
Sending Eobard Home!

Barry nodded with a small smile. Eobard burst out laughing as he said "oh it makes so much sense, I thought you only knew about speedsters and the speedforce because you studied the Flash, but the fact that you are the Flash, no wonder why you know so much about it". Barry asked "so you really didn't know that I was the Flash". Eobard nodded and said "it must have been an easy thing to keep unknown, just like Savitar". Barry replied "except Savitar knows, Zoom knew, Savitar has the advantage here". Eobard asked "does he". Kara asked "what do you mean". Eobard replied "what I mean is, how is Savitar faster than you". Barry answered "because he was trapped in the speedforce for centuries, he soaked up the excess energy". Eobard shook his head and replied "that's what you think, you aren't dumb, I doubt you didn't find a way to stop him from doing so when you trapped him in the speedforce prison". Kara asked "so is that why he hasn't slowed down, after all this time, we were wrong". Eobard nodded. Barry asked "so how does that give us an advantage". Eobard replied "because what do you have that Savitar doesn't". Kara said "a team". Eobard nodded and replied "but I'm sure it's more than just a team". Kara nodded and said "it's a family". Barry smiled and added "and we're always there for each other, but we already know that". Eobard nodded and said "I wish I could give you all the answers but even in the future we don't know a thing about Savitar other than what you know already, I wasn't lying about that". Barry said "but someone does". Kara asked "who". Barry smiled and replied "me, I trap him in the speedforce, what if we go to the future to find out how he done that". Eobard asked "and how do you plan on doing that, running to the future isn't as easy as running to the past". Barry replied "I'll train to get faster, then I'll go". Kara took Barry's hand and corrected "he meant we'll both go". Eobard nodded and said "guess you have it all figured out then". Barry nodded before walking over to the control panel and opened Eobard's cell. 

Eobard hesitantly stepped out of the cell and asked "you're letting me go". Barry nodded and said "it's time you get to your future before you Marty McFly yourself out of existence". Kara giggled and said "great Back to the Future reference babe". Eobard asked "what's back to the future". Kara gasped and asked "you don't know Back to the Future, you really are evil". Barry chuckled and said "babe, he's from 300 years into the future, I doubt they still have back to the future". Kara smiled and said "well anyway, they are great movies, me and Bar just sat, snuggled up and watched them all a couple of weeks ago while our little angel slept on Barry's lap, as soon as you get home and abandon being an evil criminal, you should go home and watch them, and if I find out that you are still running around trying to hurt my boyfriend, and others, I swear to Rao, I won't hesitate to come to the future and drag you into Iron Heights myself". Eobard nodded with a slight smirk and retorted "that's if you can catch me anyway". Kara scoffed and said "oh please, I'm faster than you". Eobard chuckled and replied "sure you are, none of you were able to catch me until you took a shortcut". Barry smirked and asked "are you challenging us to a race". Eobard grinned and said "I guess I am". Barry chuckled and got into a running position. Eobard stood next to him and got ready to run as well. Kara smiled at the two before getting into a running position next to her boyfriend. Eobard smiled and said "I never thought I'd see the day that I'd get to run with the Flash without wanting him dead". Kara asked "do you". Eobard shook his head and said "I promise, I'll try and make it right when I return to the future". Kara retorted "you better". Eobard asked "why are you acting like my mother". Kara replied "I'm not. I'm acting like your great something, something grandmother, This is so strange". Barry chuckled a little, agreeing with her. He asked "are we ready". Kara nodded as she took Barry's hand. She gave him a small smile and replied "now I am". Barry smiled and gave her hand a small squeeze". He said "ok on go, three.... Two...... One..... Go".

The three of them took off around the particle accelerator. Barry ran side by side with Kara. They hadn't let go of each other's hands which made them smile at each other for a moment before catching up to Eobard who was running ahead of them. They noticed that he still had red lightning trailing after him but there was the occasional orange lightning, making the couple smile a little more. Once They were at their fastest, Barry let go of Kara's hand and threw Eobard into forwards, giving him the speed boost required to go back to the future. Barry then sped Kara up to the Cortex where they were greeted by their surprised friends. Thawne asked "so.... This Eobard is your descendant huh, I never saw that one coming". Kara giggled and said "you should have seen Bar's face when he found out, that was good". Cisco asked "so he's no longer the Reverse Flash now, he won't show up killing anyone again". Barry said "we're optimistic that he'll do the right thing". Caitlin smiled and said "if anyone can give someone a second chance to do good, it's you Barry". Barry nodded and said "thanks Cait, he gave us something that can help us against Savitar, I need to get faster, but for now, If you don't mind, me and my girlfriend needs to go home and finish decorating the house, it won't do it, itself". Nora handed Dawn over to Barry. She then smiled at him and said "of course we don't mind, you guys need the break". Barry smiled and said "thanks mum". Nora smiled more and said "we're proud of you both, thanks for coming back to your team". Barry chuckled and said "something tells me that we didn't really have the choice". Jay chuckled and replied "no, you really didn't". Kara smiled and said "you guys were all right anyway, we shouldn't have pushed you all away, we all need to work together to beat Savitar and we will, I just hope he isn't that evil that he ruins Christmas, because then we'd totally rename him the Grinch". Cisco chuckled and high fived Kara. Barry smiled at his girlfriend and asked "are you ready to go home". Kara beamed and asked "when am I never babe". Barry chuckled and said "bye guys, we'll see you all soon". Kara smiled and waved at them all before Barry sped them away home.

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