Barry took a couple of steps back away from the cell as he shook his head in disbelief. He said "no, it isn't possible, you can't be". Eobard chuckled and replied "I did warn you, I know it is strange, I never ever imagined that I'd get to meet my great, great, great, great, great, great....". Kara interrupted "ok Eobard we get it". Eobard smiled and said "I still can't believe that I got to meet you both, although it wasn't supposed to happen". Barry chuckled and said "this can't be happening". Kara asked "can I talk to you for a second Bar". Barry nodded and followed his girlfriend away from the cell to talk a little privately. He asked "what's up Kar". Kara took both of Barry's hands and said "I know this is difficult, believe me, I don't want my descendent to be a super villain hellbent on ruining my boyfriends life". Barry sighed and remarked "that's one way to put it Kara, I'm not entirely keen on it either". Kara nodded and replied "babe I know, but maybe it's a good thing that he is our descendent, and before you say anything Bar, please hear me out".
Barry nodded and ran a hand through his hair as he leaned against the wall. Kara said "what if we can convince him to change, to be more like you, he was a fan of the flash right". Barry said "maybe Kara, he could have a different reason for hating the Flash now, we'd need to ask". Kara nodded and said "we'll also need to find out if he has any of my powers". Barry said "it's unlikely Kara". Kara asked "how come". Barry said "maybe your the only kryptonian in the family, after a few generations, our future descendants won't have as much Kryptonian DNA as Dawn will have, and there is no telling what powers of yours Dawn will have either". Kara nodded and replied "I get that Bar, I just hope that some part of me will continue down to our descendants because I want the memory of Krypton to live on, I don't want it to die with me and my cousin". Barry smiled reassuringly at Kara as he wrapped his arms around her waist. He pecked her on the lips as Kara wrapped her arms around Barry's neck. Barry said "I promise you Kara, Krypton won't ever be forgotten, as long as our family lives, it won't be forgotten, I promise". Kara teared up and smiled at Barry. She beamed and said "Rao... you just make me love you more and more Bar... I love you so much". Barry smiled and hugged Kara, causing her to smile more than humanly possible. He replied "I love you too Kara, and once we go home, and we've finished decorating our house, you can teach me Kryptonian". Kara asked "really". Barry smiled and said "yeah Kar, I want to know everything about my girlfriend, including her culture". Kara sniffed and said "I'd happily tell you everything Bar, thanks for being an amazing boyfriend and best friend too, I don't know how I'd be able to live without you".
The couple headed back over to the cell once Kara had wiped away a few tears. Eobard smiled at them and asked "could you get me something to eat, I'm getting a little peckish". Barry asked "I take it, that's the speedster metabolism". Eobard chuckled and replied "you seem to know a lot about speedsters". Kara answered back "well we do know the Flash". Eobard's smile disappeared. He asked "you work with the Flash". Barry nodded and said "we do from time to time". Eobard scoffed and replied "I'm surprised he hasn't been for a chat yet". Barry asked "why do you hate the Flash". Eobard replied "I was a massive fan of the Flash, Supergirl too, I was born with the same powers as him, I wanted to be just like him, I wanted to save people". Kara asked "and how did you become like this". Eobard closed his eyes and leaned his head against the cell door as he answered "because I learned that destiny had other plans, I was to be the villain, so I became the Reverse of everything the Flash stood for". Barry asked "so you willingly gave up trying because you found out that a version of yourself was evil". Eobard replied "what's the point in fighting destiny". Barry said "I did Eobard". Eobard looked up at Barry. Barry continued "Kara is from another earth, Earth 38, we met last year when I accidently ended up on her earth, after I came back, I figured out how to get back, so I did, and now she lives here, we are from two different earths but we found a way to be with each other, you can fight destiny too, you just need to be willing too". Eobard asked "why would I want to, the Flash will always view me as a criminal, and that is what I am". Barry smiled and said "I did, and yes you have killed, but I believe in second chances, you should too". Eobard asked "why are you giving me a second chance, you're probably disappointed in me". Kara nodded and said "we are, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to prove everyone wrong". Barry nodded and said "besides, I already forgave the man who murdered my mother, now he helps us stop the meta humans". Eobard said "no offence but how can you help, I know you are smart but you don't seem like the sit back and watch type". Barry smiled at Kara who gave him a nod. Barry sped away leaving Eobard in shock. Kara giggled and said "I love it when he does this". Barry came back moments later with big belly burger. He pecked Kara on the cheek before turning to Eobard and said "I hope you like big belly burger". Eobard asked "you... you're the Flash".