

Kara asked "what do you mean he's here, as in, he's in Star Labs". Cisco furiously typed away on The keyboard and activated something. The area where the Flash and Supergirl suit was suddenly concealed behind a wall to hide them out of view. Caitlin asked "why is he here anyway". Suddenly Barry was standing in the middle of the Cortex holding baby Dawn. Kara asked "babe, how did you get there, we never seen you come in". Barry said "it wasn't me". The group all heard a chuckle from the entrance to the Cortex. They all then turned around to see The Reverse Flash standing with an evil grin on his face. He removed his mask and said "that would have been me". Cisco and Caitlin backed up so that they were next to Barry and Kara at the opposite side of the room from evil Thawne. Barry handed Dawn over to Kara and kept them behind him to protect them if Thawne tried anything. This caused the Reverse Flash to smirk. He said "I admire that you are keeping your family safe but I'm not here to hurt them". Barry asked "then why are you here". Thawne chuckled and replied as if it was obvious "why I need access to the Starchives of course". Cisco asked "why would you want access to the Starchives". Thawne sighed and asked "I'm sorry, who are you". Cisco asked "you don't know me". Thawne shook his head and said "can't say that I do". Barry asked "but you know me". Thawne smirked and said "of course I do Dr Allen, I know you, your wife Kara and your daughter Dawn, those two however, they weren't mentioned in the history books, guess they aren't as important as you three, this makes it easier". Thawne sped over to Caitlin and slammed her against the wall. His eyes started to glow red as he vibrated his hand close to Caitlin's chest. He said in his distorted voice "give me access to the Starchives otherwise your friend here won't see another day". Barry shouted "ok, ok fine, just let her go". Thawne chuckled and said "if you cross me, she's dead".

Barry sighed as he typed away on a computer. Thawne paced around and said "it's impressive you know, the power dampners in the Starchives makes it impossible for even a speedster to get in and out". Barry glared at Thawne and said "that's kind of the idea". Thawne smirked and asked "you've seen me before haven't you Dr Allen". Barry said "I've seen a speedster like you, he called himself Zoom". Thawne laughed and asked "really, that idiot, he is nothing like me". Kara asked "how.... How do you know us anyway". Thawne asked "who doesn't Dr Allen, what you and your husband did, it revolutionised the way we think about science, your work is what my research was based on, back before I decided to study something else". Barry asked "the speedforce". Thawne asked "so you know about it, very clever". Kara asked "so that's why you aren't threatening me or my.... Husband, it's because it would change the future if you did kill either of us". Thawne nodded with an amused smirk. He said "that's right Dr Allen, but you see there is another reason". Barry asked "and what would that be". Thawne chuckled and said "I think I'll keep it to myself, I don't want to let something so important slip out". Kara asked "what's so important about the Starchives anyway". Thawne replied "the CCPD have given Star Labs all the strange tech to study that they have no idea what it does, plus they want it away from the criminals, you'd be surprised how easy it is to break into the CCPD, there is something that I need, and once I have it, I'll be in my merry way". Barry sighed and said "it's done, the dampners have been deactivated". Thawne threatened "if they aren't, I'll be back". Barry said with a glare "they are". Thawne pulled up his mask and sped away with Caitlin.

Once the Reverse Flash sped away, Thawne, Jay and Nora ran into the Cortex. Thawne asked "are you all ok, we just got the alert". Barry shook his head and said "he has Caitlin, and he's heading for the Starchives". Jay said "we'll get her back and stop the Reverse Flash". Cisco sat down at the computer and said "guess we're the tech support". Barry smiled a little and said "let's get our friend back". Cisco nodded and began typing away at the computer. Kara asked "did you guys not get an alert". Cisco said "that was my fault, I was making sure that the suits were hidden and there was no trace of team Flash here that I never had time too". Thawne said "you did the right thing Cisco, don't blame yourself that Caitlin was taken". Barry said "if he's at the Starchives, he'll have to search the entire place to find what he's looking for, it'll give you both time to get there". Thawne nodded and said "I'll deal with the Reverse Flash, you get Caitlin". Jay nodded and sped into his suit. He said "ready when you are". Thawne sped into his suit and replied "let's get going". Jay nodded at Thawne and then sped out after him. Kara asked "are we able to see what's going on there, so we have camera's". Cisco said "yeah hold on I've....." . Barry smirked and said "got it". Kara giggled a little when Cisco asked "since when are you an expert in tech". Barry asked "well I do create Gideon in the future, don't I". Cisco huffed and said "you used your speed". Nora smiled and said "no he didn't Cisco". Cisco asked "are you guys ever going to let it go". Barry chuckled and patted Cisco on the shoulder before refocusing on the camera's. He said "Reverse Flash has what he needs". Thawne spoke through comms "we're almost there, we'll save Caitlin and stop him".

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