of presents. She sat down in her favourite seat then placed the presents on the empty couch seat. Barry wrapped his arm around Kara's waist when she had sat down on his lap. Kara asked "so who goes first..... Can I give you mine first.... You probably got me better things..... I suck at gifts". Barry pecked Kara on the lips and said "you aren't Kara, I'm sure I'll love anything you get me". Kara beamed and lifted up a present. She then handed it to Barry. She excitedly said "open it, open it". Barry chuckled at his girlfriend's excitement before tearing the wrapping paper off the gift. Barry opened a box to see a black watch, in the middle, it had a silver engraving of the Supergirl emblem, with a lightning bolt going through it". Barry smiled and said "thanks Kar, this is so cool". Kara asked "really, you like it, I even got our initials engraved into it too". Barry smiled at Kara and pecked her on the lips before saying "I love it Kara, thank you". Kara smiled and said "I got one more, it isn't as good.... I don't think so anyway". She handed him her other gift as Barry replied "like I keep saying, I'm sure I'll love anything you get me Kara....... Although I do already have everything I need". Kara asked "you do". Barry smiled and said "You Kara, you and Dawn are all I need, I don't need presents to have the best Christmas ever, not When you and Dawn are a part of it". Kara smiled from ear to ear and said "I love you Bar, way more than you know". Barry smiled as well and said "I love you too Kara".

Barry unwrapped the second present and smiled When he seen a mug that had worlds best dad on it. He chuckled and said "thanks babe, it's way better than the watch". Kara giggled and said "no it isn't, but it's very true what it says, me and Dawn got it for you". Barry pecked Kara on the lips and said "thanks babe". He then smiled at Dawn and said "thanks you too princess". Kara giggled and pecked Barry on the cheek. Barry put his gift down and then lifted up his two presents for Kara. He handed her the first one which she immediately started to open. She opened the small box and smiled at the small necklace inside. It was a heart shape with the initials K and B engraved onto it. Kara smiled at Barry and said "I love it Bar". Barry smiled and said "open the heart Kara". Kara lifted the necklace out of the box and then opened the heart. She smiled even more when she seen a small picture of her, Barry and Dawn inside the heart. She sniffed and said "I love it so much Bar.... thank you, thank you so much". Barry smiled when Kara turned to him and hugged him tightly. Barry hugged her back and said "you're welcome Kara, I'm glad you love it". Kara asked "can you help me put it on". Barry smiled and said "of course I can Kar". Kara handed Barry the necklace then turned away from him. She lifted her hair, letting Barry put the necklace around her neck and then clasping it together. Barry smiled and said "done". Kara smiled down at her necklace and said "I'm going to wear it every single day". Barry chuckled and handed her his second present. Kara smiled at Barry again before opening the second gift. Kara smiled from ear to ear and said "thanks so much Bar, I love it". She put the photo frame down at the side. It had a picture of Barry, Kara and Dawn all dressed up for halloween. The frame was white and it had worlds best mum engraved into it. Kara pecked Barry on the lips and said "maybe we should leave Dawn with her grandparents tonight". Barry chuckled and said "yeah maybe we should, Merry Christmas Kara". Kara giggled and said "Merry Christmas Bar". The two then leaned in and kissed as the snow started to fall outside.

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